Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1334: China's "Wild Weasel" Squadron

Although he didn't dare to speak up, Liu Xiaolin didn't give up lightly. After all, he is a soldier, and his unyielding character is innate. Moreover, he also wants to use this opportunity to call the "Golden Helmet" force the worst. See if his shield is stronger or the anchor of the "golden helmet" is sharper.

Just as Liu Xiaolin frowned and thought, a staff officer suddenly ran over and marked a flight trajectory with a blue marker on the air defense situation board in front of him.

Seeing this, Liu Xiaolin raised his brows subconsciously and asked, "Is this another civil airliner?"

"Eastern Airlines' flight DC4866 is a Boeing 737." The staff member replied quickly.

Liu Xiaolin nodded when he heard this, and said nothing. After the staff left, Liu Xiaolin wrapped his arms around his chest, paced back and forth in front of the air defense posture board, and then shouted: "Chief of Staff."


The Chief of Staff of the Integrated Air Defense Force, who was discussing relevant defense plans with several staff members, hurriedly stood up and handed over the documents to the staff member on the side. He hurried to Liu Xiaolin's front: "Commander, you are looking for me. ?"

Liu Xiaolin nodded: "I always feel that there are more civilian flights today. According to our previous survey, there are 8 civil aviation routes around the exercise. There are no more than 32 flights throughout the day, but from 6 a.m. to now no more than 4. In an hour, 15 flights have been flown, which is more than 50%. Obviously it is abnormal, so you can check for me to see if these civil aircrafts are really civil aircrafts!"

The chief of staff also became serious when he heard the words: "What the commander meant was that the'Golden Helmet' troops might use civilian aircraft as a cover for a surprise attack?"

"It's not impossible!" Liu Xiaolin looked at the air defense posture board in the large area covered by the blue civil aviation track with a deep gaze: "Israel’s air raid on Iraq’s nuclear facilities in the'Babylon Operation' is in conflict with Syria. The air raid operations in the Bekaa Valley perfectly used civil aviation routes, and even used several fighter jets to simulate civil airliners for raids. In this regard, we must guard against this. After all, our opponents are not ordinary troops, they are very cunning."

"Okay, I'm going to set it up!"

The chief of staff responded and hurriedly turned around to convey Liu Xiaolin's order. However, Liu Xiaolin was still uneasy. After the chief of staff left, he stepped off a few more. For example, the civil aircraft around the exercise must provide the call sign of the civil aviation transponder; The —27 enters the standby state as an air defense interceptor and sends out interception orders at any time.

At the same time, the remote search radar, the identification friend or foe transponder, and two passive detection devices are turned on. As a necessary early warning method, they begin to enter the state of war. The electronic countermeasures unit they belong to is constantly monitoring the intercepted radio signals. If there is a slight abnormality, it will Trigger a full counterattack from the integrated air defense force.

With the issuance of several orders from Liu Xiaolin, the tension of the integrated air defense force was suddenly raised, and the entire exercise finally had a suffocating smell at this moment.

As a result, in an underground comprehensive command center 40 kilometers away from the exercise area, a large number of directors and observation leaders including the head of the headquarters and other directors also involuntarily held their breath after Liu Xiaolin issued a series of orders. At the same time, they were unanimously admired. With a sound, Liu Xiaolin deserves to be the seedling of the war, and this keen sense of smell on the battlefield is no longer there.

It was only from the abnormality of the civil aviation flight that the possible danger was noticed. It has to be said that the commander Liu Xiaolin is not an embroidered pillow on paper.

But because of this, they did not make whispering discussions and comments on this, the reason is very simple, they are really afraid of being slapped on the spot by saying the wrong thing.

Did the "Golden Helmet" troops use civil aviation as their hands and feet? The answer is of course obvious, otherwise it is impossible to have more than 50% of the flight volume around the exercise in just 4 hours.

The use of civil aviation does not mean that it is a counterfeit civil aviation. The 17 civil aviation flights are indeed genuine. The fighter planes of the "Golden Helmet" troops really did not use the so-called dense formations to pretend to be civil aviation aircraft to approach the target.

They only borrowed several civil aviation routes from the outer regions of the exercise center as the main direction of the raid. As a result, some civil aviation aircraft had to adjust their routes, which led to a sudden increase in the number of civil aviation aircraft around the exercise.

If this is done by other troops, the leader of the field observation will inevitably say: "Stupid!"

Is this unclearly telling the opponent what you are going to do?

However, the paradox is that there are combat aircrafts with "golden helmets" in action in this direction, but as long as people with little military knowledge know that these two combat aircrafts pose a threat to Liu Xiaolin's troops, they can fly. The target location is unknown.

Because in the airspace vacated by this civil aviation airliner, only two J-7E fighters with the "Golden Helmet" logo are jumping up and down. Although it is an improved version of J-7, the short-legged problem has not been significantly improved. .

That's all, more importantly, the two J-7Es took off from an airport 850 kilometers away, and reaching this airspace is already at the limit of the combat radius, and this airspace is at least 500 kilometers away from Liu Xiaolin's troops.

In other words, in order to achieve the purpose of a surprise attack, the combat radius must be at least 1350 kilometers or more. The short legs of the J-7E~www.ltnovel.com~ are not enough even for grafting two pieces.

"Where is the main force of the'Golden Helmet'?" From the perspective of God, the leaders of the many troops who saw the clouds and mountains were finally overwhelmed. They asked the soul torture that everyone on the scene wanted to ask.

"No matter where it is, the'Golden Helmet' troops can be regarded as successfully mobilizing the attention of the integrated air defense forces!" At this moment, the head of the headquarters sitting in the center suddenly spoke, and then pointed to the big screen in front of him and had already followed Liu Xiaolin's orders. Take off and rush to the Su-27 interceptor planes in the airspace where the two J-7Es are located: "At present, the focus of the integrated air defense force is all concentrated in the airspace No. 66. All the forces are concentrated here, and other directions will be empty. Obviously This is the effect that the'Golden Helmet' troops want to achieve, the real and the real, the real and the real, the so-called good attackers move on the nine heavens, this is the real battlefield!"

It seems to be to verify the words of the head of the headquarters, when the head of the headquarters' voice gradually fell, the picture of the big screen suddenly switched to the sky. The thick cloud layer made the line of sight very bad, but at this moment, the dense cloud layer suddenly Six J-8E fighter jets sprang out, shuttled between the clouds in a dense formation, quickly approaching the missile position of the integrated air defense force.

However, before the many heads of troops in the command center were relieved from the shock that suddenly appeared, four of the J-8Es had already launched the missiles under the wings. At the same time, the voice of the missile department's interpreter had already been heard. It rang out in the command center: "The chiefs now see the image of the offense of the anti-radar attack unit of the Air Force'Golden Helmet' unit. This unit mainly carries out hunting and attacking on enemy radar and other detection equipment. , Has also become China's "Wild Weasel" squadron. This is the first major exercise after the new combat aircraft is installed in the queue..."

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