Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1366: Belly bomb bay

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The words from the head of the aviation unit are quite beautiful. It is also a cooperation and a response to military struggles. It is really hard to fault.

The problem is that the chiefs and leaders of these troops present are not old birds who go in the wind and rain. The chiefs of the aviation forces have a better word than singing. Who hasn't said it in the past ten years, who hasn't said it?

Don't talk about it or talk about it, there are all those who just pat their chests and set up military orders. Anyway, as long as the funds can be obtained, these beautiful things will be spoken by individuals.

It is also striving for equipment within three years, and using the opportunity of joint development of stealth unmanned attack aircraft to ensure that the three-year funding growth is almost the same.

The problem is that the routines of other army chiefs and leaders from the aviation unit are nothing more than defamation. The old comrade who confronted him, the chief of a certain bomber unit, was not so polite, and directly attacked the other side's Lao Dier: "Your troops are all assigned to engage in homeland air defense on the second line. What do you do to attack on the ground? Does your troops understand this? But what you said reminded me..."

Before he finished his words, he looked at the military leaders and continued with a smile: "Old Chief, you know that I was born in a bomber and I still have a say in the issue of ground attacks. It's better to be invisible. The unmanned attack aircraft project is handed over to our troops, and I promise that in three years... er... no... the initial combat capability will be achieved in two years."

As soon as this remark came out, before the military leaders responded, the chief from the aviation unit became anxious: "I said Liang was confused, do you want to make a face? How many years have you left the bomber unit? How dare you to say it? Know bombers yourself?"

"I don't understand? You understand? In aviation school, the teacher said that I had the talent to fly bombers, and then I was selected. Why didn't you choose to use your big head? It's not because there is paste in your head..."

"Come on, who was crying crying when I heard that going to see a bomber can't go to a fighter unit? Also, there is paste in my head. How did you get the nickname of Liang? Who is always lost in the sky in the aviation school? Don’t you have a B-number in your mind?"

"Big my head to me..."

"Liang confused you..."


Zhuang Jianye, who was sitting on the side, was dumbfounded when he saw this scene. He really didn't expect these leaders and leaders to cry out, and they were a bit fierce. Uncovering the inside story is a routine operation, and aviation foul language is even more open , It is estimated that the great leader of the army is here, otherwise the two of them can go to the center of the runway to practice alone.

But this is not what surprised Zhuang Jianye the most. What surprised him most was the attitudes of other heads and leaders, all of which looked like a ghost.

Thinking carefully about Zhuang Jianye, I understand that similar things have happened many times in the past few years. It's no surprise for a long time. After all, if you have equipment, you have funds. If you have funds for your own troops, you can have a better life. Better than a few, you can be trained to become an elite, and you can avoid the subsequent disarmament swords.

Yes, the next stage of army reform will still start with disarmament. Although most of the 500,000 posts are digested by the army, other services and arms also need to cooperate, especially those that have not been replaced with new equipment for many years and are not fully staffed. Third-line forces are often the focus of previous disarmament.

And the two leaders who are swearing at each other are in such a dangerous position that they are not on the top. Therefore, this kind of unique new equipment is not only a question of funding, but also a deep meaning of continuation of the troops. Because of this, the two No matter how hard a person tries his best, it cannot be overstated.

Just as Zhuang Jianye was sitting by eating melons and watching the play silently, the two chiefs had already begun to meet at dusk, and they were about to enter the final high. At the time of the tide, the military leader finally put down the telescope in his hand, faintly. Said: "Okay~~~"

The usual two words had a slight ending, but they were more effective than anything else. The two leaders who were arguing about being fierce immediately stopped their voices, and then looked at the military leaders pitifully.

The military leaders ignored the two of them. Instead, they turned their eyes to Zhuang Jianye, who was silently eating melons in the corner: "How long will it take to complete the stealth unmanned attack?"

"This..." Zhuang Jianye hesitated slightly.

Upon seeing this, the military leaders thought that it would be difficult to change the TY-22 UAV into a stealth unmanned attack aircraft. When the following said in a gentle tone, “Xiao Zhuang, you don’t need to listen to others, you can successfully refit in two or three years. , As long as it should be, the main fact is that you need to pay attention to science, and what is going on with your head? This ethos is undesirable!"

After hearing the words of the military leaders, the old faces of the two quarreling army chiefs couldn't help but blush and lowered their heads in embarrassment. Zhuang Jianye blushed to the bottom of his neck, as if Biao Aviation was swearing just now. , But like him, the head of China's take-off.

Seeing Zhuang Jianye's appearance, the head of the headquarters sitting next to the military leaders couldn't help but smiled and explained to Zhuang Jianye: "Chief, after all, Xiao Zhuang is still a young cadre, and he is always in the company and the place. ...Hehe...so maybe I heard what Xiao Zhang and Xiao Liang said just now that the improvement was completed in two or three years, so I really got to my heart, so..."

The head of the headquarters said something vague, but the military leader understood clearly, smiled slightly, and comforted Zhuang Jianye: "Xiao Zhuang, I said, don’t have any psychological burdens, you’ll be invisible and no one will attack you. The difficulty of the machine is certainly not small, so you can do what you should do here in China's take-off. It will be no problem for 5, 10, 15 years. As long as you can make this type of machine practical and mature, I am It doesn't matter if the old man waits or can afford it, as our troops can afford it!"

As soon as this statement came out, almost everyone including the head of the headquarters was shocked. They never expected that the military leaders would attach such importance to the TY-22 UAV.

Even if you are too old to see the day when a combat model will be listed, you must stick to the development of this model.

However, after thinking about it carefully, it is relieved. Although the TY-22 UAV is currently only an unmanned aerial vehicle, its aerodynamic shape, layout structure and current weight and size have been developed to a very high level~www.mtlnovel. com~The next step is to expand on this basis, integrate advanced radar detection system and control aerospace system, with a manned cockpit, it is a proper stealth bomber.

As for whether it is a strategic bomber or a tactical bomber, you can see how far it has expanded.

This is why, when the TY-22 UAV appears in front of everyone, there will be people shouting excitedly that the TY-22 UAV is the seed of the bomber.

The military leaders have been in the army for a lifetime, and they have a natural vision. They have long seen the unparalleled potential of this drone. This is how they pin their expectations on China to take off. This move has led to the head of the headquarters and other troops. The leaders are very moved.

Zhuang Jianye was also very moved. He didn't expect the military leaders to value their China's take-off so much, so what else?

Let's be sincere too!

"Um... old chief, you don't have to wait that long. This generation of TY-22 drone has integrated a belly multi-function cabin, and the payload... is two tons..."

"What?" As soon as these words came out, the old military leader's eyes suddenly widened with expressions of emotion: "Already have a belly bomb bay?"

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