Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1425: Metamorphosis

Seeing this sentence, Zhuang Jianye, who was originally a serious face, finally showed a relaxed and relieved expression. He quickly manipulated the phone and deleted the text message of "Stone", and this Nokia phone was stuffed into the inner lining. , But after sitting down and thinking for a while, Zhuang Jianye took out his phone again, opened the contact called "Stone", and repeated it over and over again, but Zhuang Jianye never thought of anything to say, just like in Bangkok, Thailand a few years ago. The same night, the whole person is like dreaming...

"Under Jiuquan, if Chief Engineer He knew that the carrier-based aircraft had been built, he would be very happy, and he would definitely say, look, I said at the beginning that Xiaozhuang is not a motivated person, but if he is serious None of you can..."

Thailand, Bangkok, on the stage on the second floor of the Chinese Embassy in Thailand, Shi Jun faced the warm and drunk night, learning the tone of He Ming, the boss of the Yonghong factory, and he immediately turned his words. Looking to the side, there are some surprised Zhuang Jianye: "Do you know? When you left the Yonghong factory and went to the 23rd branch, Mr. He fell ill, and talked about a good seedling every day. To be honest, I started to envy you at that time, jealous of you and even hate you..."

"Zhuang Jianye, how is my Shijun worse than you? Is it academic qualifications, ability or technical level? Why everyone likes you, to you, I worked hard for them and for their welfare, but I ended up stabbing my backbone. Scolding me, stabbing me in the back?

What did i do wrong? At that time, the company did not have the triangular debt, and that can finally be solved by itself? I want to be high, but in such an environment, can I maintain the normal operation of the business if I don’t borrow from my left hand to my right hand?

The results of it? The affiliated company went bankrupt and couldn't get the remaining money back. They just put the blame on me and put on the hat of a corrupt criminal to kill me with a stick. Why...Zhuang Jianye...you tell me, why? "

As he said, Shi Jun suddenly became excited, the blue veins in the corner of his eyes stuck to his face like an earthworm, and his voice was closer to a roar, so that the guards on one side subconsciously prepared to come over, but fortunately, Zhuang Jianye waved his hand. Living.

Fortunately, Shi Jun controlled his emotions, but he still blushed and his neck was thick: "So I envy you that you can have a good old man, a virtuous wife, and a brother who can share the joys and sorrows with you, but I was not convinced at that time. You, feel that you have let down Mr. He, let him down, let the project flow~~~, let the goal that we used to fight together collapse..."

Shi Jun said with a long sigh: "Because I think you have gotten into Qian's eyes at that time. The dignified Beihang graduates brought a group of big bosses who couldn't even connect wires. For ice cream, really, I think you Zhuang Jianye has fallen...so I have always wanted to be an example to show you what a real aviation person is, even if I went to the United States, I didn’t forget my heart and continued to engage in aviation. The research work proved that Mr. He’s judgment back then was wrong, and I, Shi Jun, was the best in that year!"

Speaking of this, Shi Jun's mood finally calmed down, and he looked at Zhuang Jianye meaningfully: "Until today I went up to the exhibition at the airport and saw the JJ-7MAX, I know I was wrong, you did not forget. At the time Mr. He asked, you did it, you did it, and I..."

Shi Jun smiled bitterly, grabbed the wine on the table next to it, and poured a sip into the bottle. Zhuang Jianye wanted to stop, but Shi Jun reached out to stop him: "I know what you want to say, it's all one The people who come out of the dormitory don’t understand anything. You Zhuang Jianye is a person who values ​​love and righteousness. I know better than anyone. I also know that I beg you to return to China with my head down. I don’t want to say that you should be at the same level as Zhuang Jianye. Not difficult...

Besides, who are Lin Guanghua and Peng Chuan? One is the well-known man in the second workshop, and the other is a scumbag who has sharpened his head and is ready to rely on women. Now he is following you Zhuang Jianye. He looks like a dog every day, and I don’t hesitate to say what he looks like. . "

Hearing that Zhuang Jianye’s old face was drawn straight, one was Lin Guanghua, an authority on large domestic civil aircrafts, and the other was Peng Chuan, a leading aerospace professional equipment expert. Wherever he went, he didn’t hug him, but he came to Shi Jun. Xia, the other is a scumbag.

It's a shame that these two people are not here, otherwise they have to fight with Shi Jun.

"in fact…"

"You don't need to defend those two scams, let alone them, Zhuang Jianye is not much better for you, you just want to rely on his wife to eat soft rice every day, too lazy to be able to cook oil, don't tell me Whatever your current achievements are, that's all compelling. If anyone tells you that Zhuang Jianye you don't have to fight, your wife and children will be able to calm down with a warm head, and Zhuang Jianye will run over if you can. "

After hearing Shi Jun's words, Zhuang Jianye's old face blushed again. He deserves to be the brother of a former dormitory. That's true!

"So Lao Tzu doesn't want to mess with you guys. I don't dare to give you any money and lose a share!" When he said this, Shi Jun's face was full of arrogance, just like when he first entered the Yonghong factory. It was the same as when leading everyone to the housing management office to look for leaders. What is authority and what is leadership? In his eyes, Shi Jun is full of clouds!

But Zhuang Jianye frowned and asked a very realistic question: "Then what do you plan to do in the future? Can't you just float overseas like this? Your old man has been talking about you all these years. You must let him see his grandson? "

Shi Jun's face darkened a bit after hearing this, but in such a short moment, he regained his previous self-confidence again: "I will leave this to you. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com are all brothers in a dormitory. , My wife, children, and parents are pleased to give it to you!"

"You will be stigmatized for a lifetime!" Zhuang Jianye persuaded, but Shi Jun shook his head: "Whether it is stigma or stigma, as long as we can convince Europeans and Americans that we have no threat to them, it is better than anything, let alone the current situation Nowadays, besides me, who else is competent for this task?

Besides, don’t think that I’m going through a terrible life over there. To tell you the truth, as long as you talk about how a big country in the East is backward, you don’t even know what the toilet is, and you can eat, because Europeans and Americans like to watch it. This, of course, if you can become a subdivision expert in a certain industry, your value will skyrocket. Then, Zhuang Jianye, don't envy me for a better life than you! "

Speaking of this, Shi Jun paused, and then his eyes were firm and serious: "Since the goal is the stars and the sea, someone must take on some special responsibilities. To be honest, in the dormitory, you told me about the sudden game. I take it all as a joy, but now I really want to set up such an organization. After all, no one knows when the gang of European and American ghosts will come back to me, so you don’t have to worry about me, you have to worry about how to deal with it. A Streyl who has turned into a traitor!"

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