Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1291: Overtake of Russia

Of course, no matter what kind of sparks the spear and shield will encounter, Zheng Quanli is impossible to tell the foreign military observers present, let alone there is no need to say it.

   Because even if these countries intend to purchase WZ-12NB armed helicopters, the materials used cannot be the original version of the H-ZB9527 metal-based special composite material for their own use, but another enjoyable version of the H-ZB9527M.

There is no difference at all between the **** indicators such as lightness and protection. The only difference is that the weaving method of carbon fiber is slightly surprised. Because of this, H-ZB9527 has a very strong and microscopic mirror reflection function, so that it can be seen in the macroscopic view. To achieve the effect of "absorbing" radar waves.

   And the enjoyment version of H-ZB9527M is just an ordinary protective armor plate, and the radar waves are reflected back almost wherever they come.

As for the price, the difference between the two is not very big, because in addition to the different carbon fiber weaving methods, the craftsmanship and manufacturing level can be said to be very different, so the public price given by China Ascendas is H-ZB9527 per kilogram. 1,800 yuan; the free version of H-ZB9527M is 1,600 dollars.

   China's take-off actually wants to directly position the original version of H-ZB9527 at US$1,800 in order to unify standards and show its international style.

   After testing the original version, the headquarters of Naihe directly issued an instruction to prohibit the export of the product. In desperation, it could only be marked in RMB, which became one of China's many domestic "special supply" products.

   So at this moment, Zheng Quanli's plate is not the original H-ZB9527 at all, but the more international H-ZB9527M enjoyable version.

   can be bypassed so its performance and cooperation is not comparable to the Mi-28N ‘Havoc’ armed helicopter. How would you make the military observers of Armenia and Moldova refute?

   The maneuverability is strong, the protection ability is good, not to mention the attack ability, the 30mm cannon, plus four pylons, can use various types of precision guided weapons including the Red Arrow 8. Is this attack power not enough?

As for the price, judging from China’s past arms sales, it would not be particularly ridiculous. Therefore, before Zheng Quanli’s words are finished, military observers from countries such as Belarus and Kazakhstan are a little unbearable, ready to inquire. Under the specific details and relevant prices, if appropriate, wait until you return to the capital to report to the country to buy the rack and try the quality.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   However, before these foreign military observers who were interested in the WZ-12NB gunship could speak, a burst of hearty laughter like a magic sound came into everyone’s ears. , Barotov soon came out of the crowd and came to Zheng Quanli: "My dear Zheng, you have worked hard enough, leave it to me next!"

   Zheng Quanli, who was about to be questioned by other foreign military observers, was directly confused by Barotov's words.

what's going on?

   What does it mean to be hard enough, and then leave it to him?

   When will you give it to him? Why don't you know?

Just as Zheng Quanli's mind was full of question marks, Barotov stood side by side with the surprised Zheng Quanli, and then faced a group of little brothers, with a gentle smile and said: "You see, this is our Russian Synthetic Fiber Production Consortium. The new generation of Kevlar composites jointly developed with China Ascendas will be used in the improved versions of the Mi-28 and Ka-50 armed helicopters in the new century.

  In this way, these two armed helicopters can further increase the range and ammunition capacity while maintaining the existing benchmarks in protection, and create advanced armed helicopters suitable for the combat needs of the 21st century..."

   As soon as this remark came out, not only Zheng Quanli, but also the military observers of other foreign troops present, almost one of them were all dumbfounded.

   Kevlar material was jointly developed by Russia and China?

   That being the case, why did you Barotov lose your soul when you saw the WZ-12NB gunship?

   Now that Kevlar's materials are good, I am ready to come and take it for myself. You Barotov will be shameless!

  Barotov is indeed shameless. If there are other ways, he will not make such a move. There is really no way. Is it because of the gunship market being snatched by China?

Even if the market in this market segment is not large, it is likely to have a domino effect. After all, Barotov is considered a half expert in this area. From point to point, since China can achieve such great achievements in Kevlar materials , Naturally not bad in other respects, because materials, especially fiber-based special materials, can’t cover the world with one or two high-profile products.

   It requires a comprehensive leap, progress, and leapfrogging in the foundation of the entire category to continuously incubate new products that cross the ages one after another.

   This is like role-playing and real-time strategy, two different types of games. Personal heroism does not work at all in fiber materials. Only when the entire plate is put together can it exert an unparalleled group advantage.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   In this regard, Barotov has a deep understanding.

   Are Russian fiber materials strong?

Undoubtedly, the fiber materials of the Soviet era are of course a mess. Otherwise, how to interact with the United States during the Cold War? You must know that the warheads and body of the long-range intercontinental missiles are all made of fiber materials. If there is no such thing, the performance of the missile is at least two generations behind.

The long-range missiles during the Cold War era were not just two generations behind. Even if they were half a generation behind, they would be rubbed back and forth with their heads on the ground. During this period, the Soviet Union could prevent Americans from acting rashly or even fear and fear, not the number of missiles and nuclear warheads How to, UU reading www. uukanshu.com is a strong and innovative industrial manufacturing base behind this.

   However, with the disintegration of the Soviet Union, all of this disappeared in an instant. Especially in recent years, Russia’s economy has plunged, causing serious damage to the foundation of the entire fiber material.

   The industrial chain was torn apart because of the disintegration, technical personnel were lost due to the hard life, and the supporting factories closed in large numbers because of the greed of the oligarchs.

  Without the foundation, Russian fiber materials are naturally unsustainable. Apart from ensuring the production of a few key long-range missiles, other aspects have almost stopped.

   If it weren't for the Mi-28 and Ka-50, ordinary aluminum alloy armor would not be used, which would cause the two models to be seriously overweight.

The problem is that the destruction of the foundation is not terrible. The terrible thing is that this destruction has caused irreversible and serious consequences. That is, Russia has been thrown away by the world's advanced level in fiber materials. The gap is still there as time goes by. Expand year by year.

   It was not very visible when it was first disintegrated. Now that seven or eight years have passed, this gap has long been visible to the naked eye.

It’s not that people of insight in Russia don’t want to cheer up, including Barotov’s appeal in Russia to increase the input of fiber materials. The problem is that Russia now has no funds and no related supporting factories. The most important thing is related. Seven or eighty-eight of the loss of experts and technicians lost the foundation of research and development.

   So this so-called appeal usually becomes a mere formal slogan, shouting loudly, but in fact it is not implemented at all.

   And now even China has achieved overtake Russia in this regard. If Barotov is indifferent, then he is not worthy of wearing this Russian uniform.

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