Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1527: 1 accidentally dry to 30 megawatts

Not only the executive deputy team leader, but almost everyone else present was surprised by the weight parameter exposed by Zhuang Jianye, 27 tons, which is less than half of the total weight of the DA-80T.

What does this show?

If the D-71M gas turbine is used, the equipment platform with reinforced concrete and mechanical support structure built in accordance with high standards before is completely unnecessary.

After all, a device of nearly 60 tons and a device of less than 30 tons have completely different vibration and stability effects.

Therefore, once the D-71M gas turbine is adopted, the expenditure on this aspect of the second phase of the West-East Gas Pipeline Project will save more than 500 million yuan.

You must know that there are 74 high-standard equipment stations, even if it saves half of it, it is 250 million.

This is undoubtedly good news for the huge investment in the West-East Gas Pipeline Project. After all, the state audits this project very strictly, and every penny over-expenditure must be clearly stated and recorded; if it can be saved, it will naturally be There are corresponding rewards.

Because of this, the leaders of the project team and the ordinary staff members are all frowning as long as they spend more money, but once there is an expectation of saving, they are all just like changing individuals. of.

Of course, the most prosperous thing is the executive deputy team leader. The total weight of 27 tons is equivalent to the rated tonnage reserved for DA-80T on the destroyer, which can directly house two D-71M gas turbines.

It is hard to imagine the integration and efficient use of space for destroyers.

That's all, the key is that the total weight of 27 tons is more adaptable, let alone a destroyer of more than 5,000 tons, or a frigate of about 2,000 tons, the D-71M gas turbine can meet the demand.

This is more than just good news for the Navy, it is simply a gospel.

Some people are happy while others are uncomfortable.

A large number of friends, including Mr. Shen and Okinlake, heard Zhuang Jianye say that the D-71M gas turbine has a total weight of only 27 tons.

Ashamed... ashamed yarn!

You are ashamed of 27 tons, Zhuang Jianye, shouldn't those of us who exceed 50 tons cut ourselves on the spot?

Isn't it good to harm people without doing this?

Of course, many people still don’t believe it in their hearts. After all, they are all veterans in the industry. A 20-megawatt gas turbine with a sound-proof integrated cabinet, a base with a shock-absorbing float valve and a complete control and monitoring system. It is difficult to control weight.

Therefore, many people speculate privately that the D-71M gas turbine on the truck is not completely body, but lacks some equipment, otherwise it will not be so light.

For example, Mr. Shen said to other friends: "Our DA-80T can reach the level of 30 tons if the base is removed. What's the big deal, it's a mule or a horse, and you have to walk on the test bench. "

Aukin Lake did not entangle the weight of the D-71M gas turbine, but focused on the power: "The key is to look at the power. If it does not reach 20 MW, Zhuang Jianye will be embarrassed this time. You know, our Every kilogram of a high-power gas turbine is not wasted. In the end, it is all reflected in the power. The 27-ton weight of the D-71M gas turbine is indeed experienced. The problem is, a malnourished guy or a muscle-explosive hunk, who has more strength Big, obviously it goes without saying..."

Whether it’s citric acid, envy, jealousy or hatred, Mr. Shen and Okinlake’s words are still very reasonable in the eyes of the industry. For so many years, there are really many products with bright parameters, but they can really hit all of them. No, I even pulled my hips so that many people in the industry felt blushing.

The project team of the West-East Gas Pipeline knew this truth, and the executive deputy team leader who transferred from the navy knew better.

So after a chat with Zhuang Jianye, the hoisting work related to the project team was ready, but a 30-ton crane belonging to the project team easily hoisted the D-71M gas turbine on the truck, and everyone at the scene was just one piece. The big rock fell to the ground.

The D-71M gas turbine is really less than 30 tons.

Of course, Mr. Shen's face in this scene is ugly, because his assumption that the D-71M gas turbine is incomplete is self-defeating.

Because the moment the crane was lifted, the base of the D-71M gas turbine with the mechanical damping float valve was clearly exposed.

Different from the shock-absorbing float valve base of other friends, the overall compactness of the shock-absorbing float valve of D-71M gas turbine is extremely high. Not only that, except for the outer mechanical shock-absorbing float valve, A shock-absorbing insulation layer supported by special rubber is also set inside.

However, the combined double-layer damping structure is less than 30 tons. This is not as simple as product integration and detailed control, but a comprehensive rolling in the high-end areas of materials, processes and system integration.

It is not only the crushing of the Aviation Development Corporation, but even GE, if it is only at the level of GE-2800, it is also the life of being pressed on the ground and rubbed desperately.

Of course, this double-layer shock absorption setting fell in the eyes of the executive deputy team leader, that is, the mother-in-law sees her son-in-law, the more satisfied they look.

We must know that there is a key indicator on military ships, and that is the control of noise.

One is to be discovered by submarine underwater; the other is to avoid interference with sonar and improve the detection range and accuracy of one's own sonar.

Because of this, military ships have strict controls on the shock absorption of the power system. Not only are the power packs required to have shock absorption and sound insulation devices, but also a layer of shock absorption should be added to the location of the power system when the hull is built. Mechanism, used to offset possible noise.

In the case of excellent weight control, D-71M gas turbine is equipped with a double-layer damping mechanism, and the noise control effect is naturally much stronger than that of DA-80T with only one layer of ordinary mechanical damping float valve. .

But satisfied with satisfaction, the executive deputy team leader also knows that no matter how good the superficial parameters are, if the core power is not off, everything is useless, so he personally busy and slow, speed up the hoisting and debugging progress, just like a beloved toy. Child, I can’t wait to install the battery immediately, pull out the remote control wire, and start playing directly. I can’t wait for the D-71M gas turbine to explode in the next second.

"You have an old saying in China that is cleverness is wronged by cleverness. Is it just the scene in front of you?" Seeing that the executive deputy team leader couldn't wait, Okinlake quickly smiled and asked Mr. Shen beside him. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Mr. Shen glanced at the corner of his mouth: "I prefer to describe it by lifting a rock and hitting myself in the foot!"

As soon as the voice fell, the two looked at each other and smiled, everything is clear, because under the deployment of the executive deputy team leader, the installation and lifting work was very fast. In less than an hour, the D-71M gas turbine was placed on the test bench. , The tubing, cables, and main shaft were quickly connected. With the engineer’s order, the D-71M gas turbine started suddenly.

Soon the power soared to 18 megawatts, and in an instant it rose to 25 megawatts. However, all of this did not mean to stop. The power continued to rise, 26 megawatts, 27 megawatts, 28 megawatts...until it was fixed at 32. Megawatt, the D-71M gas turbine has stopped its soaring momentum.

At this time, the executive deputy team leader's breathing was short: "President Zhuang, can your D-71M gas turbine achieve 30 MW?"

Zhuang Jianye smiled modestly: "I originally wanted to make a 20 MW, but unexpectedly, he accidentally got 30 MW!"

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