Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1533: A good thing to let the Type 45 destroyer lie down

Aukin Lake had long anticipated the refusal of Zhuang Jianye. After all, as competitors of each other, Aukin Lake knew that the path that China took to take off was the same as GE's. It was based on a mother model as the core, through continuous technological iteration and innovation. , Derive countless sub-models.

Although this development model is extremely difficult at the initial stage, and even full of risks of complete failure, once it gets through, it will be the sea and the sky, and the sky will fly.

Not to mention anything else, why is China's soaring D-65 series dominating the domestic 10-megawatt gas turbine?

China Ascendas has not iterated over its technology step by step. In this process, technology upgrades are superimposed to form an unbreakable technical barrier for the D-65 series. It is difficult for the outside world to break in. At the same time, China Ascendas, which has formed its own unique technical route, is also It is difficult to learn from other alternative techniques with very different styles.

This is like two shallows and one deep, or two deep and one shallow racing rhythm. You must not disrupt casually, otherwise you will not get pleasure but a car accident.

Because of this, Zhuang Jianye’s refusal is normal in the eyes of Aukin Lake. After all, Zhuang Jianye cannot destroy the Great Wall by himself, but Zhuang Jianye’s disagreement does not mean that others are the same.

Sure enough, at the first moment when Zhuang Jianye refused, the already desperate President Shen seemed to grasp the last straw, and suddenly said: "Mr. Aukinlake, is your indirect cooling cycle technology applicable to all gas turbines?"

"Of course!" With an unexpected smile on Aukin Lake's face, he turned his head to look at Mr. Shen who was walking: "All gas turbines above 10 MW are suitable, and gas turbines of the 20 MW class have the best effect. How about? Mr. Shen, would you like to give it a try? We can refit a prototype based on the DA-80T for you for free."

"I am very interested in this, but I don't know how much power can be improved. If we can increase our DA-80T to 30 MW, I can go back and report to the company's management." Mr. Shen said cautiously. .

"It's okay..." Okinlake nodded and replied: "For a gas turbine with a basic power of 25 MW, our indirect cooling cycle technology can easily increase it to 30 MW. Your company's DA-80T already has 25 MW. It’s not difficult to increase the power to 30 megawatts. In this regard, I can use my character as a guarantee..."


Just as Mr. Shen and Okinlake were singing and talking lively, Zhuang Jianye suddenly couldn't help laughing for some reason, staring at countless pairs of eyes towards him, Zhuang Jianye quickly waved his hands and explained: "Mr. Okinlake, you Speaking of you, don't mind, I'm really not a character who laughs at you, I'm really not...poof..."

He said it was not, but Zhuang Jianye's unbearable laughter again made Aukin Lake's old face red and white, and if it were paired with an upper head, he would soon be able to change his face in Sichuan Opera.

Still not a laughing character, Zhuang Jianye almost put the words Aukin Lake's character worthless on his face.

"Zhuang Jianye, Mr. Aukin Lake is an international friend, a senior expert in international gas turbines, and a partner of many domestic friends. You'd better converge, don't go too far!"

At this moment, Mr. Shen suddenly jumped out, pointed at Zhuang Jianye and started to buckle the big hat.

You must know that he has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. After all, when it comes to politics, Mr. Shen is definitely a master at masters. Otherwise, he will not be in the hands of China's take-off in the first phase of the West-East Gas Pipeline Project. A large piece of meat.

Because of this, through Zhuang Jianye's sudden ridicule of Aukin Lake, Shen always felt that he could make a fuss in this regard. Much share.

You must know that a major project like the West-East Gas Pipeline does have to talk about the market, but it also needs to talk about politics!

As a result, Mr. Shen just said this. Before he could continue to fan the flames, Zhuang Jianye pretended to speak with a smile: "How about your Hangfa Headquarters is a dou that can't be supported, and the mud can't support the chaff on the wall." You feel fragrant if foreigners lose a piece of bone, but our China is full of fat, but you feel like shit. I think your brain is not sick, but pit, because if there is a disease, it can be cured. If there is a pit, It's simply not even filling!"

"Zhuang Jianye, you...you...you..."

Shen always never expected that Zhuang Jianye could point his nose to yell at him on such occasions, trembling with anger, but before he could speak neatly, Zhuang Jianye glared: "What are you doing? You have I understand. Is there a gas turbine? Do you have any experts who don’t understand? Look at what kind of **** your DA-80T does. If I were you, I would have jumped into the pit and drowned long ago..."

As he said, he stretched out his hand and pointed to Aukin Lake: "You know what the origin of this Englishman is, so dare to ask for his technology? Would you look at other parts of the world with gas turbines with intercooling cycle systems? Oh~~~ I forgot, The latest Type 45 guided-missile destroyer launched in the UK uses a WR-21 gas turbine with intercooling cycle technology. What then? It’s just getting into the water..."

After a pause, Zhuang Jianye looked at Okinlake: "As one of the chief officials of the WR-21 gas turbine project, Mr. Okinlake, tell me why the WR-21 gas turbine on the Type 45 destroyer is so hip that it broke down. Just drop anchor?"

"You...you...you are slander!" Okinlake finally couldn't help it: "The WR-21 gas turbine is the most advanced gas turbine in the world today..."

"But the Type 45 destroyer went into the water when it was launched..." Zhuang Jianye spread his hands.

"The technology of the WR-21 gas turbine is unparalleled..." Aukinlake argued.

"But the Type 45 destroyer went down after launching..." Zhuang Jianye remained unmoved.

"The WR-21 gas turbine is the crystallization of technology in the field of gas turbines in the past two decades..."

"Then you explain the reason why the Type 45 destroyer went into the water when it was launched?" Zhuang Jianye asked innocently with blinking eyes. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Aukin Lake almost went crazy on the spot.

If he can explain it, does he need to be kicked out of the British Rolls-Royce company, tossing around a number of companies and finally turning to GE?

I have already had a beautiful turnaround in the UK.

The problem is that he does not explain clearly, nor can he explain clearly. The creative idea of ​​the indirect cooling cycle system is definitely a genius idea in theory. It uses the pipe between the compressor and the combustion chamber to realize the circulation of the air flow and increase the power. Its effect It is similar to turbocharging in the automotive field.

Because of this, the entire industry was shocked when Aukin Lake proposed this idea fifteen years ago.

However, what I did not expect is that when the idea becomes reality, everything is not the same as expected. The WR-21 gas turbine can't pull the hips, so that the British new battleship 45 destroyer is just like the sick man in Europe, except for the maintenance at home. Besides, nothing can be done!

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