Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1587: Come here

So even if -220 cannot enter the international market, it can survive on the huge domestic market.

Don’t you see the thousands of Boeing 737 and Airbus A320 operated by several major domestic airlines?

It doesn’t need much. As long as you can get 20% of the share, then -220 can already make a lot of money. Moreover, with Zhuang Jianye’s grasp of operations and control of the market, 20% of the share is not even a passing line. , At least it is reasonable to get a share of more than 40%.

Take this time for taking back the remains of the Volunteer Martyrs. In the solemn ceremony, solemn effect, and solemn process, it was a large free advertisement about -220.

Not only did the Volunteer Martyrs return to China on a domestically-produced passenger plane, they also turned the -220 into a household product in this special way in front of the people all over the country.

The effect is much greater than that of participating in an air show.

No way, for a full hour and a half of the live broadcast, —220 is almost always the focus of the shots. Even if at some point, because of leadership lie, the —220 can still successfully grab the spotlight.

This can be known from the lively discussion of domestic netizens on the Internet that the domestic people’s love and yearning for this domestically-made large aircraft is really unrelenting.

Of course, Boeing and Airbus hate their teeth. They naturally have to respond, such as terminating China's take-off foundry cooperation, raising barriers to entry to prevent 220 from entering the international market, but Boeing and Airbus How did Airbus react? At this moment, CNN reporter George Kim, who is still at Wonsan Airport in South Korea, put down the phone in his hand with a frustrated expression.

Just now, he was fired because his report just now angered a large number of netizens.

The reason is simple. If he doesn't take the 220 shots, he thinks no one can see it. The problem is that in the Internet age, the speed of information transmission is far beyond personal imagination. If you don't shoot on CNN, it doesn't mean that others don't.

Seeing that netizens put the screenshots of China Central TV and KBS on the Internet, many people began to question CNN, why it is also a live report, but they don’t even have a —220 lens. Is it really blind? can not see?

So overwhelmingly questionable emails, text messages and phone calls directly crashed CNN's reception and customer service.

Now the CNN executives don't do it. They can't be wrong. The silly netizens are not a good bird, but they are too large to deal with, so they can only let George King, an immigrant from Eastern Europe, take the blame.

Regarding George King’s experience, no one at the scene paid any attention to it. Although Jiang Bingshen of KBS TV still has a strong desire for the United States, he feels that the development of a country across the sea from South Korea is really fast and more important. It is a country that can develop itself step by step without fear of any external influences.

In contrast, South Korea does not have such confidence, so Jiang Bingshen focused on the -220 aircraft in his report and introduced the development of a certain country in recent years, which is relatively objective and relevant.

When Mu Fengyi learned of the domestic-made 220 aircraft to carry out this return mission, he witnessed the elegant and beautiful figure of the 220, which was shattered in an instant after being planted by George King.

What you can do in Europe and America, our country can do the same.

The reason why your development is fast is because you developed early and have a solid foundation; the country’s industrialization started after the founding of the country, and the real modernization is reform and opening up.

But what about it, you have a large civil aircraft, and we can also build it, and it's not worse than yours. That's enough!

Therefore, the passion of Mu Fengyi in the report can be said to be from within, without pretentiousness, which also made him famous in the first World War in China, and his fame!

Director Zhao, as the representative of the veterans of the Volunteer Army, was responsible for picking up the plane at an airport in a core city in Northeast China. When watching the plane carrying the old brothers slowly land, Director Zhao slowly raised his hand and paid a military salute. A photojournalist captured it and became a very famous news picture that year.

Zhuang Jianye neither traveled to South Korea nor greeted him at the airport in a core city in Northeast China, but he was not idle either, because he was organizing a marketing team from China's take-off and using all available media to copy -220 heat.

For example, in contact with "The Rabbit That Year", which is relatively popular in the animation circle recently, Zhuang Jianye specially asked the original author to create a special feature, the content is that two veterans met in different time and space and told each other about the present and the past. , The last -220 plane was escorted by two fighter jets, flying across the sky. At this time, only one veteran with military medals was left with tears in his eyes: "Dear, that's our -220 plane, take you back. Home’s big plane!"

The final picture is a big "going home" reflection...

For another example, netizens confessed the phrase "My country is amazing". Zhuang Jianye asked the production team to design a badge avatar, condensing "My country is amazing" with artistic fonts of -220. On the fuselage, a high-spirited avatar badge is made and distributed to netizens who rumors that "my country is awesome" for free.

Another example is to hire Ju Tao, who is very well-known in the film and television circles nowadays, and Mr. Ju personally manages the shooting, focusing on TM-9, -200, -200-400, -220 and TNB-18F, which are now the five main models that are taking off in China. An image propaganda film called "Flying Wings".

The G wave part is a picture of five aircraft flying in the sky in a formation.

As a world-renowned aerial photographer, Ju Tao took a civilian-type Y-17, UU Reading www.uukanshu.comTNB-17E. Not only did he perform difficult overhead and side shots, he also seized the opportunity to examine each aircraft. It took a close-up, and finally took TNB-18F in the center, and the other four aircraft were divided into two sides, and the whistling skipped in front of the camera...

There is no voice-over or text explanation in the entire promotional film. The model of the aircraft is written on the vertical tail of the aircraft, accompanied by the flying "China Takeoff" and Costin’s logo on the fuselage. Anyone can know what this film says. What is it.

That is the strength and confidence of China to take off.

Because at this time, China Ascendas has formed a series and lineup in the field of civil aircraft, and it has the strength to compete with Boeing and Airbus. If that is the case, what can you do?

Don't pretend, we have a showdown in China's take-off, and this domestic market has our own China's take-off!

This kind of silent oath directly shocked the Aviation Industry Group. They wanted to fight, but they got together and found that there was no civil aircraft that could be used, and they couldn’t let Yun-12 fly up. Walk around?

Not shameful enough.

So think about it, Quandang didn't see it, anyway, the profit of the aviation industry group of civil aircraft is not big, and China takes off.

The Aviation Industry Group retired after knowing the difficulties, but Boeing and Airbus were completely annoyed by this promotional film. There was no way that this film was filmed for them, which is equivalent to showing the carts, horses, and guns. Zhao Yiyang, and the lion roar: "You TMD come here!"

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