Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1594: The real horror of China's take-off

As soon as Lin Guanghua said this, let alone the audience in front of the TV, the female anchor who was in charge of hosting the special program was almost stunned.

No way, it was Lin Guanghua's bombardment that was too shocking to the world.

What is this place?

Central TV, a special live broadcast of the freezing disaster, turned out that Lin Guanghua directly attacked certain domestic airlines for inaction in front of TV audiences across the country.

As for those airlines, it goes without saying, of course, all airlines except Ascendas Airlines.

In human terms, Lin Guanghua used the largest traffic platform in China today and pointed to the noses of major airlines on a program with the largest number of online people. All of you here are rubbish!"

However, the problem is that whether it is the female anchor in front of Lin Guanghua or the ordinary viewers in front of the TV, although Lin Guanghua's words are shocking to the world, none of them feel that there is something wrong.

People are right. Ascendas Airlines has invested nearly 96 helicopters of various types, 48 ​​regional airliners, 24 mainline airliners, 12 special cargo planes. The number of planes alone has reached 180, which transports more than 10,000 passengers per hour. \Times, related relief supplies and goods exceeded 20,000 tons.

As a result, in the special programs of the past two days, China Ascendas production of Zhi-12; Zhi-15; FB-200-400; TNB-18F and other models have become well-known star models.

In particular, the 12 TNB-18F and Zhi-15 coordinated air cargo system has even been called the fastest express delivery in history by enthusiastic netizens.

Because just in the live broadcast yesterday afternoon, a live reporter followed a batch of emergency supplies from Beijing and arrived at a detained section of Beijing-Guangzhou Expressway within two hours.

Whether it is the carrying capacity of TNB-18F or the last mile of the straight-15 burden, the whole process is not only fast, but also very efficient.

In particular, the feeling of being home with 2 hours of free shipping made the viewers who watched the live TV call unbelievable.

And this is just an ordinary routine during the disaster relief period of Ascendas Aviation, because this scene is constantly happening in the severely affected areas in the south.

Of course, the FB-220 passenger aircraft has the most ink in the entire live program. Because of this, the FB-220 passenger aircraft belongs to the proper C position among the many models that Ascendas Aviation has invested in disaster relief, with absolute beauty + traffic + Acting in charge belongs to the kind of talented players who want to look good, have a figure, and have abilities.

Because of this, the FB-220 passenger plane has almost become an inevitable object of discussion in the past few days.

However, whether it was affected by Internet public opinion some time ago, or was suspicious of domestic high-end manufacturing, after witnessing the performance of the FB-220 passenger aircraft in the past two days, even those with firm beliefs have to admit that FB-220 The airliner is indeed an excellent civil trunk airliner.

In particular, the two FB-220 passenger planes that fly back and forth between Shanghai and Yangcheng have carried out 64 sorties in two days. On average, each plane has to perform a flight mission in 1.5 hours. The distance between the two places, it can be said that as soon as the two planes landed, they were filled with passengers, fuel and supplies and took off again, without even a chance to breathe.

The fact is indeed the case. Ascendas Airways has equipped the two FB-220 passenger planes with a total of 10 sets of aircrews, which will be rotated after two round trips, so as to ensure that the two FB-220 passenger planes can complete the impossible mission. A total of nearly 20,000 passengers were transported in two days.

Of course, this is not the point. The most important thing is that people really feel the extremely high reliability and safety of the FB-220 passenger plane through the most authentic live broadcasts.

Flying uninterrupted for 48 hours, it was completely rested, the plane was not rested, that's all, in order to save time, the pilots basically output crazy output during the flight, but even so, the two FB-220 passenger planes are still in condition. It's very intact. There are no innocuous glitches. Today, he still sticks to his post and continues to carry out the round-trip mission between Shanghai and Yangcheng.

People are marveling at the excellent performance of the FB-220 passenger plane, and they can't help but feel distressed about the aircraft and crew members of Ascendas Airlines, so many viewers are asking, how come there are so many domestic airlines, how come there is only one airline such as Ascendas at a critical time Carrying the big beam?

Where are the three major airlines: Air China, China Eastern Airlines and China Southern Airlines?

Where are the powerful provincial airlines of Fujian, Shandong, and Guangdong?

Why is it that only the FB-220 passenger plane carried everything with a weak shoulder, and some time ago, I was clamoring about my own how and where the excellent Boeing series and Airbus A series planes went?

Similar questions have long been brewing in the hearts of the audience. Now Lin Guanghua directly bluntly stated the inaction of these airlines in front of the national audience, which immediately resonated with the vast majority of the audience.

Yes, where did the people go when they needed you?

It's not that you keep saying that your Boeing 737 and A320 are so good. Come here and take the stranded passengers home. How come the freezing disaster is gone? Is it also frozen in the hangar? Then why is the FB-220 of Ascendas Airways okay, but not your Boeing 737 and A320?

As a result, the entire Internet public opinion immediately took an eighty-degree turn, and began to denounce other airlines other than Ascendas Airlines, the first to bear the brunt of the three.

Of course, some of them are washing the ground, but the problem is that this kind of remarks were overwhelmed by the righteous netizens as soon as they appeared. You said that it is not safe to take off and land. How can the Ascendas FB-220 passenger plane fly happily and freely? ?

So don't say anything about safety, there is no people in your heart, and you only look at the interests in your head. Naturally, you don't care about the life and death of the people. There is no other reason!

Seeing Lin Guanghua's unscrupulous heavy artillery, he directly flipped public opinion. Not even the minimum washing of the ground was possible. The leaders of the three major airlines almost didn't go crazy collectively.

I want to immediately possess the nirvana of Sadako one by one, climb directly into the TV screen, pull Lin Guanghua out of the live broadcast room, and then severely choke to death.

Zhuang Jianye's melee doesn't talk about martial arts every day, and all kinds of shameless things just open his mouth. When are you Lin Guanghua doing technical things so shameless?

Is it because these airlines do not want to participate in disaster relief?

Obviously, you China took off and caught the throats of the major airlines, so that they didn't even dare to move. How to do it?

As a result, when he turned his face, he started to buckle the **** on their heads. Who could stand it?

But the problem is that the major airlines can’t stand it and have to grit their teeth, because the horror of China’s take-off is that it not only allows you to do nothing during the freezing disaster, but also allows your fleet even in normal times. Like scrap metal, you can’t fly if you want to...

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