Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1241: NB—Six thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven 6-axis composite machining center

"That's really..."

Zhuang Jianye stopped talking in a timely manner, and then looked at the deputy director and the person in charge of the aviation manufacturing plant. It was really like looking at two idiots, weirdly went to grandma's house.

The person in charge of the Hangfa Manufacturing Plant looked like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and immediately jumped up: "How is it possible? Kobayashi Chemical is the pioneer and leader of electrochemical equipment, how can it be possible to buy patents from your Ascendas Group? Besides, such a big matter should have been in the papers long ago, why didn't we know?"

"That's because the leaders are too busy to follow the news. In the middle of the previous year, the News Network had already reported the transfer of a batch of patented technologies from our Ascendas Group to foreign countries in the form of a newsletter. Of course, the leaders may feel that I'm still unreliable when I say that, in that case...

As he said, Zhuang Jianye raised his hand and pointed to a white building not far away: “Where is the maintenance and repair workshop for all our test aircraft engines? Where is the NB-66 and NB produced by Ascendas Group in the early years? —6600 two electrochemical processing equipment and Kobayashi Chemical gave us a Kobayashi-225 electrochemical processing equipment using our related patented technology. You can compare it on the spot and see if the old equipment we produced a few years ago is better than this year’s Kobayashi Chemical. Are the new equipment just produced in the same line?"

Hearing what Zhuang Jianye said, many people became curious, exchanged their eyes and wanted to take a look.

But the deputy director didn't move his face gloomy, and other people couldn't be such a bird.

At this moment, the chief teacher who hadn't spoken for a long time suddenly stepped towards the repair workshop: "Well~~~ I am also very curious, what exactly is the patent that this little Japan is looking at?"

With such an action by the chief director, others immediately put down their burdens. After all, where the level, qualifications and status of the chief teacher are placed there, no matter how powerful the deputy director is, there is no way to compare with the chief teacher, so other aviation companies are responsible. People exchanged eyes with each other, and immediately followed.

It's true that all the ideas are on the lips, but it is business in the heart.

The deputy director finally realized that this group of clumsy gangs are simply unreliable, and it is appropriate to be a fencer who has political achievements and is a father.

However, even if you know the deputy director, there is no way. If Kobayashi Chemical’s electrochemical equipment patent is really purchased from Ascendas Group, other aviation manufacturers can also purchase patents from Ascendas Group and build their own electrochemical equipment. The brand, and then played the world's advanced brand, head-to-head with the little Japan.

Regardless of the future market performance, simply relying on the performance of this sub-technical breakthrough and the courage to compete in the key equipment field of developed countries, that is tangible political achievements. At that time, a pioneer who is not afraid of hardships and dares to fight is a comment. Can't run away.

Therefore, it is impossible to prevent the curiosity of the persons in charge of the aviation development plant and prevent them from visiting. However, the deputy director did not expect that with his prestige in the aviation development system for so many years, he would not even have a one-minute factory. It was shocked, so that the people in charge of the aviation factory who had good compliments to him on weekdays actually bypassed him and rushed over behind the boss's buttocks.

Seeing that positive attitude, it was like going to the bridal chamber as soon as he was going to be a groom official. The deputy director was so angry that his nose was almost crooked, and he whispered a few white-eyed wolves in his heart, and finally gave a helpless cold snort, the same ass. Followed.

No way, other people are curious, and he is also curious. If Kobayashi Chemical really bought the patent from the Ascendas Group, then he has to evaluate his attitude towards the Ascendas Group. After all, the political achievement is for him, the deputy director. In the same way, the more the better.

When the deputy director left like this, only the person in charge of the aviation development factory who was tough with Zhuang Jianye was embarrassed about where he was. He never expected that the people with him would follow this way. Is Zhuang Jianye's steps away from him, angry? Of course angry.

But he was more helpless than the deputy director.

Even if he has been in charge of cadres, in addition to the high level, the real power is limited to such an aviation factory, so that a little trick is okay. If it is true, his influence is not as great as that of the deputy director.

Therefore, no matter how angry he was, he had to swallow it in his stomach, but when the head of the aviation manufacturing factory forced his anger down, as everyone was preparing to enter the repair shop to see if what Zhuang Jianye said was true or false.

A white Toyota Prado off-road vehicle quickly drove in and ran to it. With a rapid brake sound, the car steadily stopped not far in front of the head of the aviation manufacturing plant.

However, a few people jumped out of the car. The person in charge of the Hangfa Manufacturing Plant didn't care at first, until the middle-aged man who was not tall, had a serious expression, and combed his head greeted him in Chinese with voice. He was surprised on the spot: "Isn't this the leader? I didn't expect to see you here. It seems that I came in time. The technical patent of the NB-6857 six-axis composite machining center should not have been granted by Jianye. Jun transferred out, but I didn't expect that the opponent will have a leader this time, but even so, leader, in this purely commercial competition, we Xiaolin Chemical will not give in, please forgive me, leader! "

The small middle-aged man said loudly and powerfully, just like an iron ball falling on a ceramic tile, crackling and crackling, he directly confused the head of the aviation manufacturing factory who had been tough with Zhuang Jianye. .

Not only him, but the Deputy Director and others who hadn't traveled far heard what they said, and they all fell into a state of collective bewilderment.

No way, it's really an extraordinary person. He is the president of Kobayashi Chemical Electrochemical Equipment Co., Ltd. Jiji Step.

As the core figure leading the electrochemical equipment of Kobayashi Chemical Industry, the machine-based step length travels between China and Japan all the year round~www.ltnovel.com~ It has been a long time to promote its electrochemical equipment to relevant Chinese companies.

Therefore, I know a lot of others on the scene. I borrowed a phrase of golden diplomacy to say that the base step is an old friend of the Chinese people. Therefore, when the base step turned around, I saw so many acquaintances. The professional smile belonging to Japan was a bit rich again, and said hello politely: "I didn't expect that besides the leader, there are other people. It seems that this time the competition is much fiercer than the last electrochemical patent. "

Before he finished his words, the machine base step length came to Zhuang Jianye, bowed politely, and then said sincerely: "In this case, Mr. Jianye, we, Xiaolin Chemical, are willing to invest 1.2 billion US dollars to buy NB- The technology of the 6857 six-axis composite machining center is five years, not...three years. What do you think about the conditions for only purchasing the patent use rights for three years?

"Not bad!"

Zhuang Jianye replied the three words coldly, and then, as everyone was stunned, he walked towards the repair shop unhurriedly. As for the machine base step length, instead of being angry, he smiled like a pug. He followed, and kept saying: "If you are not satisfied, we can add more money, 1.5 billion US dollars~~~ If it doesn’t work, 1.8 billion US dollars..."

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