Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1412: Ghost Elf pro

So when this video came out, it immediately caused an uproar, and even some professionals had a far greater impact than the previous groups of major Ottoman cities filmed by an armed organization in southwest Ottoman using Oletaya quadrotor drones. Much stronger.

Even in this process, an armed organization in southwest Ottoman used the Oletaya quadrotor drone to attack the tank with a lot of luck, but it is undeniable that, in theory, this attack method can indeed attack the tank. Cause fatal injuries.

The reason is very simple. The front of a land monster like a tank is hard to say. It is absolutely rough and thick, but the top armor is very weak. Especially for the second-generation main battle tanks such as M60, the top armor is only 15mm, which is only equivalent. The protection ability of ordinary armored vehicles.

The anti-armor ammunition in today's grenade launchers generally has a 20mm armor-piercing capability, while the 15mm thick top armor of the M60 tank is basically paper paste.

Sure enough, less than a week after the release of this video, another 22-second new video released on the Internet by an armed organization in southwest Ottoman confirmed the judgment of many people in the industry.

That is, an armed organization in southwest Ottoman used the Oletaya quadrotor drone to carry a 40mm anti-armor grenade to directly destroy an M60 main battle tank belonging to the Ottoman security forces that was in a state of alert and observation.

This scene shocked the professionals, but excited other armed groups. You must know that in the past, tanks were unsolvable for them. There was no effective means at all except for sneaking them with RPG. Many armed groups can only turn around when they see the tanks, without the courage to fight.

Now an armed organization in southwest Ottoman has found an efficient and cheap anti-tank method for them, why not try it right away?

As a result, several armed organizations located in the southeast and northwest of Ottoman took the lead in purchasing Oletaya quadrotor drones through different channels. Soon the southwest, southeast and northwest of Ottoman became turbulent and turbulent. The security forces have almost taken out their milk-feeding efforts, but they have little effect on the Oletaya quadrotor drones of various armed organizations, causing a large number of personnel and equipment damage.

Osman, who discovered something was wrong, quickly investigated. This investigation was not a problem. He almost made Osman’s upper and lower noses crooked.

It turns out that while producing the previous quadrotor drones, Oletaya secretly released an improved quadcopter drone last month through the recruitment of volunteers, in order to distinguish it from the previous old quadcopter drone. "Ghost Elf", an improved quad-rotor drone is named "Ghost Elf pro".

In response to this improved model, Oletaya’s advertisement is very direct, in one sentence: "It has a greater ability to carry external devices than the'Ghost Elf', and has a stronger anti-interference ability than the'Ghost Elf'. It has a more convenient operation than "Ghost Elf", so come to a "Ghost Elf pro" to experience a different kind of aerial photography pleasure!"

At first, Osman only paid more attention to the first two items in the slogan. After all, he suffered a loss for several actions. However, with the increase in the number of attacks, Osman discovered that the last one cannot be ignored.

Because the "Ghost Wizard Pro" is indeed more convenient than the old "Ghost Wizard" in terms of operating convenience.

You should know that although the old "Ghost Elf" quadrotor drone produced by Oletaya has a simplified control system, the overall weight is more than 30 kg. Not only does it require two people to move it, but also it must be fixed during operation. The location can be easily controlled.

This is particularly unfriendly to battlefield survivability, because it cannot be maneuvered, and once exposed, it will soon be covered by the opponent's firepower.

The Ottoman security forces have used this method to knock out the drone operation teams of many armed organizations.

However, the weight of the entire control system of the "Ghost Pro" is only 8 kg. Even if the "Ghost Pro" quadrotor drone is added, the entire system is only 16 kg. This weight is completely affordable by one person, and Transfer maneuvers at any time in a complex environment.

That's not to mention, the key is that the entire control system does not have to be fixed in operation as in the past, and the personnel can move at any time. Due to the smaller size, the operator's concealment is stronger.

The reason for this performance is simple. "Ghost Pro" completely eliminates the rear projection display and special signal converter used by "Ghost", and instead uses the iBook notebook computer just produced by Apple to integrate it organically. .

This not only greatly reduces the weight of the entire control system, but also uses the iBook notebook computer's high-resolution LCD screen and internal storage system to more clearly observe the various dynamic or static images taken by the drone.

In this way, the armed organization can fully utilize the sixteen-character secret of "the enemy advances and we retreat, the enemy garrisons us, the enemy is exhausted and we fight, and the enemy retreats and we chase."

The Ottoman security forces can only be struggling to cope with this, and they are in distress. However, it is estimated that the short-selling forces have come back at this time. They began to use the deterioration of the Ottoman domestic security situation and began to stir up troubles in the currency, stock market and bond markets unscrupulously, which soon led to The Ottoman national currency, the lira, plunged again, and the Ottoman economy was on the verge of collapse again.

In order to save the economy, Osman had to privatize controlled state-owned enterprises to raise funds to survive this economic winter.

Facing such a once-in-a-lifetime bargaining opportunity, all capitals rushed in like hungry wolves. Soon Ottoman's largest telecommunications company, the largest port, the largest shipyard, the largest gas pipeline operating company, and the largest power operating company They are all controlled by foreign capital ~www.readwn.com~Of course, this also includes the Ottoman Aerospace Industry Group, the only aerospace manufacturing company established by Ottoman in 1984.

The European Airbus Company, near the water platform and with the help of geographical convenience, bought 42% of the group's shares for US$900 million, becoming an absolute majority shareholder.

Boeing, as a US capital, cannot be absent, and acquired 21% of the equity for US$450 million.

It was followed by China Ascendas, which received 9.3% at a price of US$200 million, and the Ottoman government paid US$100 million in land for a 4.6% stake.

This is the shareholding structure of the top four shareholders of the Osman Aerospace Industry Group. The rest belong to 28 different investment institutions and individuals. Under such operations, the Osman Aerospace Industry Group has Osman in its name, but the entire enterprise There is no half a dime relationship with Osman.

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