Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1376: Kinetic energy interceptor

Yes, it is really a genuine black technology.

You must know that the person who can accompany the military leaders over to inspect is not a well-informed person. They have almost traveled to the country’s technologically advanced manufacturing plants and research and development units, and even some key leaders are still in top foreign laboratories. After staying with the production plant, I have learned a lot about the advanced equipment.

Not to mention anything else, but in the past few years, the most advanced production equipment in aerospace, such as additive manufacturing, 3D printing, flexible manufacturing, and digital assembly, have also been experienced by the leaders and leaders of these forces.

However, it is just such a group of broad-minded leaders in the military that they are very unfamiliar with the two large-scale equipment in front of them, let alone have seen them, or even heard of them.

The load-bearing truss on the satellite, as well as the small vector rocket nozzle used for orbit change, are actually the same as the loom weaving, so they are woven like this?

To be honest, if you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, just heard that the leaders and leaders of the troops present would not believe that advanced aerospace components can be woven with textile machine-like equipment, which is a joke.

However, at this moment, the two large-scale equipment in the No. 5 workshop of China's Ascendas Qinling aerospace manufacturing base demonstrates with indisputable facts that high-value aerospace components can really be woven. This is unheard of and unseen. The technology that impacts the Three Views, what is it if it is not black technology?

"This chief is really praised. The two sets of three-dimensional braiding machines in workshop 5 are not considered black technology. After all, these two sets of equipment only reached the technical level sold by American Atlantic Company to European Airbus Company. The unit developed by Atlantic for NASA is kept secret and is used to produce high-performance reconnaissance satellites, high-speed reentry warheads, and three-dimensional braiding machines for large load-bearing structural frames and skins for stealth aircraft.

Therefore, our two sets of equipment can only be regarded as general. After all, here, the production of these two sets of equipment is only the shell, internal truss beam, bracket, and bracket of the kinetic energy interceptor in the LYJ-18 mobile anti-missile and anti-satellite system. Core components such as vector rocket nozzles and connectors...Oh, yes, Mavericks, take out the finished products you have produced before, and let your chiefs guide and guide..."

When the heads and leaders of a group of troops were completely shocked by the black technology displayed by the two large-scale equipment in front of them, the familiar voice of Zhuang Jianye sounded in everyone's ears again, and soon some of the leaders of the troops who had recovered. Realizing the key points in Zhuang Jianye's words, he immediately asked: "You mean, the woven truss beams and small vector rocket motors are not on satellites?"

"The shell, the internal truss, the bracket, the vector rocket nozzle and the connector... I'll be a good boy, more than half of the parts of the entire kinetic energy interceptor are made by these two devices."

"I remember that the cost of the kinetic energy interceptor on the LYJ-18 missile was only 8 million yuan. Is it because of the cost reduction of this black technology?"

"That's not right. According to Zhuang Jianye, the stealth material of the TY-22 stealth drone is also manufactured using this black technology. How can the TY-22 stealth drone reach 600 million yuan? The kinetic energy interception on the LYJ-18 missile Only 8 million?"


The discussion quickly spread among the leaders and leaders of the troops. There were surprises, doubts, and noncommittal. All in all, everyone’s heads were full of question marks. I don’t know what Zhuang Jianye’s gourd is selling. What medicine.

Fortunately, everyone did not wait long. The staff in the workshop pushed a kinetic energy interceptor on the LYJ-18 missile and presented it in front of everyone.

It’s okay if you don’t look at the result. When you look at it this way, the heads of these troops and the leaders are straightforward, especially the heads of an air defense force from the Air Force, almost at the moment when the staff put down the display stand. I rushed to the front and looked at the description board that said the installation of the LYJ-18 missile kinetic energy interceptor. I watched it up and down several times before he straightened up and looked at Zhuang Jianye like an alien: "This is LYJ— The kinetic energy interceptor of the 18 missile, the total mass is only 72 kilograms?"

It’s no wonder that the head of the Air Force’s air defense force is like this. It is that the 72 kg mass of the LYJ-18 missile’s kinetic energy interceptor is so light that even the chief officer responsible for commanding the anti-missile/anti-satellite combat system is somewhat I can't believe that such a light anti-missile interceptor can really work.

It is necessary to know that the launch mass of the anti-missile interceptor of a certain aerospace institute reaches 9.5 tons, and the mass of the anti-missile interceptor carried is as high as 389 kilograms, which is more than five times that of the kinetic energy interceptor of the LYJ-18 missile.

But even so, the hit rate of the kinetic energy interceptor of a certain aerospace institute is only a little more than 60%. If it is in actual combat, it can guarantee a success rate of at most 50%.

It should be understood that the larger the mass of the spacecraft, the higher the redundancy of the platform, and the more and more sophisticated equipment it carries. On the contrary, the less and rougher it will be.

This is like refitting a motorhome. Heavy trucks are easy to refit because of the large space; if they are refitted with a beetle, it is really a dojo in a screw shell, and the difficulty will naturally increase exponentially.

The kinetic energy interceptor of China’s take-off LYJ-18 missile obviously belongs to the latter. The 72 kg mass must integrate high-sensitivity infrared detection equipment, control computers, high-energy rocket fuel, several small rocket engines and the main engine responsible for high-speed collisions. In addition to other antennas, sensors, control mechanisms, etc., at least a 200 kg platform can fit.

But the overall mass of the kinetic interceptor of the LYJ-18 missile is only 72 kilograms. How did China take off to allocate the various systems? Can it be reliable and effective?

Just when the head of the Air Force air defense force was suspicious, the LCD screen that was brought over by the staff was powered on, and soon there was a picture of the LYJ-18 missile's kinetic energy interceptor performing space vector maneuvering on the screen.

I saw that the kinetic energy interceptor of the LYJ-18 missile continuously spewed short tongues of flame, making the interceptor hover in the air and stay still.

At this time, Zhuang Jianye walked to the screen and said with a smile: "Our LYJ-18 missile has a heavy launch mass of only 1.8 tons, and the 72 kg payload is already the limit. However, we will wait for our integrated milling and forging 3D printing equipment to be put into use in the future. Later, it can be seen that after the complex cavity structure is formed at one time, the quality will be reduced by 30%. In the future, our vision for the LYJ-18 missile is to launch a mass of 1 ton and control the mass of the kinetic energy interceptor to about 40 kg~www. readwn.com~ Shoots up to 200 kilometers at the same time, with a range of more than 600 kilometers, becoming the backbone of land-based and sea-based anti-missile and anti-satellite systems."

"How long will it take to achieve this goal?"

At this time, a commander from the naval surface warship unit suddenly spoke. There is no way. It is really the vision given by Zhuang Jianye is too tempting. The launch mass is 1 ton, but it has a firing height of 200 kilometers and a range of more than 600 kilometers. The target boarding is not a problem at all.

Not only that, this small and high-energy missile can also allow surface ships that have little space to have more ammunition. It explains that surface ships with anti-missile capability in the mid-range and long-range ballistic missiles are enough to push the homeland air defense circle deep into the ocean. Moving forward more than 1,000 kilometers, the strategic significance here is not too great.

It is precisely because of this that the chief of the navy could not bear it.

Zhuang Jianye’s answer is also very simple: “It mainly depends on when our integrated milling and forging 3D printing equipment can be put into use, just like the two sets of 3D braiding machines in front of us today, DL-520 and DL-527. When put into use, the kinetic energy interceptor of our LYJ-18 missile will not lose 72 kilograms."

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