Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1570: "Environmental Protection 666"

Upon hearing this, the audience on the interactive platform was suddenly confused.

Where have they seen this posture, millions of things are just a matter of words, so many people are a little bit embarrassed and appeal to Zhuang Jianye to be sensible in interaction.

But some people think that it is Zhuang Jianye's pretentious gesture, but just acting on the spot.

However, the eagerness of the Xikang factory at the scene cannot be faked. Seeing that Zhuang Jianye wants to go his own way, the supervisor had to persuade again: "Zhuang, even if these millions are burned, what can we get? Is it just poisonous rocket? Can it be eliminated from the aerospace field? Can our DPZ-2D liquid oxygen-kerosene rocket engine be recognized by the industry? Will we be rewarded with so many years of hard work?

Mr. Zhuang, let’s face the reality. Those who really have the final say will never see what we are today. No matter how the viewers in front of the TV support it, it’s only a solidarity. It can’t solve the problem. We really don’t need to do this. The audience burned millions of devices in vain, it's not cost-effective, and it's not worth it..."


Before the supervisor’s voice was over, Zhuang Jianye dropped the walkie-talkie in his hand to the ground, and the broken parts were splashed everywhere. Let alone other people, Ju Tao in front of the monitor was shocked. When the executive director on the side indicated whether the live broadcast was going to be interrupted, Ju Tao said that he did not use it.

The reason is simple, this G~~~ tide drama is here.

Sure enough, after Zhuang Jianye fell the walkie-talkie, he stared at the executive with an angry face, and his voice was surprisingly harsh: "Are you the person in charge of ZTM-NB, or is I Zhuang Jianye?

What if the poison rocket can't be eliminated? How about the DPZ-2D liquid oxygen-kerosene rocket engine not recognized in the industry? What if our efforts are not confirmed?

I, Zhuang Jianye, can only live up to my own conscience!

What I can do today is not the authority of the industry, nor the affirmation of the industry, but the support of thousands of family members and old irons in the stock market in front of the TV. I take it. Why can't the family's money do real things for the family?

I don’t care what others think. Anyway, we can let the rockets made by ZTM-NB destroy the environment and the descendants of the remains. This is my bottom line. ? I will come personally! "

Speaking of Zhuang Jianye, he climbed onto the forklift, and immediately turned to a row of DPZ-2D liquid oxygen-kerosene rocket engines behind him.

Upon seeing this, the executive finally compromised. While blocking Zhuang Jianye, he said in pain: "Zhuang Zhuang, our funds are originally limited. This time, if the equipment is burned, there may be no follow-up funds. If you are talking about family members, If it's really reliable, let them take a good look at all this today. We really did it for the sake of our conscience!"

After finishing talking, the executive gritted his teeth and shouted at the staff behind him: "Put that 147 DPZ-2D liquid oxygen-kerosene rocket engine on the test bench!"

"I'm getting one, order two at a time!" Zhuang Jianye suddenly added another sentence as soon as the supervisor's voice fell.

The supervisor shed tears directly: "Mr. Zhuang, we really want to get rid of it!"

"I won't be able to TM today, take another one, just click on the point!" Zhuang Jianye was tougher, and the executives were helpless, tearing up everything.

And Zhuang Jianye's face is not very good at this time, and when he returns to the camera, he also looks frustrated, and his tone of voice has also appeared a lot of depression: "I'm sorry, the family in front of the TV, our company has indeed encountered some difficulties during this period. , Mainly because our DPZ-2D liquid oxygen-kerosene rocket engine is unsalable due to various reasons.

Originally, we were going to adapt this environmentally friendly and efficient rocket engine to the improved CZ-3. It may be that our environmental protection concept is too strong and relevant units have not adopted it. I understand this very well. After all, unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine and The production of chemical products such as nitrous oxide is not easy. If you stop rashly, it will have a big impact. Hi~~~ Why do I say this..."

The voice fell off, Zhuang Jianye exhaled a few times, and the fuselage became radiant again, and his tone became tough: "It's still the same sentence, and I have a clear conscience. This time, Zhuang Jianye is really going to lose my blood. There is still some time to start, the family in front of the TV, I hope you can deduct an "environmental protection 666" on the interactive platform to give me Zhuang Jianye an encouragement. Has a clear conscience..."

As soon as this remark came out, the interactive platform was immediately screened by "Environmental Protection 666".

No way, the audience in front of the TV was so touched by the scene of Zhuang Jianye. No wonder the whole factory area looks a little messy, no wonder all the workers dress casually, no wonder the whole factory is full of irregular evils. It turns out that the company has fallen into it. The predicament is almost unsustainable.

But even so, Zhuang Jianye still promised the audience in front of the TV to click on two DPZ-2D liquid oxygen-kerosene rocket engines to let the big guys see if the ZTM-NB is a real guy.

This is where it proves that it is basically using life as the final swan song.

Chinese people have sympathized with the weak since ancient times. This scene is vividly set before our eyes. Zhuang Jianye, a tragic lover who perseveres to the end for his dream, but because of the rejection of some stubborn large organization, stands up in an instant.

So at this moment, when Zhuang Jianye roared to order two channels, there was a kind of heroism in front of Wu Jiang, the king of Chu, which caused many emotional audiences in front of the TV to burst into tears on the spot.

And more viewers were ashamed of their questioning just now and almost found a place to sew in directly.

So they heard that Zhuang Jianye wanted to use "Environmental Protection 666" to encourage themselves. The group did not hesitate to press crazy on the screens of computers and mobile phones.

At first, some rhythmic public intellectuals occasionally ridiculed a few sentences, but as soon as these words appeared, they were drowned by countless saliva.

Seeing that things can’t be done, public intellectuals simply joined the screen-scrolling army. UU Reading www. uukanshu.com brings the issue of "environmental protection" to the fore.

As a result, the central TV short message platform and Internet server in Beijing almost collapsed on the spot, and a lot of equipment had to be temporarily added to ensure the normal operation of the interactive platform.

For this reason, Central TV has spent nearly one million additional funds, but even so, the leaders of Central TV laughed, because the ratings are about to explode.

At this moment, Zhuang Jianye also followed the camera all the way to the rocket engine test bench at the back of the Xikang factory. Following Zhuang Jianye’s order, the two DPZ-2D liquid oxygen-kerosene rocket engines roared at the same time, accompanied by a huge Water vapor spouted out two huge fire dragons.

On the test data screen above the head, the thrust value kept flickering, and the maximum thrust value of a single unit of 66.7 tons was reached in just a few seconds.

At this moment, the audience in front of the TV boiled, but Tian Changmao and other veterans in the aerospace field, at this moment, the mental arithmetic in their chests completely fell to the bottom...

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