Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1351: This is the core competitiveness of China's take-off

   Of course, it is not enough to have a stepping stone. What Zhuang Jianye wants is the anti-missile\ anti-satellite system to be recognized by the army, not an air defense missile with sufficient range.

   However, there was an anti-missile plan of a certain aerospace institute in the past, and a large power outside the territory was torn down in theory. It is really not easy to get the approval of the headquarters.

   But this is not difficult to beat Sao operation master, theoretical concept inventor, aviation and aerospace know-how, Zhuang, NB, Jianye.

As the saying goes, from the masses to the masses, whether the anti-missile plan is good or not, whether it can be used is not the decision of the chiefs sitting in the headquarters, and not the decision of the technicians who are soaking in the laboratory every day. It was summed up by the officers and soldiers on the front line in practice.

Because of this, Zhuang Jianye simply did not go to the headquarters to be ashamed. Instead, he began to focus on the feelings and opinions of the frontline officers and soldiers of the air defense force in the actual use of equipment. Based on this, Zhuang Jianye put forward a new concept, that is aerospace. The defense capability of the fixed launch positions involved in the anti-missile plan of a certain hospital must reach the level of defense against nuclear attacks, otherwise the anti-missile interceptor bombs deployed in the fixed positions will inevitably become the enemy's living targets.

   You must know that attacking fixed underground targets can be easily achieved by using conventional forces. Let alone the off-zone strike weapons and ground-burrowing ammunition of a large country outside the region.

Just a few years ago, the head of the headquarters organized the pilot exercise for the underground project built by the Second Artillery Corps and reached a harsh conclusion. If there is no special engineering treatment, the general underground fortifications are in front of the special ground penetrating projectiles. Simply vulnerable.

   The status of the anti-missile system is no less than that of a strategic deterrent weapon. The ordinary defense system naturally cannot meet the protection needs, so it can only be upgraded. The problem is that upgrading the level requires real money.

   Take a large country outside the region as an example. The construction cost of a fixed launch position for NMD anti-missile interceptors is about 3 to 5 times the cost of the interceptors.

   This does not include personnel costs and subsequent maintenance and use costs. If they are included, it can even reach more than 8 times the cost of interceptor bombs.

   At the domestic price level, it is natural that such a high multiple ratio cannot be achieved, but the overall 5 times is not an exaggeration.

The problem is that the money may not be able to reap the security it deserves. After all, the country is not a big country outside the region. It is the only superpower in the world. It has the military power to crush the world. Even without fixed defense facilities, just use interceptor bombs. Nobody dared to break ground on Tai Sui's head after eating Xiongxin Leopard.

   It is different at home. The situation of military struggles along the southeast coast is right there. No one can guarantee that such sensitive targets will not be knocked out in the first wave of conflicts.

Because of this, even if the headquarters chooses the anti-missile plan of a certain academy of aerospace, there is still a lot of internal controversy. After all, the cost of building a fixed launch position is not a small number. In addition, the air defense force has introduced mobile operations since its establishment. The concept of global air defense keeps them stable in a fixed area, which is indeed a departure from the combat principles of air defense forces for many years. Therefore, many people are still very resistant to the anti-missile plan of a certain aerospace institute.

   With the opportunity of this stalemate, all Zhuang Jianye needs is the actual report from the frontline officers and soldiers of the air defense force.

   And Liu Xiaolin, as the first batch of unit commanders to install the LYJ-15 ultra-long-range surface-to-air missile system, naturally has the most say.

Of course, Zhuang Jianye didn’t expect that in a few words, Liu Xiaolin would start writing the report materials just like he was done. If that’s the case, Zhuang Jianye would have to beat the drum in his heart. How did such an unstable person become? The commander of the trump card in the air defense force?

But now, Liu Xiaolin deliberately avoids the topic. Although there is no one-off deal, he is very satisfied with Zhuang Jianye. It is prudent, stable and does not exceed the established rules. Such people handed over the materials more powerfully, and the heads of the headquarters. Will pay more attention to it.

So Zhuang Jianye was not in a hurry, but like an old fisherman who was waiting patiently for the opportunity. Finally, after clinking glasses again, Liu Xiaolin asked abruptly: "I still don’t understand a little bit. China has so much business. , Are you busy?"

   Zhuang Jianye smiled slightly: "It depends on how busy you are."

   Liu Xiaolin squinted his eyes in confusion: "What do you say?"

  Zhuang Jianye suddenly asked: "Do you know what our core competitiveness is for China to take off?"

   "It should be advanced equipment and technology..." Liu Xiaolin threw the eaten snail shells into the trash can, and then said: "I also asked these days, China Ascendas is one of the best in this regard in China."

Zhuang Jianye shook his head when he heard it. Now Liu Xiaolin was a little dazed. China took off but always said that advanced equipment and technology were its core competitiveness. As a result, his family shook his head and vetoed it. This does not mean that he is himself. Slap yourself in the face.

  Zhuang Jianye didn't care about Liu Xiaolin's surprised and puzzled gaze, and smiled and invited: "Would you like to come and see with me?"

   Liu Xiaolin was taken aback, but he reacted immediately: "It may involve sensitive issues, so..."

   "We naturally deal with sensitive issues. That's okay. Don't grieve, just say you can't go?" Zhuang Jianye put down the wine cup in his hand and said impatiently.

Of course, I can see that the core competitiveness of China's take-off is still very attractive to Liu Xiaolin. In fact, he has long been curious about why China's take-off can stand up in the two major industries of aerospace and aviation ~ www.mtlnovel. com~ So Liu Xiaolin got up and followed Zhuang Jianye downstairs, and walked around to a small two-story building. Where is Zhuang Jianye's temporary office in this Qinling southern factory area, but he doesn't even know Zhuang Jianye himself. Come, but the whole small building is still cleaned up.

   After entering the door, he went up to the second floor and opened the door marking the chairman's office. When the light inside was turned on, Liu Xiaolin was immediately stunned.

Because the furnishings inside are very different from what he imagined as the luxurious office of the boss of a large enterprise. There is no spacious desk, no comfortable boss chair, and no expensive sofa and coffee table. Some are just pictures of employees who belong to China Ascendas. Oil painting works and a line of golden gilded characters "Tengfei Craftsman".


Seeing the scene in the chairman's office, Liu Xiaolin wanted to say something, but it seemed as if something was stuck in his throat. He couldn't say a word for a long time. At this moment, Zhuang Jianye walked in and pressed a few switches. Accompanied by passionate music on the big screen, it shows a magnificent picture of China’s soaring many front-line workers working hard, followed by a strong calligraphy font slowly engraved on the screen stroke by stroke: "If you say What is the core competitiveness of China Ascendas, there are only four words, that is Ascendas Craftsman..."



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