Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1321: Talking about tactics away from reality will suffer!

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After hearing the words of the head of the headquarters, the expressions of the leaders of a certain aviation unit can be described as blue and white.

He never imagined that the soaring Dragon II in China could wipe out the elites that they had gathered together in a short period of time.

This made the leader of a certain aviation department who slapped his chest before the test and promised that he would not disappoint the head of the headquarters. It was very difficult to come to Taiwan. So the leader of a certain aviation department stood at attention to the head of the headquarters, with a trace of stubbornness. The recitation said: "I still have the second echelon, the third echelon...I don't believe that our entire army can't replace him with a stealth fighter!

Back then, we dared to face the most advanced air force when we entered the North Korean war. The spirit of not being afraid of death has not been wiped out today!

Chief, as long as you give me an order, I personally fly the plane into the air, leading the entire army to consume the stealth fighter in the sky..."

"Playing the piano indiscriminately! It is simply playing the piano indiscriminately!" Before he could finish the passionate words of the leader of a certain aviation unit, he was sternly reprimanded by the head of the headquarters. He immediately stretched out his trembling fingers to accuse the leader of a certain aviation department, shouting in a bad tone: " Do you still think it's worth using your entire army to exchange for a stealth fighter? Do you know how many stealth fighters a major country outside the region needs to equip?

It is estimated to be equipped with two hundred. Do you mean that with two hundred stealth fighters, we will use two hundred brigade-level aviation units like yours to balance it?

Then let me ask you how much the two hundred brigade-level aviation units cost? How many excellent pilots do you need to fill? Can our national strength afford it?

Are we capable of supporting such a large aviation force?

What's more, can your quantitative advantage really offset other people's inter-generational quality advantage?

The spirit of courage to sacrifice is commendable, but sacrifice is different from sacrifice. Useless sacrifice is not courage, but no brain. What's more, you are worthless than useless sacrifice! "

The leader of a certain aviation unit who scolded him was blushing.

Indeed, as the head of the headquarters said, focusing on how to deal with the tactical level of stealth fighters, dare to fight and fight, not afraid of sacrifice, use an absolute number of ants to kill more elephants, and exchange one or two results.

But the problem is that sacrifice is worthwhile!

Obviously, in the case of generation difference, the J-8II fighter is obviously not qualified to compete with stealth combat aircraft, and it can't do much except to send people away.

This time, the actual combat test with the True Dragon Ⅱ fighter shows this point very well. You must know that the True Dragon Ⅱ fighter is not a fourth-generation fighter in the full sense, at best it is a pseudo-stealth fighter.

Under such circumstances, the J-8II fighters can't handle it, not to mention the F-22 facing a big country outside the region, basically it is rubbed back and forth on the ground by people's heads.

It doesn't make much sense even to exchange one or two results with a quantity, because it will not change the pattern of the two sides at all, let alone the loss of the exchange of such a quantity for a result will be extremely staggering.

Judging from the current domestic actual situation, it simply cannot afford it.

Because of this, instead of constantly investing in these old models, or being fearless in some unrealistic theories, you can only lose yourself in the end.

This is why the head of the headquarters became so angry after listening to the leadership of a certain aviation department.

The leader of a certain aviation unit is not a roundworm in the stomach of the head of the headquarters. Where do you know what the head of the headquarters thinks, he is just saying a few big words to save face.

As a matter of fact, the leadership of a certain aviation unit has already understood very well that this actual combat test with the True Dragon II fighter is tantamount to completely negating the tactical tactics they have studied with great concentration in the past few years.

It's normal to have a bit of resentment in my heart, after all, after so many years of hard work, once back before liberation, no one feels uncomfortable.

So say some hard words and find a scene for yourself to show that he and their troops still have a strong fighting will, so that the chief knows that they are not arrogant and that they are not discouraged.

As a result, he did not expect to stabbed a hornet's nest. The head of the headquarters went crazy on the spot, and the leader of a certain aviation unit was directly scared to death.

However, the head of the headquarters did not pay attention to the leader of a certain aviation unit but took a long breath, turned his head and looked at the leaders of other troops who accompanied him: "The True Dragon II fighter is not yet a complete fourth-generation fighter. Aircraft, it can form an overwhelming advantage over our current domestic main equipment; how effective is the real next-generation fighter? It can only be said to be higher than the True Dragon II fighter.

Therefore, our top priority now is to adjust our mentality and face the actual situation we are facing, not to be blindly arrogant, nor to be arrogant, and to do well in dealing with invisible targets safely and securely!

As for the previous ostentatious approach, if it is absolutely necessary, it is not a manifestation of courage, but a stupid performance, or always keep the four words of seeking truth from facts in mind. The True Dragon Ⅱ fighter is here, study it carefully and carefully consider it. I believe there are more solutions than difficulties.

The conditions of two bombs and one star in the past were not as good as they are now, so don't we also walk over with our heads? Now can't we hold this spirit and walk again with our heads stuffed? "

The leaders of the troops who accompanied the head of the headquarters were all looking at each other after hearing it, and they were overwhelmed in their hearts!

In the past few years, all kinds of theories for dealing with stealth targets can be said to be endless. The so-called concept of using the J-8 bayonet is popular inside and outside the army~www.ltnovel.com~Some extremes and even old ones. The J-7 can pose a deadly threat to stealth targets. For this reason, many tactical tactics that seem to be in line with the actual situation have been derived.

Even some tactics have spread to the society and aroused widespread attention and discussion. For a time, the J-6 attracted enemy planes, the J-7 took cover, the J-8 had a decisive blow, and the Su-27 had turned the tide. .

The whole society is like militarists and strategists everywhere.

Most of the stealth fighters are regarded as terracotta dogs, just blowing a few words can really be wiped out.

But actually?

What is the combat situation of the stealth target? What is the specific performance? How is the actual performance? From the military to the society, almost no one knows it. It only relies on a few introductions in certain public publications by certain countries to make some simple comparisons based on this, and the result is that all kinds of things are out of reality.

At this time, the comprehensive actual combat test of the stealth fighter that the head of the headquarters personally grasped was like three or nine days of cold water, pouring his head on the leaders of the various units in the army.

Let them know the tactics that are divorced from reality, that is called tactics on paper, and will suffer a big loss!

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