Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1387: Hardly a human

The J-8II pilots code-named "Yunjian" kept exclaiming. Not only could the flight in the sky hear them, the heads and leaders of the troops at the airport could also hear clearly because they had already set up an air-to-ground contact radio station.

At first I didn't feel much. Although the speed of Mach 1.45 exceeds the speed of sound, it is not amazing. After all, even a better trainer has a speed of Mach 1.5, so Mach 1.45 can only be regarded as an entry point.

However, after ten minutes passed, the attitudes of the leaders and leaders of the troops were different. It was like a hunk driving on a bed. One, two, and three piston movements at the same frequency seemed unremarkable. If the time of piston movement of the same frequency is stretched indefinitely, it will cause a subtle reaction from quantitative change to qualitative change.

The vertical take-off and landing verification machine No. 2 test machine currently exhibits just like a hunk driving a car. It seems unremarkable, but in fact it is extremely durable.

It is important to know that even if the traditional combat aircraft has supersonic capability, it cannot last for too long due to factors such as engine and body structure. Usually it can last for two or three minutes. Afterburner opened for too long and was scrapped.

Because of this, regardless of whether it is a second-generation or third-generation aircraft, although they are called supersonic fighters, they fly at high subsonic speeds in most cases, and only in rare cases such as getting rid of missile pursuit and quickly leaving the battlefield. Full afterburner, flying at supersonic speed.

However, the second test machine of the vertical take-off and landing verification machine flew at supersonic speed for 10 minutes. If other types of aero engines were scrapped on the spot, they would have to be sent to the aviation plant for overhaul even if they returned smoothly.

It can be found from the surveillance of the companion aircraft and ground radar that the vertical take-off and landing verification aircraft No. 2 test machine seems to have no problems at all. Not only that, but it seems that there is still room to further increase the speed. What does this show?

The performance of WD-turbofan engine is far better than what Zhuang Jianye introduced.

When the leaders and leaders of a group of troops were amazed by the unimaginable performance of the WD-turbofan engine, the voice of the test pilot of the vertical take-off and landing verification machine No. 2 test machine suddenly came from the air-ground contact radio station: "'Dagger' Next I I suggest letting the Doppler radar on the ground track it, because you can't keep up with me at all."

"I admit that the model you are driving is very durable, but the speed of Mach 1.45 is not unsurpassable. You must know that the J-8E that I am driving is equipped with an engine that is also a product of China Ascendas. The maximum flight speed can be achieved without a load. Reaching Mach 1.8, the afterburner time can reach five minutes, so'Ha Dongqing' don't bother with the ground radar. Give me three minutes to catch up with you."

As the leader of the "Dagger", he did not follow the advice of "Ha Dongqing". If it was a general companion, it would be fine. The problem is that there is a group of army chiefs and leaders who observe and observe. If this is not followed, he Personal shame is small, what about the face of the entire army and the entire military area?

What's more, as a soldier, especially an aviation soldier with a strong sense of victory and defeat, he was left far behind by a test model. It was good-looking and not good-sounding when it was spread out. It was just an old model like the J-8II. , The duration of the afterburner of the two engines does not exceed two minutes, even if the maximum speed can reach Mach 2.2, it will not be able to withstand the super durability of the Costin.

Fortunately, there is also a J-8E on their side, which uses two WD-62SUV mid-size turbofan engines also produced by China Ascendas. Without weapon load, the maximum speed of the bare machine can reach Mach 1.8, and It lasts for 5 minutes without damaging the engine, but it needs to be returned to the factory for repair after landing.

At the speed of Mach 1.45 of "Costin", the "dagger" does not need to be so extreme, as long as it is maintained at Mach 1.6. In this way, the engine can be protected and the afterburner can last longer. It is precisely for this. Only the "dagger" of the lead plane will have the confidence to say the above-mentioned words.

What can Costin say about this? I can only continue to remind me with good intentions: "Okay, but pay attention to the afterburner time of the engine. Don’t have any problems. After all, WD—62SUV and WD—Although they are both produced by Ascendas in China, they are two generations of products. My vertical take-off and landing verification machine No. 2 test machine, let alone afterburner, even the throttle in cruise mode is not pulled to the end, so just do what I can. Okay, I'm ready to start afterburner!"

After hearing the words of "Costin", the pilot "dagger" of the lead plane who was just about to pull on the accelerator to start the afterburner almost fell on the LCD instrument in front of him. Is" Costin" really human? what?

The speed can be soared to Mach 1.45 without the afterburner. If the afterburner is on, you can’t take off?

No, "Costin" is not a human at all. If it is a human, can you say that the cruise mode has not exhausted all its strength? But precisely because of this, "Dagger" prayed that "Ha Dongqing" would be better able to be an individual, otherwise full firepower would not be as simple as taking off, but would be able to ascend completely. Then you will let his "dagger" face go wherever he goes. ?

However, before the "dagger" could react, the "costo" had been activated. He quickly glanced at the flight data on the LCD display, and then directed the radio to the ground and said, "I am going to speed up. ."

Immediately, a positive reply from the ground guide came from the headset: "Yes, but you have to do what you can. If there is an abnormality, immediately slow down."

"'Costin' understand!" After speaking, "Costin" quickly moved a few buttons on the engine control panel~www.readwn.com~ The vertical take-off and landing verification aircraft No. 2 flying at Mach 1.45 The speed of the testing machine dropped rapidly. When the speed dropped to about Mach 1, the throttle on the hand of the "Costin" in the cockpit slowly pulled down. As the bright flame of the tail nozzle suddenly increased, a noticeable push was made. The back feeling rushed directly, and the entire vertical take-off and landing verification machine No. 2 test machine smashed through the sky like a meteor in the sky, leaving a deafening sonic boom.

At the same time, the long-term aircraft "dagger" who had recollected saw the speed of Costin slowing down, and felt that his opportunity had come. He immediately moved the throttle and followed the roar of the two WD-62SUV afterburners. The "Dagger" speeded up to 1.6 Mach in an instant, and when he watched, he was about to catch up with the "Ha Dongqing" who was not far away, so I thought that "Ha Dongqing" shot out like a cannonball.

The "dagger" sitting in the cockpit only had time to see the light from the tail nozzle of the "costan" and the cloud group that broke through the sound barrier, and the "costan" would never be seen again.

Just as "Dagger was at a loss," the headphone heard "Yunjian" astonished voice: "'Dagger', look at the radar data,'Haitongqing' has been accelerating, 1.6 Mach, no~~~ has exceeded 1.8 Mach, the acceleration is very fast, oh my god, breaking through Mach 2, I'm not a human being, and I've reached Mach 2.2, what about the "dagger"? At this speed, we can't keep up with the two of us tied together..."

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