Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1577: Advertise

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"It should be impossible..."

At this time Tian Luyi also shook his head firmly: "The cost of the CZ-3 carrier rocket is 950 million yuan, which is a little more than 100 million U.S. dollars in U.S. dollars. It is already considered in the international space launch market. Very cheap product too.

Zhuang Jianye’s Drilling Monkey-2C launch vehicle, even if it uses cheaper kerosene as fuel, it uses the more expensive aluminum-lithium alloy and carbon fiber as the main materials. After a comprehensive calculation, it is comparable to the CZ-3 launch vehicle. There is basically no difference in cost. Couples who do not have a pair only charge RMB 18,888, and 108 pairs are only 2.04 million. Even if it uses the multi-star launch technology, even if it launches 10 at a time, it is only more than 20 million. It is a loss. Child's. "

Speaking of this, Tian Luyi shook his head with certainty: "Unless ZTM-NB can get other satellite launch orders, it will definitely lose one for launch!"

"The problem is that nowadays China Ascendas has only one type of the Sky Monkey for rapid emergency response — the 1F solid launch vehicle has the qualification to launch small experimental satellites, and the Sky Monkey — 2 series does not have it. How did they get the order? There are no rompers left."

At this time, Tian Changmao hit the nail on the head. Space launch qualifications are not something that ordinary people can get. China's soaring Diamond Monkey 1F solid carrier rocket is responsible for the major backup task of the headquarters, and only then will it be approved by the higher-level department.

But even so, there is no commercial launch qualification. Instead, a test launch qualification is given. That is to say, the Diamond Monkey-1F solid launch vehicle can be launched, but it cannot be used for commercial purposes and can only be used as a limited test project. Launch.

As for the limit, it depends on the attitude of the higher-level examination and approval department. Anyway, the process is extremely cumbersome and the process is extremely complicated. If you can give three opportunities a year, you can even burn high incense.

That's all, the key is that the superior approval department and the aerospace system can be described as two brands, a team, almost playing the dual identities of referees and athletes to the extreme.

That is, behind Zhuang Jianye is secretly supported by the head of the headquarters, otherwise, relying on the industry barriers built by Tian Changmao and others, Zhuang Jianye's aerospace dream has long been turned into a nightmare.

Of course, Tian Changmao and others are also very depressed. After all, Zhuang Jianye is not a vegetarian. It is a powerful and explosive dragon who wants people and connections, capital and capital.

Neither party can do anything about it. Then Tian Changmao and the others will simply hold on to the power of qualification approval and prevent you ZTM-NB from being a barbarian from entering.

As for whether or not to lose money, and to what extent, that is what Tian Changmao and others are concerned about. After all, the threshold in the aerospace field is so high.

So Tian Changmao leaned back on the sofa and smiled with relief since the live broadcast: "If Zhuang Jianye was relying on their DPZ-1C liquid oxygen-kerosene engine, T-NB525 aluminum-lithium alloy, H-NB8380 carbon fiber composite The materials are used as a supporting tool for our aerospace department. I really have to say that this Zhuang Jianye is indeed a man in the market, but it’s a pity..."

As he said, Tian Changmao slowly shook his head, it can be said that everything is said without saying.

No way, Tian Changmao was nervous and even fearful before, because he was afraid that Zhuang Jianye would use the live broadcast to show his family background, and then he took advantage of the situation and accepted the advice, saying that his ZTM-NB obeyed the organization's arrangements. Several big brothers under the department lay hands and helped.

If this were the case, then Tian Changmao and others would be roasted on the fire.

Just ask if you answer or not!

If you don’t agree, everything that Zhuang Jianye brought out is pretty good, and his attitude is also subdued. He used to be a mother-in-law, but now he doesn’t even want to be a concubine, so he just put ZTM-NB in ​​the superior. His sympathy is shared with La Man, who is guaranteed to get the support of a large number of leaders.

But if he agrees, with Zhuang Jianye's ability and ambition, how could he be willing to make a supporting package? In the future, he will still have to jump back. By then, several aerospace core factories will be merged, and the entire aerospace department will be torn apart, not to mention its vitality. Chunks of meat.

Because of this, if Zhuang Jianye chooses this way, Tian Changmao is the most troublesome and also the one he fears the most. Otherwise, he won't be surprised when watching the show, making it the same as schizophrenia.

As a result, Zhuang Jianye didn't go to the top at all. He took the next step, which was to lay out his carts and horses and fight head-to-head with the aerospace department.

Even his own "WS Development" series of constellation satellites were sent to space by the CZ-3 and CZ-4 of the aerospace department. What qualifications does Zhuang Jianye have to challenge the entire industry?

Just rely on the "love" gimmick just made out of thin air?

Not afraid of losing money!

Therefore, Tian Changmao breathed a sigh of relief, but he couldn't help commenting: "Ambition is a good thing, but too much ambition is not necessarily a good thing~~~ Luyi, do you still want to go to ZTM-NB? "

When Tian Lu heard the words, he also sighed: "I didn't expect Zhuang Jianye to choose such a path...oh~~~ Forget it, I can't afford it with him, it's better to continue to be carefree in the original unit!"

After hearing these words, Tian Changmao's smile became more and more kind: "Lu Yi, you have finally grown up..."

Although Tian’s grandson’s performance does not represent everyone’s point of view, it is the opinion of the vast majority of veterans in the industry. Therefore, many people feel that Zhuang Jianye’s so-called 18888 pair of children’s "Comparing Wing Birds in Heaven" project is just ahead. In the past few years, some arrogant people bought the land certificate for the moon, like the certificate for the colonization of Mars, except for money, nothing.

Because of this, the industry's attitude towards Zhuang Jianye and ZTM-NB is the same as before.

But compared to the cold-eyed in the industry, Central TV gave Zhuang Jianye a great affirmation.

No way, UU reading www. The live broadcast of uukanshu.com’s special program can be said to have created many records since the establishment of CCTV. That’s all, the key is to get the praise of senior leaders and encourage CCTV to do more of this kind of close to life in the future. It is a program with great scientific value and positive energy.

So as soon as the live broadcast ended, Ju Tao received a call of commendation from the leader of the station, with a fat face that was brighter than the chrysanthemum blooming in autumn.

So put down the phone and couldn't wait to say to Zhuang Jianye who was sitting beside him with great pride: "Brother Ye, tell me, how can I thank you this time!"

"What's wrong? You got promoted?" Zhuang Jianye asked.

"It's even better than being promoted. I will be specially hired to the Beijing Propaganda Department to eat the royal food!" Ju Tao was quite show-stopping.

Zhuang Jianye nodded: "Well, yes, Master Ju Quanxia knows how gratified you are. In that case, I won't be difficult for you. The 15-second commercial before the news broadcast will see if I can give it to me. 'The project is about to start, we have to find a good platform to advertise.'

Upon hearing this, Ju Tao's fat face immediately collapsed: "Brother Ye, can we stop joking, 15 seconds before the news broadcast...this...it's really difficult to handle!"

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