Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1410: Ottoman

Hearing the words brought by Zhuang Jianye's trustee, Di Kasoglu, who was still thinking about mediating from it, was also angry.

He was working hard to consume most of his political life to maintain his current position. Isn't it because you, Zhuang Jianye, caused the damage?

I keep saying that I have pulled China from a young age to a big one. There is no credit and hard work. As a result, he treated him unfairly. Of course, he was a little bit older while he was in power.

The results of it? Grandma!

You, Zhuang Jianye, are trying to release the detention of Ning Xiaodong, and you secretly got in touch with Oletaya Company to manufacture quad-rotor drones for it, and then secretly sell them to armed groups in southwest Ottoman. This led to turbulence in the Ottoman social and economic situation.

During this period, several investment funds created by Zhuang Jianye were agitated during this round of Ottoman economic turmoil, killing the Quartet. In the course of a series of short-selling behaviors, it can no longer be described as a pour of profit. It is simply Driving the money printing machine crazy printing money.

The controller of the largest fund, the super-rich on Hong Kong Island who has been called the "Lu Ming" in the industry, is no one else. It is Ning Xiaodong's wife and Zhuang Jianye's sister-in-law, Lu Ming!

The Dracula Investment Fund under his control is the boldest, most aggressive and vicious of all short-selling operations against Ottomans.

He almost jabbed at the heart of the fallen Ottoman with a sickle.

After Ning Xiaodong was acquitted, this guy did not return to the country, but went to Romania to join Lu Ming. Soon the two co-founded two investment funds, "Night Attack on Yinshan" and "Surprise Attack on Dingxiang".

From the name, you can tell who Ning Xiaodong is targeting.

People who have a little knowledge of Chinese history know that one of the key battles for annihilating the East Turks in the early years of the Tang Dynasty was the surprise attack on Dingxiang, and the other was the night attack on Yinshan.

The Turks that existed in China back then are the ancestors of the Ottomans today.

Therefore, the mission of the two investment funds "Night Attack on Yinshan" and "Surprise Attack on Dingxiang" founded by Ning Xiaodong is self-evident. That is to tell Ottoman clearly that Lao Tzu's ancestor cavalry made a surprise attack, and the two battles will destroy you; Now, our younger generations can also use financial and economic means to convince your gang to deal with the defeat.

The Ottomans can be regarded as a nation with a long history. Of course, it is clear that Ning Xiaodong's two investment funds are not well received, and any protests and condemnations are useless. The key is to see if they can be prevented.

The result... No matter if it is short or long, Ning Xiaodong's two investment funds are like the cavalry that attacked the East Turkistan more than a thousand years ago. They are in the Ottoman stock market, bond market, foreign exchange, currency and other financial markets. After coming out, it was really like entering the land of no one, and within a few rounds, several of Ottoman's national treasure-level traders were flattened.

The reason why Ning Xiaodong was able to kill the Quartet in Ottoman so powerfully was that he was able to accurately grasp the exact time when the Oletaya quadrotor drone was sold to armed groups in southwestern Ottoman, the key node of the video released by armed groups, and the Ottoman. The security forces purchased the ZDL-16 vehicle-mounted UAV jammer outside the secret message.

The most important thing is the large amount of inside information provided by Dikasoglu.

Yes, Dikasoglu was completely pulled into the water by Zhuang Jianye and Ning Xiaodong at that time. Dikasoglu was also very helpless. If he did not help, Zhuang Jianye would ask Oletaya Company to disclose him. During his tenure as executive director, the equipment procurement of an armed organization in southwestern Ottoman was smooth.

You must know that many of them were created by Dikasoglu using his position as a matchmaking bridge.

This is too destructive for Dikasoglu. The end of political life is a trivial matter, and he may face jail. So the two-sided counseling showed his essence to the fullest, not only succumbing to Zhuang Jianye and Under Ning Xiaodong's prostitution, he also actively made suggestions, thinking about how to make Ottoman's life better than death.

So much so that Lian Zhuang Jianye and Ning Xiaodong often came to the realization during this period, no wonder that Little Japan was willing to use traitors when they were fighting against Japan. If this kind of creatures can really figure it out, it would be twice the result with half the effort.

Of course, Dikasoglu’s hard work is not all in order to preserve his position. The rich interests are the fundamental reason that drove him to become an Ottoman traitor.

You must know that Ning Xiaodong is not a stingy person, especially to Dikasoglu, so in every transaction, Dikasoglu can get 20% of the profit.

After coming down several times, 600 million US dollars were properly laid in the private account of Decasoglu in the Swiss bank.

Of course, it is also because the 600 million US dollars is too hot to get, Dikasoglu will insist on standing on the side of China’s take-off amidst the unanimous opposition to China’s take-off in Ottoman, and actively act as a mediator, thinking of reconciling the two sides’ contradiction.

As a result, the domestic ones didn’t buy it. Why did you Zhuang Jianye hold this attitude?

He Dikasoglu gave you Zhuang Jianye as a bull and a horse, and he ran back and forth with the reputation of Litong, so you treated me like this?

At that time, Dikasoglu was like an innocent girl with a dream of love and dedicated her youth and family fortune. She encountered the betrayal of the sea king, the master of time management, the big scum man, the Jianye, aviation, and aerospace understanding king. Zhuang, immediately. Love is hateful, and can't wait to choke Zhuang Jianye this scum to death in the next second.

Of course, Dikasoglu has the confidence to dare to do this. After all, he was not idle during this time. Not only did he resign from the position of executive director of Olettaya, but also passed the profit of 600 million US dollars. All the private banks have been cleansed, and they have climbed into a larger backing in the Ottoman country. All these have made Dikasoglu's position very stable. In that case, how could he be afraid of the pure-brand scum man like Zhuang Jianye.

Of course it's him!

So Dikasoglu, who returned to the country, immediately changed his position. From a rational appealer, he completely became an accomplice of the opposition, and created a series of theories for this. What Ottoman things should be made by Ottomans, and we Ottomans have to stand again. A series of provocative remarks.

At the same time, he hired high-paying technical personnel from Europe and the United States to start dismantling the high-priced ZDL-16 vehicle-mounted UAV jammer ~www.readwn.com~ purchased from China Tengfei, and soon instructed the Turkish industrial sector to imitate it.

That's not to say. Under the active promotion of Dikasoglu, Osman also promoted his imitation products to the international market, attracting customers with prices less than one-third of China's soaring price and high rebates.

Osman can be said to have pulled the door to the highest level in this regard, but if insiders with two investment funds, "Night Assault on Yinshan" and "Surprising Assault Dingxiang", could see Dikasoglu, they would definitely advise this. Don’t be so high-profile, experts who know the wind, the reason is very simple, because Ning Xiaodong has operated 8 private equity funds, including these two investment funds, to rearrange the short position against Osman.

In other words, a major event that will cause another earthquake in the Ottoman economy is about to happen.

Sure enough, one day in mid-April, in front of the security forces headquarters building in Ankara, the Ottoman capital, two 35mm grenades dropped from the sky with temporary stabilizers made of badminton tail feathers, directly blasting the car of the commander of the southwestern region of the Ottoman security forces to waste. Tie, the Ottoman economy that had just stabilized immediately fell into turmoil again...

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