Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1228: TNB—19S Aero Engine Testing Machine

"I really don't know what the chief teacher thinks, that's what happened to us. If Zhuang Jianye knows about this, I don't know whether it is crying or happy!"

A minibus was passing through the boulevard to Mianyang, surrounded by beautiful scenery, but none of the people in the car paid attention to the scenery outside, but kept their faces calm, as if the troubles of this life were all at this moment. Together they rushed to my heart, making the atmosphere of the whole car a little gloomy and depressed.

Fortunately, the chief instructor sitting in the co-pilot position is older, and the fatigue of the journey has already fallen asleep on the seat at this time, which has eased the atmosphere in the car a little, otherwise, including the deputy director, My heart is like a slap in the face, it is really stressful.

No way, who made this so-called investigation be forced by the chief teacher to go.

No, the WD-72SUV high-power military turbofan engine project was delayed, which indirectly led to the failure to obtain domestically-made high-power turbofan engines for the No. 10 project. The Russian-made AL-31 turbofan engine was forced to use the Russian-made AL-31 turbofan engine. Project pre-production type of extraordinarily large air accidents.

This responsibility is too great, let alone a single family, even if several companies are bundled together, they can't afford to carry it. What's more, the delay of the WD-72SUV high-power military turbofan engine project is not only the problem of these companies. Is it possible for Ascendas Group? Is it okay? Why are they backing their backs and Ascendas Group is watching the excitement?

Of course, the more important point is that it’s not a big deal to take responsibility. As long as you can eat meat, make money, get promoted, and earn both fame and fortune, I’m temporarily wronged. Several persons in charge of the aviation development factory in the car It doesn't matter, can sit where they are now, that doesn't have a bosom that can bend and stretch?

The problem is that if you really want to resist it, it is equivalent to saying that the WD-72SUV high-power military turbofan engine project has nothing to do with yourself. You must know that it will be the main source of power for the future domestic fighters. The No. 10 project will not be mentioned. The Northeast Plant will imitate the Soviet Union. The eleventh project of the —27 fighter will also be equipped with this power unit in the future.

And it's still an airplane with two engines.

Based on the 200 equipments disclosed by the Air Force and the 300 No. 10 project, the number of WD-72SUV high-power military turbofan engines on paper will reach 700 in the next ten years; It is conservatively estimated that the replacement spare engine and the old Su-27 upgrade to replace the Russian-made AL-31 will reach 1,000.

1,000 high-power military turbofan engines will be a big deal, enough to allow an aviation plant to live a stable and stable life for 20 to 30 years.

Because of this, these aviation manufacturers will pounce on them one by one regardless, and desperately want to **** this piece of meat from the Tengfei Group's bowl.

But on the other hand, if you don’t even have the qualifications to participate, the blow to the person in charge of the aviation and development plants in the car is also very severe. At least the cadres and employees of the plants will feel that you are incompetent, and you can’t even get the minimum qualifications. , What face is there to be the person in charge of the factory?

So they have to agree if they don't.

Of course, this kind of promise is not rushed up with enthusiasm, just hitting the head, in fact, the small abacus of the heads of the aviation development plant is very good, and the Ascendas Group can produce WD-72SUV high-power in three years. Military turbofan engines are simply impossible.

Even if the Ascendas Group has the foundation and can quickly transform, but where is the aero engine R&D and production cycle, five years is the minimum, usually more than eight years, after all, in addition to the development and production, and then test run, various Bird hitting, rain and snow, water swallowing, thousands of hours of long test drive, and then installation and lift off...

Where is the duration and cycle of all the processes? Ascendas Group simply cannot get around.

As a result, Zhuang Jianye dared to boast that Haikou had completed the WD-72SUV high-power military turbofan engine project in three years. The people in charge of these aviation plants felt that Zhuang Jianye was stunned by robbing the project. The old ostentatious routines are all used.

It’s like sleeping on a pillow. I’m worried about how to grab food from the Tengfei Group’s bowl, so I will hand over such a large handle. At that time, the daily production work of Tengfei Group will be exaggerated, and it will be able to knock down the dust directly, contrary to the principle of seeking truth from facts. At that time, it was difficult to keep the WD-72SUV high-power military turbofan engine project. If you didn't agree, it would be impossible to tolerate it!

And this is why a leader of the aviation development factory sent such emotion after seeing the chief teacher asleep.

"I think there is a greater chance of crying..." Another person in charge echoed in a low voice, "But again, I don't think it will be enough for that purpose. It is not that the upper party is preparing to form on the basis of the Ascendas Group. As for the large central enterprises with the Chinese prefix, most of them are still happy."

"Establishing a central enterprise with a Chinese character head on the basis of Ascendas Group?" As a result, the deputy director of the aviation development plant who had just landed in the front row suddenly turned his head and looked at the two behind him: "Why don't I know about this?"

Immediately he couldn't help but smiled meaningfully: "Even the higher-level department in charge of policy does not know what I am, but you are taking it seriously. It seems that Zhuang Jianye really engages in public opinion. Obviously, this is rebalancing. You talk about breaking up the aviation development business of Ascendas Group every day!"

After speaking, the deputy director turned his head, the smile on the corner of his mouth became more intense, and he glanced out the window, and suddenly said: "This road...it doesn't seem to be going to the Hangfa Factory of Cotton..."

Before the voice was over, the deputy director raised his neck and shouted at the driver: "Oh~~Master, you have gone the wrong way. The Cotton Aviation Factory should turn left at the intersection ahead!"

"Who said we are going to the factory?"

At this moment, the chief teacher, who was thought to have been sleeping, suddenly spoke, and the deputy director was shocked, but before the deputy director came back to explain one or two, there was a burst of people in their car over his head. Familiar roar that can no longer be familiar.

"This is..." The deputy director's eyes widened suddenly, and he exclaimed in disbelief: "The noise of the turbofan engine...Stop, master, stop now..."

The deputy director stopped the driving minibus ~www.ltnovel.com~ and then jumped out of the car without hesitating. He set up a pergola and looked in the direction where the noise came from. It was fine if he didn't look at it. Standing directly below, I saw a bright white fuselage in the distance, a rounded body, a T-shaped vertical tail, and a large aircraft with four turbofan engine pods hanging under the wings, slowly descending.

However, this is not the most incredible thing for the deputy director. The key is that the sizes of the two engines under the wing near his side are obviously different. One is the larger bypass than the turbofan engine commonly used in large aircraft, and it is closer to the inner side. It is an afterburner turbofan engine with a small bypass ratio that is obviously used on a fighter jet.

Coupled with the words "China Takes Off Flight Test" on the fuselage and the unique logo of the ferocious Sea Dongqing eagle hitting the sky, this deputy director who has seen many worlds was directly shocked and didn't know what to say.

However, before the deputy director recovered from the sight before him, the next sentence of the chief division who had gotten off the vehicle completely messed up everyone including the deputy director: "See that TNB-19S. Is the No. 3 engine of the aero engine testing machine? That is the spare engine of the No. 10 project, the WD-62MVP high-power military turbofan engine, with a thrust-to-weight ratio of 8, normal thrust of 7.9 tons, and afterburning thrust of 12.7 tons..."

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