Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1440: Osman who vomits blood

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That’s not to say, China Ascendas is also willing to pay another US$1 billion in security deposit for the economic security of the unexpected accident of the Varyag passing through the Bosphorus Strait.

At the same time, Zhuang Jianye also found Liszt, who had already gained a reputation on Wall Street, to act as an intermediary through his personal relationship, and he would come forward to guarantee the feasibility of Zhuang Jianye's promise.

It can be said that from any angle, the sincerity of China’s take-off this time can be described as full. If Ottoman is a little sensible, he should go down the donkey and agree to Zhuang Jianye’s terms and release Varyag, thus ending the long period. More than a year of disputes.

However, the emotions of Osman’s up and down have been kidnapped by the nationalist ideology. The politicians on the stage don’t even talk about rationality. They don’t even have the slightest room for maneuver. They can only be pushed by the nationalist ideology. They either hit a blood path or perish. .

If this is a free and beautiful room, it will naturally be able to break a blood path. The question is whether Osman has the size of a free and beautiful room or does it have the strength of someone?

Therefore, it can only perish directly.

In fact, it is true, because in several rounds of contact negotiations, the Ottomans directly rejected Liszt’s proposal of the intermediary, and refused to make a settlement with China.

This not only smashed Liszt's dough, but also threw Wall Street's dough on the ground.

You must know that Liszt is walking outside at this time, which represents Wall Street, the supreme financial capital consortium. Since people come to be an intermediary, it is a very clear signal in itself, and that is to tell your Ottoman brother, stop making trouble, and elder brother. For other things, you can accept it.

As a result, the Ottoman brother didn't know what good food he had eaten, so he drank his head directly. Not only did he regard the displayed signal as missing, he also repeatedly beat Liszt's old face.

You must know that now China Ascendas is already an extremely important product provider in the free and beautiful world, and Wall Street has derived extremely huge financial service benefits from the trade between the two sides.

Needless to say, nearly half of China’s soaring free beauty room’s payment receipts and payments, bond purchases and acceptances, and the purchase of other investment derivatives are all carried out through Citibank and Morgan Stanley, and even some foreign exchange transactions are also through Deals made by Wall Street institutions.

The benefits of this are beyond imagination. Because of this, Zhuang Jianye, the leader of China's take-off, has instantly become a guest on Wall Street. If not, how could the existence of such a big name as Liszt allow Zhuang Jianye to be an intermediary?

It is not Zhuang Jianye's promise that starting next year, China Ascendas will be approved as a pilot unit to purchase U.S. Treasury bonds.

This is fatal to Wall Street and even the American elites, because the large-scale full-time factories that they are thinking of are supplying goods, and low-price purchases in U.S. dollars guarantee the stability of domestic prices. Then the producing countries use U.S. dollars to buy U.S. Treasury bonds to offset the U.S. dollar excess. The government bonds are issued and sold as collateral and continue to print US dollars to complete the virtuous cycle of national debt-US dollars.

In this way, there is no need to do anything in the free and beautiful room. Since the money printing machine is turned on, the energy will be continuously increased and the world will be harvested.

Nowadays, a large-scale full-time factory in a large eastern country has found and agreed to purchase US Treasury bonds. Seeing that the puzzle of their hearts is about to come true, why are the elites in the United States not excited and excited?

In contrast, Osman, a small character, is too ignorant, and has no sense of sharing the worries for his elder brother.

As a result, Liszt was furious. He first reported the humanitarian disaster in southwest Ottoman through the media, implying that freedom and beauty are very concerned, and indirectly cheered the armed groups wherever it was, causing the slightly quiet southwest of Ottoman to re-turbulence. .

Subsequently, the Ottoman military launched a coup and overthrew the current regime in one fell swoop.

As a result, they were not very obedient, and they continued to overthrow until a group of politicians who understood the matter and knew what was at stake were replaced.

After several beatings, those Ottoman politicians who had been dazzled by nationalism can also be regarded as recalling. It turns out that the eldest brother meant such a matter of time, so what else to say, inviting China to take off to set things down. .

So there was this meeting in a castle on the outskirts of Vienna.

It’s just that Dikasoglu is a little stressed and there is no way. It’s already obvious who made Liszt’s statement just now. If there is no result this time, let alone the current Ottoman regime, even his Dikasoglu will not be able to eat it. Go around.

Fortunately, before the departure this time, the current regime had reached a consensus, which gave Dikasoglu a little peace of mind. After the two sides sat down on both sides of the long table, Dikasoglu looked at the opposite side and kept playing with the pen. Some absent-minded Zhuang Jianye first said a few opening polite remarks, and then turned to the subject: "Before I came here, the cabinet meeting of this government has agreed to agree to the conditions previously proposed by China to take off and is willing to accept DZB— The 201 type short-range ballistic missile and the DZB-110 type long-range rocket launcher system are the production technology of two weapons and equipment, and the Bosphorus Strait will be opened to the Varyag within five working days after paying a deposit of 1 billion U.S. dollars in China! "

After hearing what Dikasoglu said, Zhuang Jianye did not respond immediately, but continued to play with the pen in his hand. This made Dikasoglu sitting across from him very uncomfortable and even more unpleasant. Premonition, but still gritted his teeth and asked, "Mr. Zhuang Jianye, we have agreed to the conditions, you..."

"Of course we disagree!" Zhuang Jianye was not delaying, and directly interrupted Dikasoglu: "The condition you just mentioned was that I mentioned more than half a month ago, Mr. Dikasoglu, you would not think that After so long, this condition is still valid, right?"

Dikasoglu's heart chuckles, as expected, there is nothing good, and he said with a gloomy face: "Then what are your new conditions?"

"The production technology of the two weapons and equipment is hard to think about, but because of our traditional friendship with Ottomans, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com will provide the DZB-110 long-range rocket launcher system with a production license for 3 years; guarantee money It is an international practice, but one billion US dollars far exceeds international practice, so we think one billion yuan is more appropriate."

Hearing this, Dikasoglu almost didn't vomit three liters of blood. The margin was reduced from 1 billion US dollars to 1 billion yuan. Although they were all 1 billion yuan, the difference was indeed essential, and it was reduced by more than several times.

Of course, these are all trivial matters. After all, the deposit must be returned in full on the smooth passage of the Varyag through the strait. The key is the transfer of weapons and equipment technology, and the production technology directly becomes a production license.

Although they all start with production, the nature is completely different. The production technology is to teach people how to fish, and the production license does not even count as granting people how to fish.

Because all the parts need to be purchased from China Ascendas, and then assembled on the Ottoman boundary under the on-site supervision of China Ascendas technicians.

During the whole process, Ottoman was just a tool man who screwed a few screws. The key is that the parts were not given for nothing, and the technicians on site were not supervised for nothing. All of them needed Ottoman's white silver to buy!

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