Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1573: "WS Development" series of constellations

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It's not ignorant, after all, most of the audience in front of the TV are laymen, and what Zhuang Jianye said is extremely professional, and there are not many who can really understand it.

Fortunately, there are several professional "great gods" on the interactive platform. The words of Zhuang Jianye were disassembled and crushed in the form of text, and they were explained and explained in easy-to-understand language by the big guys. So that most people can understand.

For example, a netizen with an ID called "I am ugly, but I am not gentle", explained the H-NB8380 carbon fiber composite material used in the 2C fairing that Zhuang Jianye just said.

Just one sentence: "At present, only DuPont of the United States and Toray of Japan can make this level of aerospace-grade carbon fiber composite materials, so there is no need to question the advanced nature of this material. You only know this thing is awesome. It's over."

With the answers from the great gods, the people who eat melons quickly regained their vitality, especially the military fans who mixed among them, and they immediately started many associations when they saw aerospace-grade carbon fiber.

As a result, many long-range missile bodies can use similar carbon fiber materials; the question of whether the range can be greatly improved quickly floods the interactive platform.

Some viewers even asked a lot of quite sensitive topics.

So much so that the leaders of Central TV personally called Ju Tao and asked him to find a way to control the screen, but there was no way. If this continues, the leaders of Central TV are really afraid of smashing a big basket.

After all, from the bottom logic, the technical versatility of launch vehicles and long-range missiles is extremely strong.

Why did the liquid launch vehicle of the former Soviet Union do so well?

It’s not that their liquid long-range missile technology is unique in the world. Take the SS-18 "Satan" heavy-duty long-range missile that frightened the West. The former Soviet Union was able to preserve the internal liquid fuel for more than 10 years under advanced refueling. So as to achieve the same reaction speed and strike efficiency as solid long-range missiles.

With this technology, even the Americans have to admit that they are far inferior to the Soviets.

Therefore, it is normal for military fans and spectators to ask questions about space-grade carbon fiber, because they know that this thing can be used in long-range missiles.

But the problem is that it is now a public live broadcast, and this kind of sensitive topic cannot be broadcast anyway. However, the immediacy and suddenness of the live broadcast makes such a problem suddenly appear in front of many viewers.

If you do not answer, it will inevitably discourage the audience's enthusiasm for watching and affect the ratings; but if you answer, the entire program will be interrupted at any time or even permanently cut off.

No matter what it is, the TV station doesn't want to see it.

But there is no alternative, who made them lack of experience in this area? They didn't even have a rhythmic evaluation team and reviewers, so they directly transferred the interactive content to Zhuang Jianye. Naturally, they couldn't hide it.

Therefore, a cold sweat broke out on Ju Tao's head again. He is most afraid of this show being hacked. The loss to him is not only the simple show, but also his prestige and status in the domestic film and television circles will be greatly affected. .

So Ju Tao picked up the walkie-talkie again and said anxiously: "Brother Ye, let's skip the sensitive topic of missiles. It's too sensitive. It's not appropriate to say it or not."

Zhuang Jianye listened to the voice from the hidden earphones, facing the camera, one hand quickly made an OK gesture to Ju Tao, and immediately pretended to look at the interactive problem, nodded pretentiously: "It seems that the big guy is treating us Of aerospace-grade carbon fiber composite materials.

In fact, the H-NB8380 is just an entry-level one in this level. It belongs to the same level as Toray’s M40. After all, as a civil aerospace entity, the cost will be placed in an important position by us from beginning to end. In contrast, the H-NB9260 carbon fiber composite material is our focus in this field. The benchmark is the M70 carbon fiber composite material, which is mainly used for the'WS development' series of constellation satellites developed by ZTM-BN. Manufacturing.

Oh, by the way, the big guys may not know about our "wretched development" series of constellation plans. It is the first aerospace service project developed by our ZTM-BN company. It mainly uses multiple groups of satellites in low earth orbit to form a constellation. Scanning in specific areas can be used for national land surveys, resource exploration, environmental assessment, disaster prevention and mitigation, and urban planning projects. There are currently 5 satellites in orbit..."

"Zhuang understands Wang, don't divert the topic, what we want to hear is not satellites, but the application of space-grade carbon fiber in long-range missiles."

"Yeah, Zhuang Dongwang, what can be said about satellites, the missiles are so exciting, you don't need to say anything else, just talk about our country's No. 31 missile..."

"What can I say about the No. 31 missile? Hailang 2 is the Zhenguo artifact, Zhuang Dongwang, are your carbon fiber composite materials used on Hailang 2?"

"Let's talk about the 5th change, that is the Dinghai Shenzhen..."

Before Zhuang Jianye finished speaking, a large audience of enthusiastic military fans stopped doing it. A series of questions were screened again. Although there were rational audiences reminding everyone, this kind of sensitive topic is not easy for Zhuang Dongwang to speak, and it is easy to 404. The vast majority of the audience has already come to the top, after all, the opportunity is rare, even a little hint, it also satisfies the long-cherished wish of the vast majority of military fans for many years.

After all, the army fans who have been looking at advanced foreign weapons for so many years and dreaming about the J-8 and F-22 grew up really eager to be able to use their heroes so that their persistence for so many years will not be beaten by the cruel reality. Got to be shattered.

So these people really didn't care, and some people with ulterior motives instigated them, and soon a wave of forced imperialism was set off on the interactive platform.

Seeing this, Ju Tao's forehead was not in cold sweats, but big beads of sweat fell off, because in this situation, the show will inevitably be killed, but Ju Tao will do the worst. When planning, Zhuang Jianye's voice came from the walkie-talkie: "Are you ready?"

"Okay!" Ju Tao answered simply.

Hearing this, Zhuang Jianye smiled gently at the camera: "It seems that everyone thinks that our'WS Development' series of constellation satellites have so-so functions. In that case, let's make a game. Later we will release two sets of contrast images. The first person to judge the content of the screen, our ZTM-BN company will give each person a Nokia N95 mobile phone, direct the broadcast, and cut the screen up..."

When I heard that Zhuang Jianye wanted to give a gift, UU read www. uukanshu.com is also the Nokia N95 mobile phone that was just released last year. The screen-swiping problem on the interactive platform was immediately affected. Kind of words to dominate the screen.

However, before the joyous atmosphere of the audience was completely blasted, the text refreshing on the entire interactive platform suddenly stagnated, as if time had stopped at this moment, and no one left a message.

Why, it's very simple. The audience was so shocked by the set of images that were just cut out that they didn't know how to express it.

I saw the TV screen divided into two parts. The one on the left was a bird's-eye view of the convoy moving forward from the air by a ghost-elf drone before the show started.

The right side is slightly blurred, and it is still original black and white, but under the picture marked with the words "WS Development Constellation Gaze", it is also a dynamic picture of the live broadcast team winding into the Xikang factory.

The same picture can be understood when taken by drones. High-speed moving satellites in space can also be taken, and they can be transmitted back to the ground so quickly. This shocking effect is nothing like being seen from the inside out. the difference!

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