Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1402: New weapon

In the eyes of the Ottomans, Zhuang Jianye's piety is like a fool with a lot of money. Don't let the price be offered? No problem, first take a deposit of $1 million.

Regarding this, Zhuang Jianye didn't say anything else, and directly threw out a US$1 million acceptance check from the German Bareck Bank.

As Ottoman’s coordinator of Varyag’s affairs, Dikasoglu, the Deputy Minister of Ottoman Industry and Economics and Secretary-General of the Ottoman Federation of Industrial Production, naturally took the money with a smile, and then...and...located in Bospor. How should the Varyag in the Rus Strait near the entrance of the Black Sea be soaked in the sea, and why is it soaking in the sea?

Even when the bell of the new century struck and people all over the world were welcoming that it was probably the only historical moment in their lives that spanned a thousand years, the Varyag did not even move a centimeter.

Obviously, this is what Dicas Oluming is bullying.

However, in the past, Zhuang Jianye, who had insight into right and wrong, seemed to have a funny head. He turned a blind eye to the blackmail that Dikasoglu was almost on the face. Instead, he asked for a security deposit for the security deposit, attorney fees for attorney fees, and berth. The fee is for the parking fee...

All in all, what you want is what you want.

At first, Dikasoglu was very cautious with Zhuang Jianye. After all, where did Zhuang Jianye’s reputation in his early years lie? He could turn a little-known Chinese company into an important link in the international aviation industry chain. No one dare to be scornful.

However, after a period of contact, Dikasoglu discovered that Zhuang Jianye seemed to have lost the surging enterprising spirit of the 90s. Instead, he was like a dying old man who could live a day or a day, without a single one at all. The determination of young business leaders.

At the beginning, Dikasoglu was a little unsuccessful. After all, Zhuang Jianye was famous for his cunning, especially when he was studying international politics at Harvard University. When his mentor and friend Liszt talked about his early years of experience, he did more than once. Said Zhuang Jianye and gave a high evaluation to this person.

Therefore, after learning that Zhuang Jianye would be the speaker of the Varyag, Dikasoglu immediately called Liszt and asked about the most prestigious financial consulting agency on Wall Street who had been with Zhuang Jianye for many years. The founder, how to deal with it.

Liszt only said one sentence at the time, and that was: "Be careful, and then be careful, because Zhuang is more cunning than the smartest fox, and he can launch fatal attacks on you in unexpected places."

It was Liszt’s explanation that Dikasoglu was very cautious about 120,000 points in contact with Zhuang Jianye, for fear that there would be a flaw in that place and Zhuang Jianye would catch a painful blow.

Even if it is a series of blackmails, Dikasoglu has been carefully designed, the amount of money is not too much, the frequency is also moderate, even if he does too much, Zhuang Jianye will fight back and he can deal with it calmly.

As a result, he didn’t expect that Zhuang Jianye didn’t care about the money at all. In his own words, he said, “I came here for my wife’s brother. What is his Zhuang Jianye? It is not his own to earn more and earn less, so if you Mr. Dicasoglu have any requirements, please do what you can do quickly while he is still the head of China’s take-off. ..."

Zhuang Jianye's remarks are not too many, but the amount of information is huge, especially for people like Dikasoglu who is the real power leader of the Ottoman industrial department.

No way, there are not too many people who let Ottoman play this kind of routine.

Working hard to climb to the position of the head of a large state-owned enterprise, in charge of the golden rice bowl with annual revenue of billions or even tens of billions, but ended up holding a fixed salary that is almost the same as that of ordinary public officials, even if it is a holy man. Grandpa couldn't stand such a temptation either.


It can be said that Dikasoglu doesn't understand this set too much, not to mention others, he himself is one of these people, and he is still one of the best.

Otherwise, with his own income, can he spend his holiday in a luxury hotel in the Alps? Can you date a supermodel girlfriend in Milan, Italy? Can you afford top-notch French meals and caviar? Can you have a mansion on the outskirts of London?

However, even if he knew the routine, Dikasoglu would not dare to believe that Zhuang Jianye was a similar person like him. After all, Liszt's advice was still in his ears, and Dikasoglu could not help being careless.

So Dikasoglu privately obtained the Ottoman party to investigate the basic situation of Zhuang Jianye.

The results were not investigated. Dikasoglu found out that Zhuang Jianye was like them, and they were just like the moths~~~Bah, it was a gene copy carved out of a model by an elite group.

In the early stage, he worked diligently and pulled up a small factory on the verge of bankruptcy; in the mid-term, he was aggressive and developed the small factory into an industrial group, doubling its revenue; but in the later stage, the industrial group became a comprehensive commercial entity, and its status was also rising, and as a result, multiple interests intervened. , To fight for their own cake, as the core figure in the creation of a company, but can only swallow their anger in the upper-level intrigue.

That's all, the key is to have no treatment, no shares, no shares, and even professional managers of private companies can't match it. Who can stand this situation?

Of course, if you have a chance, you will break the jar, and it will be a lot of money to be able to use it.

Not only did Dikasoglu be an expert in this matter, he was also an expert, so his attitude towards Zhuang Jianye took a 180-degree turn.

You don't deliberately keep your distance, but show your rare enthusiasm for friendship. Anyway, it's all for personal gain. Zhuang Jianye wants to make a fortune. Why doesn't Dikasoglu want to take advantage of this opportunity to make a good profit?

Don't think that driving with a supermodel in Milan, Italy is so beautiful, it not only costs kidneys, but also costs money. Can Dicasoglu work hard to make money?

So in the past two months, the Varyag still soaked at the entrance of the Bosphorus, but Dikasoglu obtained a net profit of 1 million US dollars by blackmailing Zhuang Jianye and took other people’s money. Something has to be done, so a week ago, under the operation of Dikasoglu, Osman withdrew the charges against Ning Xiaodong and released him acquitted.

In order to express his gratitude, Zhuang Jianye paid 1.2 million US dollars in legal service fees, most of which were put into Dikasoglu’s own pockets.

At this moment, Dikasoglu, in his villa on the outskirts of Ankara, was lying on his big bed, hugging the young model whom he had just met the day before yesterday, thinking about how to make a fuss with the Varyag. Zhuang Jianye went up and down together, and then made a lot of money.

The mobile phone by the bed rang suddenly, and there was a non-human mechanical sound: "You are the executive director of Oletaya Company, Mr. Dikasoglu, right?"

Hearing that Dikasoglu bounced off the bed with a violent spirit, he immediately denied: "I'm sorry, you made a wrong call..."

You have to hang up after you finish talking~www.readwn.com~ but the mechanical tone on the other end of the phone said without expression: "It doesn't matter if you don't admit it, you'd better turn on the TV and watch today's news..."

Dikasoglu did not give the mechanical sound a chance to continue speaking, so he turned off the phone, then picked up the remote control and turned on the TV in the room. He was stunned by the picture shown in the TV news.

I saw a small quadrotor drone belonging to an armed organization in southwest Ottoman flew to an ammunition depot somewhere in Ottoman. After a while, three mortar shells dropped from the sky completely lit the ammunition depot like a candle. .

Immediately after the picture turned, several members of the armed organization holding quad-rotor drones chanted slogans to promote their new weapons.

This is the key point that made Dikasoglu a cold sweat. I don't know if the armed personnel among them had their heads drawn or were kicked by a donkey, and even leaked the Oletaya company's logo on the drone.

Just looking at it, Dikasoglu almost passed away in fright...

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