Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1373: 600 million RMB 1 plane

Of course, this anti-aircraft combat system is not without its shortcomings. For example, the space-based satellite reconnaissance system is too weak. With the current domestic pioneer series plus the number of resource series satellites, it can only barely achieve every interval. Refresh the key area between the first island chain and the second island chain once every 3 hours.

That's all. The key is that the satellite is not equipped with database information for autonomous reading and discrimination. Even if the satellite finds the aircraft carrier formation, it cannot provide rapid warning at the first time. Instead, it needs to be transmitted back to the image interpretation center for a series of post-processing. In order to get the corresponding intelligence information.

Not only the workload is very large, but also the efficiency is very low.

But no matter what, the emergence of the TY-22 stealth drone has organically integrated the domestic space-based reconnaissance system with the sea-based, air-based, and land-based strike system for the first time, and has initially achieved the initial stage of the aircraft carrier battle group. Strike ability.

Even if this capability is more primitive than the Red Navy in the Soviet era, and it is not even on the stage in the eyes of a major power outside the region, it is a breakthrough of great strategic significance for the country.

At the very least, in the face of a major event in 1996, when a large power from outside the region suddenly rushed over the aircraft carrier battle group, the whole country should not be so alarmed. Although it is still not on the stage, but after all, they already have something in their hands, even if it is just a small A small dagger, not a fierce three-foot Qingfeng, can also splash five steps at a critical moment.

And this is enough for the current troops.

Because of this, the leaders and leaders of the troops present began to get excited after a moment of silence, especially the leaders and leaders of the naval troops. They were almost all excited. You must know that in the previous plans, they were Fighting out most of the main fleet may not be able to replace the opponent's aircraft carrier.

Now, with the integration and guidance of the TY-22 stealth drone, the unnecessary sacrifices in the past seem to have found value.

Yes, they are not afraid of sacrifice. Even if the fleet is exhausted, the people will be lost. As long as they can maintain national sovereignty and territorial integrity, it is worthwhile. They are afraid that they will still be in vain after the death. , Even if you use human life to fill the gap that is likely to be dissatisfied.

And now, they seem to see the hope that they can really hit the heavy weapon of a certain extraterritorial intervener, so how are the leaders and chiefs of the Navy not excited, and how can they not be excited.

So one by one shouted at the military leaders and heads of headquarters to equip the TY-22 stealth drone to their navy.

Even the head of a naval force simply said: "Even if no ship will be built next year, it will be equipped with a TY-22 stealth drone, even if you can sell iron!"

With such a shout from the Navy, the Air Force stopped doing it. The TY-22 stealth drone was originally the seed of the bomber in their eyes, and it has the potential to modify an unmanned stealth attack aircraft.

Even if the ammunition capacity is somewhat weak, this thing is a bit different. The key depends on how to use it.

The use of an unmanned attack aircraft modified by a TY-22 stealth drone to be used as a bomber is of course a great discount in tactical value; if the drone modified by the TY-22 stealth drone is positioned as the F-117 "Night" in the US military "Eagle" is used to steal homes secretly and steal towers by walking. The tactical value can be frighteningly high.

It should be known that the internal weapon load of F-117 is only 2.2 tons, which is at the same level as TY-22 stealth drone. Because of this, the tactical application range of F-117 can be applied to TY-22 stealth drone. .

Especially after being equipped with two 1000 kg DZB-1000 heavy ground-penetrating bombs, the TY-22 stealth UAV can be used at the beginning of the military struggle in the southeast coast to broadcast to the command and control center, leader’s residence, and media broadcast on a certain island. A series of high-value strategic targets such as the building and the underground command center implement unknowingly acupuncture and beheading operations.

As a result, the enemy’s command system was disrupted from the beginning, and the enemy’s internal morale was disrupted, thereby gaining absolute initiative on the battlefield.

Originally, if it had not integrated reconnaissance and strike capabilities, the Air Force would have regarded the TY-22 stealth drone as its own bag. As a result, it was unexpected that the TY-22 stealth drone had hidden properties and could actually be used in space. The satellites in China are effectively integrated with other attack weapons.

You must know that the Air Force’s vision is to have both offensive and defensive capabilities, as well as the integration of air and space. In the past, these two sentences were just a concept. Now the normal and hidden attributes of the TY-22 stealth drone are combined. The interpretation is straightforward, so what?

The TY-22 stealth drone is not only owned by the Air Force, but must also be owned by the Air Force.

Therefore, before the people of the Navy have expressed their love for the TY-22 stealth drone with excitement, the chiefs and leaders of the Air Force are like the flower protectors, jumping out one by one, facing the leaders of the military and the headquarters. Talking about the importance of the TY-22 stealth drone to the Air Force, even thinking that the Air Force leader said righteously: "Old Chief, the Air Force can't live without TY-22, just like the Air Force can't live without the Su-27 and 10 projects. It is the core equipment for the air force’s combat effectiveness..."

The military leaders and the heads of the headquarters heard that the Air Force could not live without the TY-22 stealth drone. The old face was utterly drawn, but they hadn't waited for them to express their views. The Second Artillery Corps had rarely expressed their views. Several leaders suddenly spoke up, believing that the TY-22 stealth drone is neither suitable for the navy nor for the air force. If you want to find a subordinate service, you have to be their second artillery.

The reason is simple. The satellites in the sky were sent up by their carrier rockets, and the ammunition for long-range attacks was shot out by the missiles of their Second Artillery. Both the sky and the underground belonged to their Second Artillery. Naturally, they should be the key equipment for integration. It's their second artillery.

As a leader of the Second Artillery Corps said: "There is no better way to own a TY-22 UAV than we are, and only we can make the TY-22 UAV fighter reach the maximum level. Because of this, from the comprehensive Judging from the situation, only our Second Artillery Force is most suitable for equipping the TY-22 UAV..."

For one table, three waves of guests came, and it was not enough to divide them. The more important three waves of guests did not agree with each other, and each had its own reasons.

The navy said that anti-aircraft carrier itself is the responsibility of their navy ~ www.readwn.com ~ equipment should be assigned to them.

The Air Force stated that they are experts at playing aircraft, so it is more professional to leave it to them.

The Second Artillery smiled slightly, the sky and the underground are their Second Artillery. Is it interesting for you two to join together?

As a result, the three groups were arguing for the right to the TY-22 stealth drone equipment. The heads of the military leaders and the heads of the headquarters were buzzing. However, when everyone was arguing, one An unintentional word from the head of the army forces brought the dispute to an abrupt end.

"Why don't you ask about the price? Do you really have too much funding for the military? I heard that things that have taken off in China have never been cheaper."

Awakening the dreamer, a leader of the Air Force aviation unit immediately looked at Zhuang Jianye: "Zhuang Zhuang, what is the unit price of your TY-22 stealth drone?"

Zhuang Jianye smiled slightly and reported a price that shocked everyone's jaws: "Not much, 600 million yuan per one!"

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