Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1390: Aero Engine High Altitude Test Bench

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! And this is what makes China Ascendas different from other friends, that is, after confirming that a technical route is feasible, it will focus on following this technical route until it is completely connected.

The variable-cycle aero-engine is obviously a feasible technological path. Not to mention anything else, the General Motors Corporation of the United States has started research in this area since the end of the 1960s, and has mastered many variable-cycle aero-engines in the 1980s. The core technology in the field, and at the end of the 1980s, it officially launched GM's master in the field of variable cycle engines-high-thrust aeroengines.

China's take-off, which has been touching the Americans in aviation technology, is naturally paying attention to GM's achievements. While silently congratulating this biggest competitor in the field of aviation development and industrial gas turbines for another remarkable breakthrough, China's take-off The aviation department also confirmed that the variable-cycle engine is really feasible.

Since it is feasible and represents the future, what else to say? Raise your arms and do it and you're done.

Of course, in the introduction of Zhuang Jianye at this moment, it is natural not to say that he was holding a variable cycle engine as a gimmick back then, fooling the local government how to invest money.

It is how the Ascendas department endures loneliness, how to silently persist under the impact of the reform tide, how to move forward in the huge waves of the market economy, and how to stabilize the team under the brain drain and popular support to continue to develop its head.

During the period, the foresight of the leadership team of the Ascendas department, the hard work of the upper and lower cadres and employees, and the unforgettable original intention of the entire Ascendas department can be described as vividly demonstrated by Zhuang Jianye.

It's just that these chiefs and leaders present who can sit in this position are any idiots? Naturally, Zhuang Jianye's remembrance of the past and heartfelt meaning can be heard.

To sum it up, in one sentence, it is not easy for us to take off in China for 15 years. Heads and leaders will do well, and we can give as much money as possible next year!

"The question of funding, I still said before, as long as you China takes off and come up with something that satisfies us, it is not a problem for me!"

At this time, the military leaders who hadn't spoken for a long time suddenly spoke up, but the straightforward words were really surprising. It was obvious that the military leaders were very satisfied with the engine that China took off, otherwise neither would it. If you can say so bluntly, you are almost almost throwing all the additional funds next year to the head of your China's take-off.

However, before everyone at the scene could recall from the generous statement of the military leaders, the following sentence of the military leaders was like ice water in winter, causing those who heard it to shiver unconsciously: " But then again, the things you have shown in China’s take-off so far have not satisfied me... Comrade Xiao Zhuang, don’t look at me with such a surprised expression. I don’t look good. Secondly, I might as well touch my conscience and ask myself, we have been here for so long, what valuable things do you show us?"

Before the words were over, the military leader stretched out a slap and clasped a finger without hesitation: "Let’s start with the vertical take-off and landing verification machine. It is a vertical take-off and landing verification machine. He also created a lift fan. But from here to now, has your vertical take-off and landing verification aircraft really taken off and landed vertically? What I saw just now seemed to be a normal taxi and take-off, didn't it?"

After a pause, the military leader clasped his second finger: "The following-unmanned stealth aircraft is indeed subverting our imagination, but we only understand the construction of the anti-aircraft carrier combat system from the video screen you provided. , I don’t know how the actual combat status is. Do you say I have any reason to doubt the role of unmanned stealth aircraft in anti-aircraft carrier combat?"

"There are also three-dimensional programming equipment and technology..." At this time, the military leader grabbed his third finger: "I can't comment on the equipment produced on site, but the stealth composite material you mentioned is really mysterious and only listens to you. Say, I haven’t seen the real production scene, the old saying goes that hearing is fictitious, seeing is believing, Xiao Zhuang, do you think this is the reason?"

As he said, the military leaders quickly dropped the last two fingers: "The last two are the engines, one is the performance during the test flight, which is really good; the other is the high praise you gave, which is really amazing; the problem is Are these two states normalized or did you deliberately use extreme means to make it? You must know that fighting engine scraps can be super-level. The arms industry manufacturers in the United States, Russia, Europe and even New Delhi have played this Routines, since your China is so enthusiastic about funding, will you be bothered in this regard?"

The military leaders spoke faster and faster, and their tone became more and more severe. Obviously, although the military leaders rarely spoke this way, they looked carefully with their eyes. The things Zhuang Jianye showed were indeed eye-catching. , It is a vertical take-off and landing verification aircraft, and an unmanned stealth aircraft.

As long as the heart is not firm, you will be confused, and then rush to give Zhuang Jianye money.

But actually? Zhuang Jianye took out the things at the bottom of the box, but the background color of these things at the bottom of the box is real, but they can't stand the scrutiny of interested people.

As a result, the army chiefs and leaders turned their attention to Zhuang Jianye to see how this young enterprise leader, whose underwear was almost stripped by the military leaders, should respond next.

How can you deal with it? Speechless to answer...Bah...It's to deal with it carefully! if not?

You must know that the military leaders are not good fools. As early as 80 years ago, they presided over the import of advanced military equipment from Western countries such as France, Britain, Italy, and the United States. In the early 1990s, they led a large number of Russian importers. Therefore, it can be said to be an experienced "old arms dealer".

No matter if it is Western trivialities or Eastern nonsense, military leaders have seen them all.

Because of this ~www.readwn.com~Zhuang Jianye's deeds may be able to find a fish in the water from others, but it is really not enough to see it in front of the leaders of the military.

The meaning of these words by the military leaders is also very obvious, that is, don’t play with him. If you want next year’s funds, you will come up with some tangible results, otherwise I won’t have time to talk to you. Consumption.

This is the style of military leaders, cowhide, willful!

Fortunately, Zhuang Jianye is not the kind of fierce man who starts with a mouthful and relies on flicking when he gets into trouble. In other words, he is a Confucian general who is not unprepared to fight unprepared battles. So in this respect Zhuang Jianye is already prepared and stays still Then, as soon as you move, you must shake the mountain and place a big one.

So under the gaze of everyone, Zhuang Jianye finally opened his mouth: "I have to say that the introduction of aerospace products at our aerospace production and manufacturing base in the southern foot of the Qinling Mountains is a bit nondescript, because there are many equipment, processes and samples. No, but the reason why I chose this place as a place for leaders and leaders to visit is very simple, that is, it is close to three thermal power plants and two hydroelectric power stations, with sufficient power supply. We have just completed the aero-engine high-altitude test. station!"

Hearing this, the others were still a little at a loss. The head of the headquarters suddenly stood up from his seat and said in surprise: "Your aerial platform is completed?"

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