Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1558: Salted Fish Past

Last VS Leading Boss

All the big bosses know how to stand in line with their heels. Naturally, the leading boss has a lot of help, and Zhuang Jianye, the last one, has lost his way.

If this were normal, Zhuang Jianye, the daughter of Zhuang Jianye, would have unconditionally followed the spirit of the leader's instructions and pointed out where to fight.

But the problem is that this time Zhuang Tengqiu didn't want a toy or a scientific research project, but was planning to start a business with a few classmates.

For this reason, I did not hesitate to give up the opportunity that Zhuang Jianye had finally won for her to study at the Beijing University for her master's and doctoral studies. You must know that Zhuang Jianye gave up his old face and exchanged China's four key scientific research projects. Zhuang Tengqiu said that he did not do it. That's all, he reached out his hand and asked for 6 million start-up funds from his father.

Zhuang Jianye naturally refused. In business, is it so easy to start a business? Besides, you Zhuang Tengqiu has no plan and no practical technology. Why do you have to give 6 million if you want 6 million?

As a result, Zhuang Jianye was so serious, and then...then...then he was isolated by the leader Zhuang Tengqiu.

So that in the past few days, Zhuang Jianye could only hold Father Ning’s fishing rod every day, and ran to the beach early in the morning, squatting depressed from morning to night.

No way, everyone thinks he is too real, but that is a dear daughter, the jewel of the old Ning family, you Zhuang Jianye actually dare to make a mistake, this is good, if you go up to Father Ning, and down to the cat, there is no one to Zhuang Jianye. Good-looking.

What else can I do if I don’t go fishing?

The problem is that Zhuang Jianye is depressed, and Zhuang Tengqiu is even more depressed than Zhuang Jianye!

Her entrepreneurial project is nothing but the consumer drone that China Ascendas has set foot in a few years ago.

It's just that compared with the professional civilian drones that China took off at the time, Zhuang Tengqiu's positioning is more popular, that is, photography and utility drones that ordinary people can afford.

However, after discussing this with my classmates for a long time, and telling my father the idea that all kinds of details have been determined, the result is not support, but a condescending negation: "Xiao Qiu, you put your business in business It’s too simple to think, it’s not a stormy battlefield, but a cruel battlefield. Dad suggests that you still study hard at school and find someone who loves you to marry. Isn’t it good to live a life of steadfast happiness? Do you have to run on the road of no return to starting a business? If you have no money to tell your dad, dad will give you, it would be nice to be able to lie down for a lifetime, there is really no need to work so hard, easy to grow old... You see dad as an example, not yet Retirement, the gray-haired people are almost catching up with your grandpa..."

Zhuang Tengqiu felt that he was underestimated, and there was nothing he could do. Dad’s words were too utterly lost. I, Zhuang Tengqiu, a woman who combines talent and beauty, must lie flat? Do you have to live this life in a dad's aura?


So Zhuang Tengqiu directly put a conservative label on Zhuang Jianye and directly started the Cold War.

Zhuang Tengqiu is good-looking, good-sounding, and she is still a well-known talented woman. Compared with that, Zhuang Jianye, a greasy uncle, is really unable to see how the whole family chooses naturally. They are all on Zhuang Tengqiu's side.

But the problem is that the family's standing team is to relieve Zhuang Tengqiu's heart, but without her father’s nod, her entrepreneurial plan is still to be emptied. After all, in addition to the key angel investment, China Tengfei has consumer-grade drone technology in hand. It is the key to Zhuang Tengqiu's heart.

"Oh~~~ Feifei, what do you say, dad just doesn't agree, I'm almost annoying!"

In the messy room, Zhuang Tengqiu lay on the bed, raising his pretty face, and staring at the cat in front of him yawning lazily.

Obviously, Feifei, who sits firmly on the fifth seat in the family, doesn't care about the annoyance of the owner. She eats and sleeps every day, and eats when she slept, and occasionally gets cold. By the way, just sell a cute, otherwise what else? He is just a cat, not a real father.

Zhuang Tengqiu was obviously dissatisfied with Feifei’s attitude, rubbed the other’s head severely, and was about to throw this incomprehensible dead cat outside the house, when the door was knocked suddenly, even after hearing an old and kind sound Asked: "Xiao Qiu~~ Have you rested?"

"No~~~" Zhuang Tengqiu replied, hurriedly got out of bed and opened the door of the room, and then he brought in the old man outside the door, and complained coquettishly: "Grandpa, why don't you take a rest at noon? The doctor said It’s good for an elderly person like you to sleep for an hour at noon."

"I know, I know~~~"

Ning Zhishan crouched on his waist, leaning on crutches, and there were many more age spots on his face. His body was not as strong as before, and he looked a little thin, but he was in good spirits.

After all, he is more than eighty years old, and he has long lost his original look, but the whole person is more amiable and peaceful.

"Grandpa came here to tell you, don't be like your father, he has such virtues, lacks ambition, doesn't want to make progress, has no ideals... Back then, he was a famous soft rice ghost in the old factory..."

"Huh... My dad just looks down on me... I always think I belong to a girl's house... eh? Grandpa, what do you say? My dad eats soft rice?"

When he mentioned his father, Zhuang Tengqiu was so angry that he didn't hide himself in front of his grandfather who loved him. He snorted and complained, but Zhuang Tengqiu was startled when he was halfway through the conversation. Immediately after blinking those big beautiful eyes in surprise, he asked in surprise, "Grandpa, are you sure?"

"Huh~~ I’m still sure, if you don’t believe me, go to the old Yonghong factory and ask, what your dad did back then was an unambiguous young man who had been with your mom and me for a lifetime, you Know what he said back then?" Ning Zhishan's crutches tapped on the ground and made a banging sound. Obviously, when I mentioned the events of the year, the old man UU reading www.uukanshu.com was still a little confused.

"What are you talking about?" Zhuang Tengqiu asked curiously.

Ning Zhishan said quietly, "He said, "Why do you have to fight? How tired you are? I have an old man who is the leader of the organization department. Isn't he fragrant for a lifetime? Listen, this is a second time. What should a teenager who just graduated from college say!"

Zhuang Tengqiu laughed when he heard the words, "My dad was so sad then?"

"Mourning?" Ning Zhishan obviously didn't understand the new vocabulary. Zhuang Tengqiu quickly explained: "It's just that you always said that you don't want to make progress."

Ning Zhishan understood now, and he sneered: "It's more than just not being enterprising. It's just a waste of firewood. All day long, apart from blowing some cowhide with those old poles that are about to retire, they don't do anything. That’s all, the point is that your dad is not ashamed, but rather proud, he feels that he has married a good wife. All of this is for granted. In his words, salted fish is good for a lifetime, not tired, just because of this. Well, I almost slapped him with the soles of my shoes."

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