Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1400: Major equipment procurement plan

In fact, Zhuang Jianye said that he wanted to understand Ottoman's situation as an excuse. In fact, he was to go home and comfort the whole family.

No way, Ning Xiaodong was detained by the Ottoman authorities for jeopardizing the safety of the waterway. The news came back to China, and the most worried thing was the family members.

Therefore, Zhuang Jianye, who received the exact information and specific circumstances, had to return home anyway, so that the family would not worry too much.

Thanks to Zhuang Jianye’s decision early, after sending away the military leaders and the head of the headquarters and his party, he took his TRJ-business jet back to Xingzhou’s home. If he hesitated a little bit, he would arrive one or two hours late, Ning Xiaodong’s Madam, Lu Ming, the man who was once famous for the Yonghong factory, was going to take his passport and go directly to Osman to fight with the local authorities to the end.

When Zhuang Jianye entered the house, Ning Xiaohui and Ning Xiaoxue pulled Lu Ming’s arm and the other was holding the suitcase. They were persuading with all their heart. The old man Ning Zhishan was holding his granddaughter with his left hand, and his grandson with his right hand, with old eyes. Full of helplessness and sadness.

At this time, Zhuang Jianye opened the door and came in. The family members seemed to have seen the backbone. The old man Ning Zhishan shouted with excitement: "Xiao Zhuang is back, you all give me a break!"

After speaking, he leaned down and said to his grandchildren and daughters: "Go to the back room and find your sister and younger brother. We adults need to discuss something..."

When his grandson and granddaughter entered the back room, Ning Zhishan turned around and greeted Zhuang Jianye to sit down, and just said: "Ning Xiaodong was in an accident and was detained by Osman. The specific situation is not yet clear, Xiaodong and he The daughter-in-law is impatient. When she hears the news, she brings the child over and prepares to go to Ottoman to talk to others on her own. How can you tell me how to do things like this?

I don’t know what the situation is. At the very least, we must figure out the reason for the seizure, right? Do you think this is the reason, Xiao Zhuang..."

"I understand what Dad said, but what kind of virtue is Ning Xiaodong, others don't know, I, a person who has been married to him for more than ten years, still don't know?"

As soon as Ning Zhishan finished speaking, before Zhuang Jianye could answer, Lu Ming, who was dragging his suitcase back, spoke first: "Don't look at him in front of outsiders, but actually Ning Xiaodong is in his bones. He is a particularly low self-esteem and lack of opinion.

Not to mention anything else, how many years have passed since the vixen who was carrying him on his back and messing with foreigners, Ning Xiaodong was stunned and couldn’t let go. He was such a serious emotional person. How can I rest assured that I can leave him alone? In Ottoman?

What if you get tossed about the next set a few times? You have never stayed abroad, and you are not as beautiful as written in newspapers and magazines. It is a cannibalistic society.

It happened that Zhuang came back. The children and the elderly will be entrusted to you first. If I have any needs here, I also ask you to help as much as possible..."

"Sister-in-law, what are you saying? When Jianye came back, you should be relieved. He is the person in charge of a large state-owned enterprise. He has a lot of relationships, especially with the foreign affairs department. He has also had business contacts in the past few years. Let him ask someone to inquire about it first, it's better than if you were alone in the past."

"My sister is right. Brother-in-law's connections are the hardest here. Don't worry, sister-in-law. Let brother-in-law help you find the way first..."

Before Lu Ming could finish speaking, Ning Xiaohui and Ning Xiaoxue uttered relief, and Ning Xiaohui gave Zhuang Jianye a vigorous wink. The meaning was obvious. Hurry up and make a statement. Even if it doesn't work, you have to agree first. You can't let a woman like Lu Ming run to an unknown place as far away as Osman.

Is it because Zhuang Jianye doesn't want to make a statement? It's simply that I have never even had a chance to open my mouth when I entered the house. I listened to this big family talking like a gun, but since my wife gave instructions, she naturally had to do it. Who made him Zhuang Jianye a good man who cares for the family.

"This matter...I already know. I can't disclose the specifics. To put it simply, Ning Xiaodong's seizure involves a major equipment procurement plan for the headquarters."

"I know you already know it. The problem is not the details, but why people are... Wait, what did you just say? What is my brother involved? The headquarters' major equipment procurement plan?"

Ning Xiaohui was polite to Lu Ming, but Zhuang Jianye would not be so restrained. After all, he is an old husband and wife for more than ten years, and ordinary people can think of unexpected positions, movements, and routines. Those who meet frankly can no longer be frank, and naturally there is no taboo.

So when he heard that Zhuang Jianye’s words were unclear, Ning Xiaohui was a little anxious, and wanted to remind Zhuang Jianye to make it clear, but just halfway through the words, he suddenly realized the key points in Zhuang Jianye’s words, and his voice suddenly rose. With round eyes, the expression of these four words incredible is perfect.

"Headquarters~~~Military? What about Ning Xiaodong, a businessman..." Not only Ning Xiaohui was surprised, but Lu Ming was also astonished.

As Lu Ming said, for so many years, most of Ning Xiaodong’s industries have been managed by Lu Ming. Don’t look at Ning Xiaodong’s predecessors and the big bosses who are cleverly clingy, in fact, if there is no such good in-house help as Lu Ming behind the scenes. At the helm, Ning Xiaodong's ship is probably leaking and silent long ago.

Precisely because of this, in Ning Xiaodong's industrial map, Ning Xiaodong is just a speaker in front of the stage, and Lu Ming is the real decision maker.

Not to mention, Qiongzhou Airlines controlled by Ning Xiaodong purchased the aircraft produced by China Ascendas. Zhuang Jianye directly called Lu Ming to make a decision. Ning Xiaodong didn’t care about this at all. Instead, he felt that his wife’s control behind the scenes was more worry-free. At the very least, you don’t have to think about what to do if the board of directors can’t be opened tomorrow when you’re out drinking and farting with your buddies. Anyway, if you have a wife, you’re naturally happy.

In this way, Ning Xiaodong’s reputation for free, unruly, and true temperament has been achieved, so that many new generation entrepreneurs are extremely sought after, such as those who are still very weak Internet founders. I admire Ning Xiaodong’s style of doing things, and feel that no matter how the board of directors works, my mood is really in line with the idea of ​​decentralizing the Internet~www.readwn.com~ As everyone knows, Ning Xiaodong is not the center at all, his wife is. , So it doesn’t matter whether you go or not.

The problem is that many people don't understand this, so they force to follow suit, and the result is naturally that they don't even recognize their mothers.

Just such a natural hand-handling shopkeeper, it would be nice to be able to understand his own food, drink, and Lazarus. He actually got involved in the headquarters and participated in the large-scale equipment procurement plan. In Lu Ming's eyes, it was tantamount to being a scumbag counterattack. Domination is no longer unbelievable, unbelievable, but directly destroying the Three Views.

As a result, Lu Ming hasn't recollected it yet, but Zhuang Jianye nodded without hesitation: "It's true, and Ning Xiaodong's level involved this time is still very high..."

"Haha..." Before Zhuang Jianye's words were over, the old man Ning Zhishan suddenly smiled heartily: "Let me just say, Xiaodong, this child has a show in the inside, sooner or later, he will be a pillar of the country, and he participated in the headquarters silently. The major equipment procurement plan of the United States, um... yes, this kid is like me when I was young!

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