Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1556: You never wake up someone who pretends to sleep

During the domestic turmoil around 2000, Ottoman was taught a lesson by the militarization of civilian drones of various armed organizations. Therefore, his understanding of drones is much higher than that of other countries and regions.

The “dirty” drone light show conducted by Ning Xiaodong in Istanbul that year (comment by Ottoman News Agency) gave Ottoman another direction for the large-scale application of drones.

So after the domestic situation was stable and the economy was back on track, Osman began to work on drones.

Unlike other countries and regions that follow the United States and follow the technical route of being tall, Osman, who has a deeper understanding of drones, has taken a small but precise path.

Because of this, Osman did not rely on the high cost of the United States technically, but chose China to take off as the main reference object, which is more cost-effective.

Therefore, when the yyds-6 cruise missile just showed its prominence, it attracted the attention of the Ottoman aviation community, and soon the attack type was introduced at a high price.

If it is placed in other countries, it is basically the same as a replica of the yyds-6 cruiser.

But Osman did not do this. After all, the national power is limited, and the technology is even more different. It is too difficult for Osman to make a yyds-6 cruise missile.

However, referring to the combat mode of the yyds-6 cruise missile, it is not difficult for Osman to use mature civilian-grade UAV-related components and control systems to create a usable low-profile cruise missile.

So after getting the yyds-6 cruise missile attack type, Osman made several low-profile cruise missiles according to his own ideas, and then was put into actual combat against an armed organization in the southwest.

Good results have been achieved, but some problems have also been exposed.

Osman quickly launched a series of improved models based on actual combat experience. After three or four iterations, Osman mastered a large number of practical technologies in the field of offensive cruise missiles, and played a crucial role in the clearance of an armed organization in the southwest. Important role.

Not only that, Ottoman also provided its own cruise missiles to Azerbaijan in the form of military assistance, and used this to reconstruct the strike system of the Azerbaijani army. More than ten years later, in a place called Naka, Azerbaijan relied on these Ottoman patrols. The missile, directly hitting Armenia equipped with typical Soviet-style heavy-duty mechanized equipment, was crying for fathers and mothers, and almost perished the country.

So as to push the UAV combat to another brand new stage.

Of course, this legend is a story. As far as the moment is concerned, Osman's actions have not attracted much attention, but they can't hide the eyes of freedom and beauty.

According to certain agreements, Liberty Beauty Room easily came into contact with the Ottoman high-priced yyds-6 attack cruiser. After some research, I felt that I should also try it in this field.

So the local U.S. troops stationed in Ottoman formed a report and submitted it to the country. It is hoped that relevant parties can conduct some feasibility studies, and it is best to construct their own set of flexible and changeable unmanned missiles similar to the yyds-6 cruise missile. Aircraft combat system.

This report went through several iterations and finally fell into the hands of Merlinz. As a popular fried chicken that has risen in the political arena of Liberty and Beauty in the past few years, Merlinz has jumped from an inexperienced black-market businessman in aerospace parts to the Congress. He has become the Vice Chairman of the Space Committee and the Vice Chairman of the National Defense Committee. Now he is an important figure in the Elephant Party and holds the power of the entire budget approval.

Therefore, this drone development report made by the military will not work without Merlinz's hands. Who is the **** of wealth?

To be honest, Merlinz still agrees with the military's development of drones, especially cruise missiles derived from drones. After all, this kind of low-cost, high-efficiency, and in line with the future trend of intelligence New equipment is what he has always advocated.

If it goes back five years, he will not hesitate to discuss the budget with relevant legislators and government staff, and use his strong position to promote the implementation.

But now...

"This time I came here to show you this..."

Undecided Merlinz really has no choice but to put his own behind-the-scenes boss, now Wall Street's most powerful investment giant, Lockheed Martin, General Motors, Northrop, Raytheon, Boeing and other military industry giants. Director, Liszt, who was successfully promoted to the invisible boss, please come over and ask for advice.

After all, he has been able to go all the way to the present, becoming the leader of the Elephant Party, and controlling the budget approval power, is inseparable from Liszt's strong support.

However, Liszt, in a decent suit with an elegant tie, did not even look at the report that Merlinz handed over. He threw it on the desk in front of him, and said with a grim expression: "Mr. Merlinz, you Wouldn't it be just for me to see such a boring report when I came here today?"

"There is also a budget for bridge and tunnel maintenance in Nevada, as well as the state's mobile network laying budget... You know that the Nevada Congressman is me..."

"Mr. Merlinz, your main job now is to promote the passage of 300 billion US dollars in special war funds in Parliament. This is the key point, understand?"

Before Merlinz could finish speaking, Liszt interrupted him impatiently, and immediately knocked on the table, and said angrily: "You should know that our soldiers are bleeding in Iraq and Afghanistan. They need this. Money is used to consolidate our hard-won victory. This 300 billion US dollars is the life-saving money of those children. We cannot ignore the lives of these young children because of our own selfish interests..."

The more Liszt said, the louder he was, and in the end he even started to bang the table.

But Merlinz, who was stellar in Congress, could only listen to him with a green face and a white face like a schoolboy.

In fact, Merlinz really wants to refute that we are selfish, Liszt does not care about the life and death of the country for selfish interests, OK?

In the past few years, you just don’t know how much money Liszt has made in the supply of military supplies in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Don’t say anything else~www.readwn.com~ The Sritt medium combat brigade was originally well conceived. Once it is built, it can absolutely stand out from the crowd. It can even resist the heavy mechanized troops of some medium-sized countries. As for the mobility, it is not necessary. Having said that, using the powerful air transportation capabilities of Liberty and Beauty, it is possible to deploy an integrated Struit medium combat brigade anywhere in the world within 96 hours.

The result is that such a unit that has put many reform ideas on the Freedom and Beauty Army Army, because of conflicts with the interests of Liszt and others in grabbing the wealth of war, directly intervened and changed from a combat brigade to a security brigade, like a castrated idiot. Similarly, they can only wander in the streets and alleys of the Middle East and other places. Apart from deterring the militia, nothing can be done.

As a result, the construction cost of such a unit has exceeded that of a heavy armored unit. Merlinz’s heels would know that it was Liszt and the others who took away most of the benefits!

And this kind of money came so easily and so quickly that Liszt and others selectively pretended not to see it in the face of the domestic situation, so that Merlinz could only smile helplessly, because you would never wake up. People who pretend to sleep!

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