Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1419: It's over if you die

At this moment, China’s soaring party official Lin Bo, chief engineer Lin Guanghua and others all listened to Zhuang Jianye’s words silently, but did not make a statement.

If this was placed a week ago, if Zhuang Jianye had similar remarks, let alone the veteran Limbo, even the boring Peng Chuan would stand up and oppose it.

No way, the international market is too important for China to take off. Nearly 70% of its revenue comes from the international market. Once blocked, the budding domestic market will simply not be able to support China's take-off production capacity.

What's more, the hematopoietic function of the domestic market is now seriously inadequate. It is almost entirely driven by government investment. China's take-off is a large central state-owned enterprise. Therefore, from a macro perspective, capital is equal to left-handed and right-handed, and there is no profit at all.

Because of this, apart from the key imported equipment that China Ascendas relies on, as far as the market is concerned, China Ascendas has no reason not to compromise.

Anyway, it is to hide one's power and bide its time. Even the country does this. Why doesn't a company in China take off to follow the pace of the country?

However, after the crash, China Ascendas' internal arguments for compromises ceased. The reason is simple. The matter was too bad.

A family at the east end of the village surrounded the big yard and had a good time. The bully at the west end of the village came to spy on the daughter-in-law. One day they came in with a fist in turn, killing people, and wanted to occupy the daughter-in-law. Son, it's lawless.

After contacting the village west of the bullies to complete the party rotation, the ruling conservatives changed their predecessors to be moderate, and took advantage of the peak of national power after the Cold War to implement the so-called "preemptive" military strategy and "comprehensive containment" political and economic strategy.

To put it bluntly, they use their powerful comprehensive national strength, huge economic volume, and unparalleled military superiority to overwhelm all dissatisfaction.

The crash of April 1 is obviously a concentrated expression of this kind of "preemptive strike" and "comprehensive containment."

汜 minus bxwx.*co汜. Dissatisfied? I want to play?

The village tyrant was eager for the family of Wentun in the east of the village to slap their arms quickly, and for this reason, he was prepared to beat the family's economic strength back twenty years ago.

This is not that the village tyrant is arrogant, but that he really has this strength. Not to mention, the number of carrier-based aircraft carried by the village tyrant's aircraft carrier battle group is more than that of all three generations of aircraft equipped by the village's Touzhuang family.

This is not counting the hundreds of Tomahawk cruise missiles and other lethal attack weapons in the battle group.

Of course, the village tyrant is not without scruples. It is the mushroom bombs of the villagers in the east of the village. But the problem is that the mushroom bomb can never be used in actual combat, and the village tyrant is more flexible because of its tyrannical economic, political and military strength. Processing method.

For example, the Kosovo model in the past few years encouraged the independence of a certain island, and then intervened in the name of freedom of navigation. What will happen to the families of the villagers in the east of your village?

Given the huge gap in reality between the two sides, once the war is defeated, the consequences will be disastrous. Not only will the southeastern half be completely exposed, but the legitimacy of the regime will also be severely shaken. More importantly, it is unknown whether the villagers in the east of the village will be transformed into Yugoslavia.

As the saying goes, thinking about winning, thinking about defeat first, can make decision-making more pragmatic.

Since paying an unbearable price in the frontal confrontation, it is not a big deal to lower your head and recognize it at the macro level. It is always much better than the entire country's Yugoslavization and the reappearance of the entire nation in the period of the Republic of China.

More importantly, the people of Touzhuang in the east of the village are not undeveloped. For thousands of years, this nation cannot help but have the mind to do nothing to others. It also has the courage to pay for it, and the gentleman has the backbone to keep it for ten years!

Fighting the humiliation and abuse of a generation to lay a solid foundation for the next generation, after the crash, it has almost become a consensus among the decision-makers.

Based on this, the micro aspects, especially some key areas, must accelerate the pace to make breakthroughs, especially when they are completely decoupled from foreign advanced technologies and markets, whether these key areas can survive, how to survive, and how to efficiently promote the original major projects It has become a problem that decision-makers have to consider.

Sacrifice such as zhuiyo.com sacrifice such as. There is no way. Once something happens, the actions of the village tyrants are not only military, but a comprehensive three-dimensional attack such as economy, politics, and diplomacy. Politics and diplomacy are all easy to say. The key is economy, which is a major issue related to the national economy and the people’s livelihood. Can't be sloppy.

Therefore, the opinion of the decision-makers is to find one or two economic entities as pilots to explore the survival of these economic entities in the case of complete blockade and decoupling, so as to find a set of practical economic development strategies under the crisis. .

And this pilot is really difficult to find if it was placed in the past. After all, this kind of self-defeating from the international market and not being able to obtain advanced imported equipment is no different from self-abusing martial arts and swinging a knife from the palace.

Even if it will receive strong support from the state, it will not be worth the loss.

Therefore, no enterprise or economic entity is willing to comment on such a pilot.

However, since the village tyrants completed the party rotation and the full implementation of the "comprehensive containment" strategy of oppressing the first generation, the pressure on a major eastern country has begun to intensify ~ www.readwn.com ~ especially the aerospace sector and China's take-off. Economic entities are almost one policy a day, and that posture will never stop hanging the companies of these two large eastern countries with nooses.

If this is the case, then there is no need to look for them. Anyway, these two are already the thorns and thorns of the village tyrants, so just let these two as pilots are just right.

It is precisely because the decision-makers have this opinion that China Ascendas will convene this leadership meeting to discuss business strategies and general guidelines after becoming a pilot.

Yes, Zhuang Jianye directly acquiesced in the pilot program, and did not hesitate to do it.

No way, in Zhuang Jianye's view, this thing is nothing to think about, because China's take-off volume is large enough, even if there is no "ghost spirit" series of drones, the village tyrants are not going to let them take off in China.

Mi He Mi. Because large airplanes, advanced engineering design software, advanced semiconductor manufacturing processes, navigation satellites, and advanced optical satellites are all the trump cards in the hands of the village tyrants, let alone the foreigner China take off, even the allies of Japan and Europe, the village tyrants, will not let them get involved.

Because of this, even if China takes off and wants to compromise, it can’t be done. Just as Shi Jun’s column in the Washington Post said, China’s take off has been called Teng-Loma, the size is like an elephant, and a small tree with a thick bowl. How could it be possible to cover such a big figure, so China's take-off must either face reality or escape reality.

It's not that Zhuang Jianye doesn't want to keep a low profile. After all, during the period of strategic opportunity, everyone wants to take a ride. Well, the vents, pigs can fly.

The problem is that now China’s take-off can no longer be hidden, and it has been targeted. How can you hide your power and bide your time, just smash your arms and die.

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