Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1560: It's time to get rid of the low end

What is the period of strategic opportunity?

When the main competitor doesn't care about you and is happy to wish you a helping hand, that is the period of strategic opportunity.

Even in some public opinion fields, one’s own reputation is not very good, and he may even be labeled as infringing intellectual property rights, malicious competition, and disrespect for the rights and interests of employees. Most of his own products are linked to low-end and low-tech content. The main competitors did not deliberately interrupt their pace of marching toward the high-end, that is, the period of strategic opportunity.

Today's take-off in China is in such a period of strategic opportunity. Take the TRJ-900 regional airliner project that Boeing has always targeted around 2000.

China's take-off at that time can be said to have encountered an unbreakable ceiling on the road of large passenger planes, and the conditions for joining the World Trade Organization were superimposed, so that China's take-off had to be forced to reform.

Many businesses including consumer drones were abolished.

Of course, the TRJ-900 branch line mainline passenger aircraft project has also been terminated, in exchange for Boeing’s investment in China and the relaxation of its accession to the WTO.

However, for China Ascendas at the time, the biggest gain was that after the Twin Towers incident on September 11, Boeing recognized in principle China Ascendas’ technological status in the field of regional airliners, which was tantamount to giving China Ascendas a breakthrough in the field of civil airliners. Mouth.

As a result, the series was reborn proudly. Although this name was reduced from the original large wide-body mainline airliner to a regional airliner, it can be compared with the black households that have grown up in the past. Now China Ascendas is recognized by the global industry in the field of civil airliners.

This status is different.

You must know that in the past, due to the issue of airworthiness certificates, even if China Ascendas sells in China, it depends on face and favor. After all, compared with foreign brands with airworthiness certificates, it always gives people an informal impression.

But now, China's soaring-200 series has successively obtained the airworthiness certificate of the U.S. Aviation Administration and the European Aviation Safety Agency.

The WD-64SUV large bypass ratio turbofan engine and the WD-large bypass ratio turbofan engine have also been approved by the European and American aviation power departments.

Together with GM's CF-34 and Rolls-Royce's V2500, two high-performance medium-sized and large bypass ratio aero engines, it becomes the power combination of the -200 series.

In other words, as long as China Ascendas has been spinning around on the regional passenger aircraft, and does not step on the main passenger aircraft line, Boeing can take off as much as China will toss.

However, this is extremely rare for China Ascendas, because for today’s China Ascendas, the most important thing is to consolidate the technical foundation of the regional airliner, accumulate the corresponding technical experience, and build its own civil airliner standards and upstream and downstream. Only in this way will it be more certain to hit the golden job of the mainline airliner in the future.

Otherwise, it would be easy for Boeing and Airbus to join hands and rub their heads if they rushed up rashly. Therefore, in recent years, China's take-off has been very obedient in the field of regional airliners.

Even though because of the competition between Bombardier and Embraer, the sales performance of the -200 series in foreign countries is not good, but the sales volume of the -200 series is still considerable in one acre of land in China, which basically monopolizes the domestic market. Regional passenger aircraft market.

In particular, its excellent plateau performance is basically equivalent to the Airbus A320's carrying capacity at the 4500-meter plateau airport, which has won the favor of many southwest and northwest airlines, and has been purchased in large quantities for the operation of plateau routes.

Even the troops stationed in the snow area have purchased 6 freight vehicles for the transportation of special materials.

No way, the 200-400F cargo plane can carry 15 tons of cargo to carry out long-distance transportation tasks of 3500 kilometers even on the plateau, while the former equipped with the snow troops can only carry 5 tons of cargo and barely take off under the same conditions. .

That's all, the key is that the 200-400F freighter is not only equipped with a large number of cargo aircraft, but also has good fuel economy and maintenance costs. Compared with that, the transportation of the -8 is simply hard to explain.

So the snow area troops simply eliminated all Yun-8 and replaced it with a 200-400F freighter.

However, whether it is the 200-series sales or the -200-400F freighter has been recognized by the military, China's take-off, which has been tossing on the branch line airliner for many years, is more confident than ever to attack the main line airliner.

Because of this, Zhuang Jianye hopes that China Ascendas can stay longer in the period of strategic opportunities than ever before.

Therefore, let Shi Jun desperately promote freedom and beauty, and make a fortune for Liszt and cover his pockets. Zhuang Jianye didn’t even blink his eyes. As long as interest groups like Liszt could hold back the freedom and beauty in Iraq. With Afghanistan in one year, China has taken off with the confidence to occupy the high-end.

But then again, iron strikes need to be hard. It is not enough to place hopes on the external environment. The key is its own level of development. Therefore, Zhuang Jianye not only urges China to continue to innovate internally and enhance its own technical capabilities, but also In the process of internal integration and system reform.

After more than 20 years of development, some models and methods are no longer suitable for the development of the new era. If you want to maintain the vitality of advancing with the times, you must continue to reform.

The most important of these is the re-division of business.

To be more precise, it is how to cut down those low-end industries within China Ascendas that have been obviously dragged down.

For example, the consumer-grade drones that have been dumped to Liszt, in fact, are still kept internally.

Perhaps in other companies, in the era before 2010, consumer-grade drones are a proper high-tech, but for supporting the new generation of stealth fighters, the independent development of three generations of semi-carrier aircraft has formed a monopoly in the domestic regional passenger aircraft market. For China Ascendas, which is actively exploring higher-level trunk airliners, consumer drones are really low-end.

You must know that even if it is measured by the technology tree of drones~www.readwn.com~The stealth drones that take off in China are the benchmarks in the industry, compared with the consumer-grade ones, they are really not even a younger brother. A grandson at best.

As for revenue, let alone, China Ascendas sells that product casually, and the profit margin is around 54%. There is no way. If high-tech aviation companies can't achieve such a profit margin, they will just kill tofu.

Consumer-grade drones are only a poor 18.5%.

Perhaps in other companies, this profit rate is still good, but in Zhuang Jianye’s eyes, it’s still not enough. The business has been cut.

Even if the annual revenue is reduced by 2.5 billion, it can at least save China Ascendas 4.8 billion in additional expenditure. More importantly, the streamlined China Ascendas can focus on its main business.

After all, the high-end is the golden rice bowl, and the low-end is to let the Panxia toss.

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