Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1232: Infrared stealth

Huan Xiaozhuang, do you think this is the reason?

Why doesn't your old man, like the protagonist of a movie on Hong Kong Island, point to a large group of aviation manufacturers and shout: "I am not targeting anyone, I mean all the people present except the Ascendas Group are rubbish!"

The reason is very simple. Except for Ascendas Group, who of the remaining aviation manufacturers can achieve WD-62MVP on the engine's overflow temperature without the slightest touch?

No one is good!

Failure to do this means that the infrared signal characteristics of aero engines are obvious, let alone the third-generation infrared-guided close-range combat air-to-air missiles that are now commonly equipped by military powers. It is also a slightly inferior second-generation product. You can follow the high-temperature jet from the tail nozzle of the engine all the way to catch you to death.

The Chief Division Officer requested that the No. 10 project has a 90% chance of survival under the threat of the third-generation infrared-guided close-range combat air-to-air missile. That is to say, the No. 10 project is the third generation that is commonly equipped by military powers in the actual close-range combat. Infrared-guided close-range combat air-to-air missiles are invalid.

To achieve this, it is necessary to optimize the heat source, and the biggest heat source of a fighter jet is the aero engine. It is difficult to make this kind of fire-breathing thing cool down without just a few words of theory. It is a comprehensive system engineering involving materials, engineering design, aerodynamic theory, precision machining... and so on.

So far, only the F119 high-power military turbofan engine used in the US F-22 has good spill temperature control performance, which directly makes the second-generation infrared-guided close-range combat air-to-air missile lose its effectiveness. The third-generation infrared-guided close-range combat air-to-air missile can also be mostly immune.

As for ground-launched anti-aircraft missiles with infrared guidance, the probability of hitting F-22 is only a pitiful 3.5%. This is still a theoretical value. If the complex factors of the battlefield are added, the overall hit probability is Basically approaching 0.

This is another stealth category besides radar stealth among the next-generation combat aircraft: infrared stealth!

The fundamental core of infrared stealth is the control of the aero engine's spill temperature.

This is already the technology involved in the next generation of combat aircraft. Other aviation manufacturers have even confused the aero engines used in this generation of combat aircraft, and the technology of the next generation of combat aircraft is even more confused.

If the relevant domestic production plants are all at the same level, it would be fine, but not to jump out of a Tengfei group, but also came up with an aero engine with certain technologies for the next generation of fighters.

They are all domestic enterprises. How can Ascendas Group be able to do it, but other aviation manufacturers can't even figure out the fur? What is it if it is not rubbish?

For a time, the deputy director’s old face was blue and purple, ugly and terribly ugly, but he couldn’t say a word. There was no way. The chief teacher didn’t clearly say that they were rubbish, but a serious hope that other aviation manufacturers would be Can participate in the production of WD-62MVP.

This has to be criticized. The deputy director is really unreasonable. You keep saying that you want other aviation manufacturers to profit from the WD-62MVP project.

Now Zhuang Jianye has generously expressed that he will take out the 30 billion supporting equipment. The CEO further said that it does not matter who produces WD-62MVP. With such a selfless manner, you, the deputy director of other aviation manufacturers, are not moved to tears. Forget it, I still have to blame, I have seen a white-eyed wolf, I have never seen such a disgusting white-eyed wolf!

As a result, the deputy director was unable to hold the authority and face, so he could only be embarrassed, and was stared impatiently by the heads of the aviation manufacturing factory.

The people in charge of the Hangfa Manufacturing Plant naturally saw that Zhuang Jianye and the chief teacher made a tune, and they almost collapsed.

I have something for you, do you dare to pick it up?

If you pick it up, take it. If you have a problem, you should dismiss get out of class and go bankrupt. If you don't dare to pick it up, then what else to say, how far you go!

The subtext is so obvious that they can’t tell where they are leaders. The problem is that some things can be understood but they can’t be pierced out. However, they are unwilling to give up the fat of the future fighter aircraft engine, so this group of people has become the same. He uses traditional arts and sheds his responsibilities without pressure.

When the sky falls, there is always a tall roof. Who is taller here? Of course it's Comrade Deputy Director. Who is the one who doesn't come out at this time? Is it possible that the filial piety of three festivals and two days for so many years has been given away for nothing?

If you need to support the edge, Deputy Director, you have to support the edge!

"Chief Master, what your old man said really makes me ashamed!"

At this moment, Zhuang Jianye suddenly opened his mouth and beckoned to the staff to stop the engine. He continued with ashamed: "Satisfy the No. 10 project guarantees a survival rate of more than 90% in the third-generation close-range combat bomb. , To be honest, our Ascendas Group still has a long way to go. After all, we are currently only testing the Russian-made R-73 fighting ammunition, the latest rattlesnake from the United States, the monster snake that has just been improved in Israel, and the Mika from France. Many air-to-air missile tests have not been done yet, so this progress..."

With that, Zhuang Jianye’s face flashed with struggle, as if there was something difficult to choose, and he couldn’t make up his mind. After such a stalemate for a full minute, he said with difficulty: "Master, please give us another year to take off the group. At this time next year, I promise to hand over the WD-62MVP with excellent infrared stealth capabilities to you!"

The deputy director and the others were relieved after hearing the previous sentence, especially when they heard Zhuang Jianye begging for a year of grace for the chief teacher, it made them feel nervous.

But the next moment, when Zhuang Jianye said the word "next year", the slightly lowered hearts of the deputy director and others suddenly mentioned ~www.ltnovel.com~ and they were not calm!

what's going on? Will the WD-62MVP be finalized and delivered next year?

The problem is that this is not the main reason why the deputy director and the others’ small hearts are pounding and their faces are pale. At the same time as Zhuang Jianye begged the chief executive, the on-site staff pushed a rear-projection monitor together with the closed-circuit cable. A scene of a Su-27 launching an R-73 shooting appeared.

The target is a drone at a distance of 3 kilometers.

According to this distance, the combination of Su-27 and R-73 missile should be able to take down the drone. However, the paradox is that when the R-73 missile approaches the drone, the drone only gives way to the side. The R-73 missile, which was supposed to be deflected in the same way, just passed Ecstasy, passing by the drone in a daze, and finally exploded with a "boom~~~" because it couldn't find the target.

At this time, the commentator’s voice-over appeared on the screen: "The verification UAV equipped with the WD-62MVP turbofan engine escaped the attack of the Russian-made R-73 missile, which proved that our group used the infrared on the WD-62MVP turbofan engine. Stealth measures have achieved initial effectiveness..."

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