Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1405: Industry chain

Yes, it really broke the defense.

That made an armed organization in southwest Ottoman famous and was known as the main driver of the almost collapse of the Ottoman economy. The world-famous Oletaya four-rotor small drone just broke the defense in this way.

This has made many investors who have been short-selling Ottomans almost collapsed on the spot.

Just waiting for the four-rotor small drone to personally block the killing Buddha, so that Ottoman could not support it, and the economic situation deteriorated further. They, the sharks who smelled the blood, enjoyed a bloodthirsty feast.

As a result, Osman unexpectedly used something that was not stronger than the TV signal receiving antenna to make that magical. Even the air force radar was difficult to detect, and the small drone that could direct artillery to perform precision strikes was directly rubbed on the ground.

Those investors who short Ottomans really even have the heart to scold their mothers. NM even took off their pants. An armed organization in southwest Ottoman let me watch this? Please, show some sincerity, okay!

So this group of short-selling Ottoman investors is naturally without any suspense.

After all, the fundamentals of Ottoman are not bad, just because the mysterious Oletaya four-rotor small drone of an armed organization in southwest Ottoman is too weird, leading to a chain reaction caused by the flight of foreign capital caused by panic in people's hearts.

Once the Ottoman security forces control the situation and eliminate the panic, a bottoming rebound will naturally come naturally.

But because of this, people began to speculate how Osman found a way to restrain the Oletaya quadrotor small drone in a short period of time.

Some people say that a certain American company uses high technology to help Ottoman solve the problem; others say that it is a solution provided by a European drone manufacturer; there are even rumors that Israel’s Mossadeti Osman has found a key means of restraint...

All in all, the rumors on the market can be said to be disturbing, but almost all the rumors point to those arms manufacturers with advanced technology in the West.

Even the stock prices of certain companies have skyrocketed because of these rumors. It seems that Ottoman's restraint of the Oletaya quadrotor small drone is really inseparable from them.

But in fact, these European and American manufacturers are also embarrassed. It is not that they have never thought about making a fortune from the conflict between Ottoman and an armed group in the southwest.

After all, this kind of regional conflict has always been a hot spot for European and American arms manufacturers to soar their own profits. Naturally, they will go up when they have the opportunity, and they will also go up when they have no chance to create opportunities.

What's more, the Oletaya four-rotor small drone is world-renowned following the video of an armed organization in southwest Ottoman. Like a certain armed organization, it challenged the strength of the regular army.

Because of this, Oletaya’s quadrotor small drone shipments have continued to soar since February, and more than 1,000 have been sold in less than a month, so that Oletaya’s company is located in Huancheng, China. In the foundry factories in China, the workers work in three shifts and can’t even keep up with the fast speed of shipments.

In desperation, another drone assembly foundry was built in Sinzhou. B*B

The problem is that the long-distance cannot quench the immediate thirst. Although the Sinzhou foundry has shortened the construction period as much as possible, it still takes three months to put it into operation, and these three months can only be supported by a foundry in Huancheng. The demand for Oletaya's quadrotor small drones is so strong that this has caused the price of Oletaya quadrotor small drones to soar. Sacrifice like lolxsw.com sacrifice like

From the US$9,998 in December 1999, it has risen all the way to US$45,000 in mid-March.

But even so, the Huancheng foundry, which is still under a large number of orders, can’t breathe, so that industry insiders have to repeatedly emphasize that the price of the Oletaya quad-rotor small drone will further increase. Some people even predict that it will come. At the end of the year, the price will further rise to 80,000 US dollars.

This price is enough to buy a small two-seater propeller plane with pretty good performance.

At the very least, the endurance experience from driving is better than that of a quadrotor drone with a screen size of only 21 inches after unfolding and a flight time of less than 30 minutes.

The problem is that the reason is the same, but it still can’t hold up people’s rush for the Oletaya quadrotor small drone, so that at the same price, people prefer to buy an Oletaya quadrotor small drone instead of going. Try the so-called manned aircraft.

The reason is simple. While the threshold of the Oletaya quadrotor small drone is low enough, the concealment is also good enough. The average aerial photography enthusiast can directly take the Oletaya quadrotor small drone to shoot. There is no need for verification and filing, and no need for airports and maintenance.

Do you use a manned aircraft to try?

Can you go to heaven without an airplane pilot's license and without the permission of the airline management department? Good to heaven!

Then someone asked, since the Oletaya four-rotor small drone is so popular, as its research and development entity, why doesn't Oletaya company in Hungary seek more foundries for production?

You know that there are not many manufacturers that produce such quad-rotor drones in the world. The United States, Europe, and even Japan and South Korea are all looking for it. Why do they have to rely on the foundry factory in Huancheng, China?

In response to this, Oletaya Company issued a special statement to explain, to the effect that so far, they have not found other places that have the same industrial chain and high-quality industrial workers as the UAV foundry in Huancheng. Foundry ~www.readwn.com~ As a civil drone R&D entity focusing on cost-effectiveness, Oletaya is extremely cost-sensitive, while China Ascendas' drone production plant in Huancheng is in the industrial chain and The workforce meets the needs of Oletaya to significantly reduce costs. Because of this, Oletaya has incorporated China's Ascendas Huancheng UAV production plant into its industrial supply chain.

Of course, in addition to the importance of the Huancheng plant in the Oletaya company’s statement, Oletaya also introduced the entire drone industry chain, such as the lens of Zeiss in Germany and the control model of Texas Instruments in the United States. Group, South Korea’s Samsung’s chip foundry, Japan’s Canon’s photosensitive chip, and US Lucent’s information processing...

It is no exaggeration to say that Oletaya company hardly participates in the production of any products or even components, and only relies on the global mature and efficient industrial division of labor to integrate an excellent quadrotor drone.

This is also the reason why Oletaya Company reduced the price of this kind of human machine to below 10,000 U.S. dollars for the first time. You must know that in the past this type of drones were very high-end, at least 15,000 U.S. dollars. Only with the above, Oletaya Company directly subverted the tradition with 9998 US dollars. What does this mean for the market?

Of course, this four-rotor drone is bound to explode.

Since the explosion, the relevant restrictions and restraint products are bound to be as strong in demand, so these European and American arms dealers have taken a fancy to this market early in the morning and are ready to rush to vote. As a result, Osman has searched the price and cycle again, and there is no more information. When there was news, Osman had already hit a restraint device on an armored vehicle. Do you think these European and American arms dealers should cry... Mi He Mi

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