Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1349: Mid-stage interception

What can    fight?

   Regarding this question, Liu Xiaolin's head buzzed~~, with a 45-kilometer shooting height, what can he hit with the kinetic energy collision killing warhead?

   Needless to say, it is of course low-orbit satellites and medium- and short-range ballistic missiles.

   Short-range ballistic missiles needless to say, the general ballistic height can reach 30 kilometers is not bad, usually at about 25 kilometers to use as a descending projectile, so it is easy for the LYJ-15 to attack this type of missile.

   The key is medium-range ballistic missiles. A large part of the mid-range flight altitude is about 45 kilometers.

   In other words, LYJ-15 is capable of intercepting mid-range ballistic missiles.

   This meaning is too big.

   It must be known that although intercepting short-range ballistic missiles in the world today is also at the forefront of the field of prevention and control, it is no longer among the top-notch batch.

   After all, during the Gulf War, the "Patriots" vs. "Scud" foretells that advanced air defense systems have the ability to intercept short-range missiles.

   Not to mention anything else, the domestic S-300PMU2 air defense missile system imported from Russia has the ability to intercept short-range ballistic missiles below 1,000 kilometers.

   However, although these missiles have considerable accuracy for short-range ballistic missiles, they can only stare at longer-range medium-range ballistic missiles.

There is no way, because medium-range ballistic missiles have a longer range, the parabolic vertex of the ballistic is also higher, usually reaching more than 30 kilometers, which is beyond the reach of regional air defense systems such as the "Patriot" and S-300. .

   And this parabolic vertex happens to be the mid-range of the entire attack process of the medium-range ballistic missile. Not only does it operate stably, but the estimation of various parameters is also very accurate, which is the easiest stage to intercept and destroy.

   However, theoretically easy does not mean that it can be made. Otherwise, the United States will not be the only one in the world in this regard.

  Because of this, if China's take-off LYJ-15 ultra-long-range surface-to-air missile system really has the ability to carry kinetic energy to collide and kill the warhead, it is equivalent to saying that China has become one of the few countries in the world that has the mid-range anti-missile interception capability.

   Of course, this false name alone is not enough to make Liu Xiaolin so shocked, the key is the benefits brought by this.

   First of all, domestic aerospace will inevitably usher in a major explosion, because the LYJ-15 ultra-long-range surface-to-air missile system can not only be used for mid-range interception, but also can effectively strike high-value satellite targets.

   So once equipped with this kind of missile system, it can break the blackmail of a large foreign country on spacecraft. Isn’t it a mutual guarantee to destroy? Who is afraid of whom, let’s try it?

   A certain big country outside the territory has always believed in strength. Of course you are all blackmails without them. Who is willing to pay for it?

   But once you have the same abilities as them, a large country outside the region will recognize it even if it is reluctant. This is the essence of the world. There is nothing wrong with it, just look at the underdevelopment of their muscles.

  Secondly, it is able to maintain the stability of the surrounding areas, so as to ensure the continuous growth of domestic economic construction and overseas investment. There is no way that the economic environment has its tough side, but also its fragile characteristics.

Regional conflicts, geopolitical turmoil, and political instability may all lead to large-scale outflows of overseas investment. Nowadays, many domestic construction projects and economic development are driven by overseas investment. These funds must be set aside on a large scale due to geopolitical turbulence. Will cause serious economic losses.

   Are there such potential risks around?

   Of course there is, not only there is, but also the risk is particularly high.

Take New Delhi, for example, in the southern foothills of the Himalayas. After so many years of careful thinking, I have never stopped thinking about it. I have to show my family background and prove my strength and strength. Some radicals even clamor that New Delhi is not the old New Delhi. The bully just soared with the uncle Shenniu.

   The problem is that the clamor in New Delhi is not just a self-entertainment by Kou-Hi, it really affects a group of investors.

  For example, when they test-fired the Agni series ballistic missiles, they will put a range map covering most countries in Asia on the front page of the newspaper, and then put up an alarmist headline: "New Delhi's missiles dominate Asia"!

Knowing what’s going on in New Delhi is just the self-climax of the media, but where do some prudent investors know this? Looking at the range coverage chart that can cover so many important targets, coupled with the article’s nerve-raising belligerent comments, I really feel this New Delhi had a bad temper that day and really played a game with two coins, so let's not kill him?

   So, let’s wait for the investment in a big country in the East. What if you lose your money due to geographic conflicts?

   There are many similar situations. The relevant domestic departments have naturally come forward to explain, so that those merchants who have given up investment should not believe in New Delhi's self-climax.

   The problem is that even if the relevant departments are piercing their mouths, they can’t stand up to the businessmen. “If the Agni missiles come, what will you do? Can you stop them?”

   The relevant departments really want to say yes. The problem is how can such nonsense be believed by the merchants even if they don’t believe it.

   It happened that the media advantage in New Delhi was crazy, and there was no reaction. He was too happy and passed away. Once he found out that his pen can have such a big effect, good guy, it is like stabbing a hornet's nest, it is almost endless.

   To be honest, China is indeed not as good as New Delhi in this regard. The article is clear and eye-catching, old-fashioned but true to the content. Naturally, there is no new Delhi opening sentence.

   The problem is that domestically, it is not only the fact that the pen is written, but also other aspects. Since the Agni missile can dominate in Asia, don't worry about how much water there is, let him...Bah~~~ It is an effective response.

   Therefore, in the domestic anti-satellite\ anti-missile system, the anti-satellite is mainly aimed at blackmailing by a large country outside the region. As for the anti-missile, more than 70% are directed at the Agni missiles in New Delhi.

There’s no way. This is the only medium-range ballistic missile that can threaten the country. A large country outside the region just wanted to threaten and didn’t have this thing. After all, the "Intermediate-Range Treaty" was there. A large country outside the region and Russia were in the 1980s. He cleared the medium-range missiles from his arsenal.

  Because of this, the anti-missile is actually the medium-range missiles in the hands of regional powers like New Delhi.

   The maximum firing height of today's Agni missiles is no more than 38 kilometers. If the LYJ-15 ultra-long-range surface-to-air missile system is equipped with a kinetic energy collision warhead, it is fully capable of effectively intercepting Agni missiles in the middle of its operation.

This brings about the third and most critical impact, which is to break the long-standing strategic balance, especially after New Delhi has nuclear capabilities. The country will no longer scrupulously implement the development and construction of the western region, and it will no longer be necessary. Estimate the faces of other people.



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