Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1346: 1 The bamboo pole pierced directly for 500 kilometers

What's more, the TRJ-900 branch line airliner cannot be limited to the positioning of a large branch line and a small trunk line. China Ascendas actually reserved a lot of room for later improvements and upgrades when designing the TRJ-900 branch line airliner. Coupled with the same aerodynamic layout as mainstream civil aviation airliners, in the future, China Ascendas will launch a series of expanded and improved models on the basis of TRJ-900 branchline \\mainline airliners, thus forming its own single-aisle narrow-body mainline airliner system. Standard Boeing 737 and Airbus A320.

At that time, as long as the domestic economic development maintains the current economic growth rate, the domestic civil aviation market will at least quadruple within two decades, and the demand for medium and long-distance trunk airliners with a round-trip distance of 2,000 kilometers will usher in explosive growth, and China will take off. The strategic department of China has predicted that by 2015, the domestic shortage of such aircraft will reach more than 1,500.

   It doesn’t need much. As long as China Ascendas can tear off 30% of the share, not only can it recover all the research and development costs of TRJ-900 and its derivative models, but it can also achieve considerable profits.

   As long as this goal can be achieved, no matter how much it earns, it will actually rewrite the pattern of the world aviation industry.

It is important to know that the reason why both domestic and foreign aviation manufacturers acquiesce in the red line drawn by Airbus and Boeing is not because these manufacturers have no technology, nor is it the immaturity of supporting parts, but because Airbus and Boeing control such The market entry barriers for aircraft.

   This is like a certain Neptune who wants to go to a nightclub, but the security guard will be picked up at the door, and you will not be allowed in at that time, even if you are flooded with water and you can’t get in, what can you do? It can only be the backwater of the sea.

The same is true for the civil aviation market. Europe and the United States, as the largest market aggregates, are firmly controlled by Boeing and Airbus. Although the number of large developing countries combined is quite large, the problem is that these developing countries are too fragmented, plus If you want technology but no technology, and talent but no talent, you can only follow the baton of developed countries and rivet your own aviation products according to the standards they set.

  In this way, the entire international civil aviation market has become a cake in the hands of Boeing and Airbus. It doesn't matter how they divide the two, and no one else wants to come in.

Can’t eat the cake but starve to death, unless there is a strong national entity behind this aviation manufacturer to support, such as the former Soviet Union, whether it is Tupolev or Yakovlev or Iliu Shen, no worse than Boeing, McDonnell Douglas and Airbus in the 1970s and 1980s.

   At that time, the planes operated in the Soviet Union were all domestically produced large passenger planes.

According to European and American economic theory, the size of the population and market conditions of the Soviet Union could not absorb so many aviation products, but they could not stand the Soviet Union’s strong foundations at the time and could afford so many aviation manufacturers. Naturally, you can play whatever you want. Er...until you play yourself to death.

Of course, China’s take-off cannot follow the Soviet Union’s old path. Even if it wants to go domestically, it’s impossible to spend all its subsidies on China’s take-off. It’s hard to even think about entering overseas markets such as Europe and the United States because of market access. It is estimated that even foreign airlines that purchase China's Ascendas products will be targeted by Boeing and Airbus.

   Therefore, if China wants to take off, it has to take a new path that is unique to Chinese characteristics, that is, to closely link its own future and destiny with the domestic national fortune, and take advantage of the opportunity of China's rise to achieve a real take-off of China.

   With a population of one billion and a fully unified single market, as long as the economy achieves its rise, China will take off even if it does not rely on overseas markets, but relying solely on strong domestic demand to survive and maintain the civil aviation industry.

As long as China’s take-off civil aviation airliner survives, the rest will be easy to handle. At that time, it depends on your mood whether you are fighting with Boeing and Airbus or a price war. Anyway, they can't destroy themselves, and they can't pinch themselves. If they die, the final result will only allow Boeing and Airbus to accept the reality, from the current two-heroes of civil aviation airliners to the Three Kingdoms fighting against each other.

   Since Zhuang Jianye is preparing for the next big game of using the Chinese national movement to make China take off and change fate, he is naturally more concerned about the construction of the domestic economy. Not only does he actively make suggestions and suggestions, but he also directly participates in certain areas.

   For example, industrial gas turbines urgently needed in the power sector, mobile high-power power generation equipment in the petrochemical sector, and machinery and equipment in the infrastructure sector, etc., all have China Ascendas's deep participation.

In addition, China’s take-off in military products is also very active. As Zhuang Jianye said at an internal meeting: “Our military products are not only for profit, but also for our future development, safety and development. They complement each other, and both hands must be hard to grasp, so we can't have your or our thoughts. In the final analysis, making military products is the fundamental interest of all Chinese people!"

  Because of this, China Ascendas is actually more concerned with the air force’s target instruction and command and control system than the army. It really has brought out all the good things that can be removed from the bottom of the pressure box.

Of course, these complex and tortuous processes at this moment are located in the underground command center watching the experimental confrontation exercises. The heads and leaders of the troops who are observing the experimental confrontation exercises are naturally unaware. Even if it is true, there is no time to think about it, because it was introduced by the Chief of Staff Feng. At that time, the big screen in the center suddenly switched to several air defense missile positions under the command of Liu Xiaolin, which were shielded by camouflage nets and underground bunkers.

That was the image detected by the synthetic aperture radar imaging system on the Yun-34 command plane, which almost knocked off the position that Liu Xiaolin’s troops had carefully hidden. This made the faces of the leaders of the air defense troops present in this room ugly. .

No way, the camouflage method used by Liu Xiaolin’s troops is already considered the most advanced among the domestic air defense forces, but even so, it is still in operation. How to fight on the real battlefield?

Just when the leaders of these air defense soldiers were thinking of a solution in consternation, the pictures on the big screen switched again, and even if they saw a group of dynamic pictures, although the various angles were different, the final effect was But there is one, and that is the image of the anti-radiation missile launched by the J-8E hitting the target.

Looking at the radar on the integrated air defense unit commanded by Liu Xiaolin, the radars were knocked out one by one without fighting back~www.ltnovel.com~ The leaders of the air defense forces were just as painful as they were eaten up. Closed his eyes.

   "It's over, this time the air defense forces have lost again!" While closing his eyes, a leader of air defense forces, as if his soul had been drained, let out a mournful mutter.

   Liu Xiaolin's powerful integrated air defense force is so helpless in the face of the "golden helmet" that only has a preliminary grasp of the target instruction and command and control system. Is it even more unbearable to face a large foreign country with more comprehensive strength? Does the old army in their hands even have no chance to get on the stage?

   Several leaders who came from air defense soldiers cannot think about these problems, but the more they think about it, the cooler they get.

However, when the hearts of the leaders of several air defense forces fell to the bottom, the communication station of the director department suddenly heard the yun-33 AWACS captain's horrified call: "Fuck, where are the missiles coming from, I am locked... by……"

   Following the foul language of the captain of the Y-33 early warning aircraft, the brain and nerve center of this aircraft responsible for air command and guidance were directly shot down.

At the same time, the head of the headquarters, who had not spoken for a long time, looked at the Yun-33 early warning aircraft that had returned to the voyage sadly, and said with a strong smile to everyone present: "Shooting a man first shoots a horse, catches a thief first catches a king, this bamboo pole stabs 500 kilometers , This Liu Xiaolin is ruthless!"



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