Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1312: Look! It's a 4th generation machine!

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It is no wonder that Prince Abdullah has such an attitude. The Rafale fighter mentioned by Jean Renault is a key armament project that the King of the UAE personally takes charge of.

After all, the UAE is a country that uses traditional legal equipment. Starting from the Mirage 5 fighter jets in the 1960s, the UAE has been a steadfast Gaulian fan, and it has persisted for decades.

Has long cultivated a large number of loyal fans.

The King of the United Arab Emirates is the most determined of them. There is no alternative. From the time when the king was still the crown prince, he was sent by the old king to France for further study.

The French treated the gold master with “everything in every possible way”, so before the king’s values ​​took shape, the best stereotype of French fighters was carved out.

This led the UAE King to have a special liking for French fighters.

Just like he was obsessed with the Bugatti Veyron sports car, he has almost risen to the level of faith.

At this time, the lock company came to the door to take out the Rafale fighter that it had recently equipped. You can imagine the attitude of the **** Gaul fan of the King of the UAE.

Naturally, I personally promoted it without saying a word.

What the No. 1 leader personally does is naturally irreversible in an authoritative regime like the UAE.

Although Abdullah is an expensive prince and minister of state, the prince is only a prince after all, and is incomparable with the king.

At this moment, Jean Renault is attacking in this direction. This is tantamount to giving Abdullah a draw from the bottom of the situation, directly breaking the balance between him and the king regarding the development of the aviation industry, thus making Jean. Abdullah and the king formed a de facto opposition to the development of policies and the idea of ​​governing the country.

Under such circumstances, it is strange that Abdullah's face looks good.

But there is no alternative. After all, the Rafale fighter is a product of Dassault Group. He said that he would not sell it to you. What can you do?


Just kidding, it is a three-generation and a half fighter jet. It has the highest level of existence in Europe, and its technical level is second only to that of the United States. Can such high-tech equipment be used by the UAE, a small country that can only dig oil?

Because of this, after Jean Reynolds left, Abdullah looked at Zhuang Jianye with a bitter face, and said in an almost desperate tone: "Zhuang, you had better prepare in your heart. If we are here If you can’t handle the pressure, wait until the time is right to cooperate, but you can rest assured that we will make up for the loss in other ways, especially in the purchase of crude oil, which will be at least 30% lower than the market price..."

Zhuang Jianye frowned when he heard the words, but before he could speak, Abdullah waved his hand feebly: "I'm just a prince, not a king, not to mention that even if I am a king, there are times when I can't help myself. Maybe this is Sorrow for developing countries.

After all, oil is only a resource, not an industrial product. Money is a good thing, but sometimes, money...really does not equal absolute strength! "

After finishing such a nonsense sentence. Abdullah depressed and left with his entourage.

Zhuang Jianye stared at the back of Abdullah's departure without speaking for a long time.

At this time, Gu Jingyou stepped forward and asked anxiously: "What shall we do next?"

After being silent for a long time, Zhuang Jianye pulled out a plausible smile: "What can I do? Let's cool!"

After speaking, he took a brisk pace and left.

In the following days, China's take-off can be described as calm.

Normally arrange the booth; normally participate in the opening ceremony of the Abu Dhabi Defense Exhibition; normally receive visitors; normally introduce their products.

However, the normal take-off of China was particularly abnormal in this defense exhibition. The reason is simple. The direction of public opinion has changed.

Since the original TA aviation production consortium was curious about China's soaring products, the limelight turned and began to sing the bad news of China's soaring products.

It seems that overnight, China's take-off has become a failed enterprise cursed by thousands of people.

Take, for example, the precision-guided weapon that even the poor can afford to be used by public opinion in various countries.

After taking off in China, after the public display of this four-axis rotor drone,

Public opinion has criticized this drone as worthless. What kind of shame in the aviation industry, what useless industrial waste, and what children's toys are more high-tech than this thing...

A similar situation appears in almost all of China's Ascendas products, either by criticizing these products for their low technical content; or putting on a big label of imitation and plagiarism.

Some vicious media even listed the record of Chinese weapons and equipment equipped by Iraq in the Gulf War, and proved by facts that China's soaring products do not have modern combat effectiveness at all.

As a result, China took off to participate in the defense exhibition for three consecutive days without signing.

In comparison, the French Dassault Group has received up to US$8.2 billion in intentional orders in three days.

In particular, the Rafale fighter has become the star of this Abu Dhabi Defense Exhibition. In order to better promote this fighter, Dassault Group has used its own Rafale fighter for several days in a row to display it in the air.

The roaring Rafale fighter jets are dancing in the sky at this moment. The elegant posture and perfect aerodynamic layout are indeed pleasing to the eye.

Even Zhuang Jianye watched with gusto at this moment, and even gave out a series of exclamations like the audience next to him in the wonderful place.

I have to say that this French fighter is really a classic among classics.

Just when Zhuang Jianye and other Chinese Ascendas staff were talking about the Rafale fighters in the sky~www.ltnovel.com~ Jean Renault slowly walked towards them, and raised his height as soon as he approached. The proud head of Lu Ji, as always, is straightforward: "Mr. Zhuang, yesterday, I just had an in-depth discussion with His Majesty the King of the United Arab Emirates on the TA Aviation Industry Production Consortium. According to the preliminary agreement between us, Dassault The group is preparing to invest 100 million US dollars. To participate in the TA Aviation Production Consortium, the king has agreed in principle. I wonder if you have received the news of the seizure?

As he said, Jean Renault raised his eyes and glanced at the Rafale fighter that had landed, and his smile became more intense: "Of course, if you have such a good product as you take off in China, I think your Majesty the King might change his mind, but such a thing, I guess it only exists in science fiction, what do you think, Mr. Zhuang?"

"Let me say, art comes from life higher than life, science fiction is not necessarily not reality." Zhuang Jianye also smiled.

Jean Renault heard that there was a difference, but before he could react, the horizon suddenly roared and a plane swept into the air, and immediately shocked the people present, and exclaimed in amazement: "Look! It's the fourth generation." machine!"

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