Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1371: Attention: aircraft carrier!

   "This distance..."

Hearing Zhuang Jianye’s words, an experienced aviation leader couldn’t help frowning: “Although the combat distance of several batches of old-fashioned H-6 has been exceeded, 10%, which is 840 kilometers of spare fuel, remain. The lower combat radius is only 3780 kilometers, which seems to be almost meaningless than Wanli..."

   said with a thoughtful addition: "Even if long-range attack weapons, such as cruise missiles, are used to make up for the lack of range, the problem is that such cruise missiles are not very problematic in the surrounding area, beyond this range..."

Before he could say anything, the experienced aviation chief shook his head: "Even if there is a range, the head is misaligned. It is completely meaningless. As a stealth drone with a super long range, if it is only placed in the southeast coastal military The frontier of the struggle is somewhat overkill, but should be placed between the first island chain and the second island chain to deter the intervention of countries outside the region. From this perspective, the range and combat radius of TY-22 are both It is enough, but is the payload of this weapon..."

The experienced aviation chief did not finish his words, but he already understood what he meant. That is, although the 8,400 kilometers of the TY-22 stealth drone does not reach the propaganda scale of 10,000 miles in its combat radius, The overall combat structure of the current aviation force is still sufficient.

After all, Guam, the core node on the second island chain, is only 3,100 kilometers away in China. The TY-22 stealth drone with a combat radius of 3780 kilometers can be inserted between the first island chain and the second island chain if necessary. Deterring and deterring the logistics nodes and military gathering places of countries outside the region on the second island chain, forcing them to be unable to intervene during military struggles along the southeast coast.

If the TY-22 stealth drone is really an out-and-out bomber, it goes without saying that almost all the military chiefs present are crying and crying directly. There is no way. At present, the country can go out of the first island chain and There are not many means for the second island chain.

Ballistic missiles are a means, but the current domestic medium and long-range ballistic missiles are not very flexible. The launch time is too long, the accuracy is not good enough, and the number is not enough. It is scary to be scary. As for the power, unless it is equipped with a nuclear warhead, it is very good. It is difficult to cause any substantial harm.

Not to mention cruise missiles. Due to the lack of space-based satellite networks and the lack of satellite navigation support, coupled with the lack of key elements such as ocean hydrology, climate, ocean currents, and island geography outside the first island chain, this has led to The map matching and satellite guidance on which cruise missiles relied on the rampage were completely ineffective, so that the cruise missiles that were shot out were not as good as a double kick.

As for the aviation itself, not to mention, the H-6 bomber with the farthest combat radius worked so hard that it could fly past. The problem is that even if it runs over, it’s a living target. Basically, it does. The situation of no return.

   And this is also the dilemma facing the current troops, knowing where the key points are, but lacking effective countermeasures.

Finally, I saw a glimmer of light on the TY-22 stealth drone. As a result, the weapon payload of the entire aircraft was only two tons. Although the extra power of two 1,000 kg aerial burrowing bombs is very powerful, the problem is that the quantity is too large. Few, when the two are down, the opponent may be caught off guard, but it is tantamount to stabbing a hornet's nest.

Of course, this is only the result in an ideal state. You must know that UAVs are not manned aircraft after all. There are too many long-distance control variables for thousands of kilometers. Let alone the signal processing problems of several large-scale formations together. Thank goodness that the long-distance signal transmission of the aircraft was not disturbed.

   It is precisely because of this that the heads of troops and leaders present are generally optimistic about the prospects of the TY-22 stealth drone, because there are infinite possibilities based on it, and at least the future stealth bomber has fallen.

   At this stage, however, there is a lack of space-based assistance such as communication satellites and navigation satellites; and there is no blessing of long-range precision guided weapons; at the same time, its own bomb-carrying capacity is very limited, and it cannot be based on the enemy's fatal blow...

   In this way, the TY-22 modified drone stealth attack aircraft seems a bit tasteless. You must know that the military struggle along the southeast coast is extremely complicated. It is by no means a certain island itself, but a game of chess in the entire Asia-Pacific region!

  Because of this, before the experienced aviation chief spoke, many people nodded in agreement, and then turned their eyes to Zhuang Jianye to see what the manufacturer said.

What can Zhuang Jianye do? I can only sigh secretly in my heart. The old foxes in China are really not easy to fool. If they were in South Asia and Southeast Asia, they would have already waved their tickets and went crazy in their faces if they were in South Asia and Southeast Asia. Smashed.

  If you are in the Middle East, you don’t even need to talk about the voyage, just tell them that this cargo is hidden, and you can buy it at a price of 200 million US dollars.

   Maybe it’s like this, let 10% of the voyage be used as fuel reserves, and divide the rest by two to calculate a combat radius of 3780 kilometers to hit you and kill the enemy thousands of miles away in the face?

   If this were in the Middle East, South Asia, and Southeast Asia, Zhuang Jianye would have already passed away. Why would 3780 kilometers not be thousands of miles away? Rounding up is 4000 kilometers. One li in the Han Dynasty is about 400 meters. What's wrong with Lao Tzu's Dahan's unit of measurement?

   However, Zhuang Jianye can be arrogant in the Middle East, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. In front of these domestic bigwigs...

   Okay, it's because of your own preparation, otherwise the TY-22 stealth drone may be a development plan. Want to sell the finished product? Wait a few more years!

So Zhuang Jianye waved his hand, and the staff soon opened a curtain next to it, revealing a large screen inside. Soon after the power was turned on, a static picture appeared on the screen, which looked like a Gobi desert in the northwest from the topography. ~www.readwn.com~A typical no-man’s land where no grass grows.

   The problem is that many leaders and leaders are surprised that it is not the aerial view of the desert Gobi, but a line of small characters in the upper right corner of the screen: "Tianlian Transmission-Resource Exploration No. 1"

"this is……"

A leader of the army wanted to ask something, but before he could speak, he was interrupted by a meaningful statement from the head of the headquarters at the forefront: "Look carefully first, and then remember it in your head. Every frame on the screen is displayed. Disrupt the era."

   As soon as the voice fell, the picture on the screen suddenly flashed, the image of the Gobi Desert was quickly refreshed, and the small print in the upper right corner of the screen changed to "Tianlian Transmission-Resource Exploration No. 2".

   No. 1 and No. 2 are repeated several times, and finally when the screen is switched at a certain moment, the original static picture becomes dynamic, and the small print in the upper right corner of the screen also becomes "Skylink Transmission-TY-22" at this moment.

When everyone looked at such a dull and boring repetitive picture, the dynamic picture suddenly zoomed in. Even if a rectangular white area was seen on the Gobi Desert, the small characters in the upper right corner of the screen suddenly moved, and four appeared. A small red letter: "Attention, aircraft carrier!"

   At the same time, the screen flashed, and a high-speed warhead flying from nowhere accurately hit the rectangular white area.



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