Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1518: Contains Versailles

Hearing Zhuang Jianye’s words, the reporter of French TV 2 frowned in confusion: “Why not Mars? You know that Musk in the United States has set his target on Mars, and even said that even if he is dead, he must take his own. The ashes are scattered on Mars, doesn't Mars attract you?"

"Of course, Mars is a good target, but I prefer the moon!" Zhuang Jianye replied without thinking.

"Why?" the senior reporter asked puzzledly.

"Because there is Chang'e... that is a goddess in Chinese mythology, she is very beautiful, and she has a very sad love story..."

Zhuang Jianye tilted his legs and told the story of Chang'e flying to the moon with great affection. Of course, it was slightly different from the picture book, and it was mixed with many private goods. For example, after hearing this story in his childhood, Zhuang Jianye started. I became interested in the moon; and for this, I studied hard so that I could uncover the secret of Chang'e's flight to the moon.

When talking about temperament, Zhuang Jianye even confessed that he had fantasized about being with Chang'e when he was adolescent. The shy appearance was like a little boy in his first love.

But the conversation quickly turned. Zhuang Jianye used the story of Chang'e to fly to the moon to derive a self-inspiring story, how he was a hard childhood, how hard he was when he was a student, how hard he was at work, and how he became selfless after starting a business.

All of this is actually for a belief, that is to go to the moon to see in person, whether there is Chang'e, whether there is a jade rabbit, whether there is Wu Gang, whether there is a sweet-scented osmanthus tree that is forever cut down!

"It doesn't matter whether I am naive or self-willed. I used to be involuntarily involuntarily. Now that I have the ability and resources, I want to live for myself. After all, it is important for people to do something meaningful in their life. Some people may say, is it meaningless to make money?"

After a pause, Zhuang Jianye shook his head solemnly like a philosopher: "That's for other people. For me, money is just a number. I don't love money. I don't have any interest in money!"

As soon as I said this, the senior reporter of French TV station opposite was nothing. Merlinz in front of the TV almost didn't vomit on the spot. TMD Zhuang Jianye actually said that he was not interested in money!

Are you not afraid of being struck by lightning?

You, Zhuang Jianye, are not interested in money.

However, even if Merlinz wanted to get into the TV and sew Zhuang Jianye's mouth with a needle, he couldn't do it for practical reasons, so he could only listen to Zhuang Jianye talking (hu), talking (bian) and (luan) to the camera. Talk (zao).

"So I think that life should have a longer-term goal. Just staring at that little money pattern is too small, so I hope I can land on the moon in person. It would be best if I could meet Chang'e, Yutu and Wu Gang. If you don’t see it, you can also grow vegetables and flowers on the moon to experience a different life. This is meaningful.

So I understand Mr. Musk’s thoughts very well, because we are the same kind of people, he was influenced by the American Star Wars series of movies, and I was inspired by ancient Chinese myths and legends..."

Speaking of this, Zhuang Jianye suddenly smiled and joked: “Of course, compared to Musk’s Mars, my trip to the moon should be more romantic. After all, I went to the goddess to get it, and he was simply pioneering. , It can't help being a bit boring!"

"Hahaha~~~" The senior reporter laughed easily when he heard the words. There is no way, because of a story like Zhuang Jianye's childhood, he worked hard and changed his life, and regarded money as dung, and devoted himself to the inspirational story of a great cause. It is the most popular routine among European elites.

Especially Zhuang Jianye ridiculed Musk with a sense of humor. If nothing else, Musk’s personality can definitely respond. This way the effect of the program will be surprisingly good. The ratings will inevitably rise. With the ratings, The salary of a senior reporter is not bad, but it is strange to be unhappy.

But I am happy, I still have to ask the questions that should be asked. After all, Zhuang Jianye has talked a lot, and there is nothing substantive in the half sentence. Naturally, I can't just mix it up like this. Why don't you have to put some dry goods.

So after laughing, he asked again: "I think Mr. Musk will explain this, but before that, Mr. Zhuang, can you tell me the specific moon landing plan?"

"Specific moon landing plan?" Zhuang Jianye was slightly surprised.

The senior reporter nodded: "Yes, it's the specific plan!"

"We've already released it, haven't you seen it?" Zhuang Jianye asked rhetorically, and immediately confused the senior reporter of France TV. Let alone him, even Merlinz in front of the TV was a little surprised. To his assistant: "Is there any plan for China to take off to the moon?"

The assistant's head shook like a rattle: "No!"

Merlinz nodded, and then looked at the TV screen again. At this moment, Zhuang Jianye in front of the camera turned his head and invited his assistant. After whispering a few words, the assistant immediately turned and left, but soon returned and handed Zhuang Jianye a sheet. newspaper.

Zhuang Jianye glanced twice, found a vertical headline in the upper left corner of the front page headline, and then only gave it to the senior reporter on the opposite side: "You see, we have announced the moon exploration plan in 2004, which is roughly divided into three The phases are orbit, fall, and return. Of course, this is only the first phase of the project. All unmanned detectors are used to explore the lunar environment, analyze the lunar structure, and prepare for the manned moon landing of the second phase.

The first phase of the project is expected to be completed in 2020. If nothing happens, I will land on the moon around 2025. I was already in my 60s by then, so you see..."

With that said, Zhuang Jianye showed off the muscles wrapped under the T-shirt: "I have prepared in advance and always keep my body in top condition!"

However, the veteran reporter did not focus on Zhuang Jianye's figure, but looked at the old 2004 newspaper in a daze.

It clearly states that the lunar orbiter will be launched within 3 years, the lunar rover landing will be achieved within 6 years, and the lunar surface will be sampled and returned to the earth by 2020.

The timetable is very clear, but he, as a senior journalist who pays attention to the development of aerospace, has no impression?

However, when he saw the outline of the lunar exploration plans released by various countries under the timetable of the domestic lunar exploration plan, the senior reporter of France TV 2 was surprised. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

The reason for the lack of impression is very simple, that is, the industry regards the so-called lunar exploration plans of these countries as daily bragging, and it does not take it seriously, so naturally it does not pay much attention to it. If there is no attention and the time is long, it will naturally lose the impression. .

For example, Russia announced in 2004 that it would launch a lunar probe at the end of the year. As a result, it was all in 2007, and there was no ghost shadow.

There is also Japan, which claims that it will build a base on the moon in 2025 and use robots as "pioneers". The problem is that Japan’s aerospace technology has been squeezed by freedom and beauty, and even high-thrust launch vehicles cannot be built. How to launch a lunar base component weighing more than ten tons?

So these things look like Kou-Hi's boasting stuff, and they really lose.

But the next moment this senior reporter suddenly realized something, suddenly raised his head to look at Zhuang Jianye, and asked in disbelief: "You...you...you won't follow this schedule...strictly implement it, right?"

Zhuang Jianye waved his hand with a Versailles smile: "Strict implementation is an exaggeration. We are just going step by step according to the plan!"

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