Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1226: WD—72 SUV high-power military engine

"Chief Master, why don't you think about it... after all..." After hearing the words of the Chief Engineer No. 10, Zhuang Jianye did not immediately agree, but changed his mobile phone and patiently persuaded him.

It wasn't that Zhuang Jianye was afraid of anything, but that it was really worthless to assume such a big responsibility by the chief teacher at this time.

No way, Zhuang Jianye really understands the thoughts of the chief teacher.

That is to pave a way for the next generation of domestically-made high-power engines. Even if there is no way, a solid foundation must be laid.

Yes, the general manager's vision is not only limited to the 10th project, but also to the 20th project that has already begun pre-research, and even the later 30th project.

After all, no matter how bad the No. 10 project is, there are still Russian goods. Even if there is no Russian goods, it can be developed on the basis of the WD-68SUV small bypass turbofan engine tailored by Ascendas Group for the FBC-1A fighter bomber. The high-power turbofan engine with a thrust-to-weight ratio of 8 and an afterburner thrust of up to 12 tons has no technical difficulties in theory.

After all, the temperature in front of the turbine of the WD-68SUV turbofan engine has reached more than 1600 degrees Celsius, which is much higher than the 1390 degrees Celsius of the Russian-made AL-31. As long as the compressor structure and the adapted caliber and materials are reasonably planned, one is no less than The Russian-made AL-31 series of domestic high-thrust military engines are not difficult to obtain.

It's just that other Russian-made products have been put into production as early as the Cold War and can be obtained in stock; Ascendas Group is still developing, it will take another two to three years.

In fact, this is indeed the case. When the No. 10 project entered the model trial production stage, the turbofan-6 was completely dismantled. At that time, the chief engineer ran from aviation plants across the country to find a production that could undertake the supporting power for the No. 10 project. plant.

Unfortunately, at that time, the aviation development plants were not very interested in this. The main reason for this was that the turbofan-6 hit the aviation industry industry at that time too much, and no one knew what to do next, in case it went wrong. What should I do if I am blamed by my superiors?

Therefore, one thing is worse than one thing less, and everything waits for the superior to clarify the attitude.

But the problem is that the superiors are not front-line employees. Their decision-making is always obviously lagging. And the No. 10 project has reached the key to the development. Where can I wait? So the chief teacher has no choice but to find that it was only able to produce small Ascendas, which is powered by thrust turbojet, hopes that the aero-engine department of Ascendas Group can explore the path of a turbofan-6 with a high-thrust turbofan engine. At the very least, don’t cut this road completely. After all, Hangfa’s Things are different from other businesses, and once they are cut off, it can be even more difficult to pick them up.

As for the high hopes the chief executive gave to Ascendas Group, his insight, talent, and determination of success are all nonsense. Judging from the situation at the time, what the chief executive has on his hands is a hot potato, not to mention the difficulty of technology, and the lack of funds. More importantly, it is difficult to achieve results.

For the leaders of the aviation development factory who regard their political achievements more than the sky, this is almost a personal life. Naturally, they will not take over. Otherwise, they would have been robbed by these aviation manufacturers. How can they get the only one at the time? Ascendas Group, which can be used as a drone, is not unwelcome.

But at the time, Zhuang Jianye not only took over the hot potato of the chief teacher, but he has persisted until now.

In the end, the WD-68SUV turbofan engine was rewarded and blossomed; but when Zhuang Jianye was ready to lead the Ascendas Group to use the more powerful WD-72SUV high-power military engine to achieve the results of the second phase of the aviation development field, an invisible Suddenly, Tengfei Group’s curse fell on the head of Tengfei Group.

At the beginning, the aviation department put forward the hope that domestic aviation manufacturers can work together to tackle the WD-72SUV high-power military engine project, and promised to invest 12 billion yuan in this.

Ascendas Group did not refuse at the time. Since some people share the expenses, it was good at the time, but when they sat down and talked, the taste was not right. Where did those aviation plants regard the WD-72SUV high-power military engine as a project, which was clearly regarded as fat. , I want to take a bite and share the benefits.

Today Southeast Aviation Development Plant asks Ascendas Group to assist with a batch of equipment; Tomorrow Southwest Airlines Development Plant hopes Ascendas Group will carry forward its style to help them solve the problem of aging production lines; the day after tomorrow, Northeast Aviation Development Plant urges Ascendas Group to allocate a batch of foreign exchange because they are attracted to a batch of Germany Multi-spindle machine...

So blatantly treating the Ascendas Group as a big family, Zhuang Jianye did not hesitate to refuse no matter where he was willing to do it.

As a result, these aviation plants did not converge, but went to the higher-level department to file a complaint, saying that the Ascendas Group disrupted unity and wanted to eat alone.

That’s all. It’s even more rumored in the industry that Ascendas Group has already made so much in the aviation industry, it should be used to help the brothers. In a large family, the one who is developed and knows to help the poor relatives is all one. The brother factories in the system will soon be monopolized by your Ascendas Group in the future for domestic military engines. Shouldn't they help other factories?

Similar remarks can be said to be very popular. If it were in the past, Zhuang Jianye would have been used to it. He was better at public opinion than anyone else. However, this time, Zhuang Jianye did not do so. The reason is very simple. The attitude of the aviation authority is really good. Somewhat ambiguous.

Although there is no clear support for the opinions of other aviation development plants, there is no clear opposition. This is fine. The key is to find Zhuang Jianye in private, hoping that he can understand the difficulties of other aviation development plants and can help.

At this time, Ascendas Group’s inadequate stepmother’s attributes are exposed. No matter how poor other aviation companies are, they are the sons of aviation authorities. No matter how capable the Ascendas Group is, they don’t know which ditch to hold them. In that case, as The aviation management department of the head of the family is naturally more biased. If you Tengfei Group does not become the helper demon, who will do it?

If this is the person in charge of other units, faced with the explicit instructions and hints of the immediate department, he would have long been unable to compromise; but Zhuang Jianye would not retreat for a while. In Zhuang Jianye’s own words, “We rely on our hard-earned money. What to give them? Jealous? Jealously increase your ambition and earn it on your own! If you think my Zhuang Jianye can't do it, just take me down. Anyway, I'm tired of it. Going home and eating soft wife's meal is not more comfortable than talking to you every day?"

If the heads of other companies dared to challenge the higher-level departments, the get out of class would have been dismissed a long time ago.

In fact, the higher-level departments also want to move Zhuang Jianye and come up with a more obedient one. Unfortunately, the headquarters does not agree. After all, only Zhuang Jianye can change the Ascendas Group. If other people are changed, what will happen to the headquarters of so many projects?

Moreover, even if there is no headquarters factor, the competent department actually does not want to change Zhuang Jianye. Every year, so much profit and foreign exchange, not everyone can get it, it really needs to be changed, and the performance affects everyone's political performance~ www.ltnovel.com~ Based on the above, Zhuang Jianye's dream of going home to eat soft rice with his wife was not realized after all. He continued to work as a family head in the Ascendas Group and worked hard.

However, the location does not mean that the higher-level competent department has no means to lock Zhuang Jianye. For example, the position is equal. According to Zhuang Jianye's coffee position, it should have gone further, but the competent department just gave the card owner with the principle of family planning.

In addition, various projects of Ascendas Group are always suppressed by an invisible ceiling, making it impossible to go further.

Then there is the news about the establishment of a comprehensive aviation group or a comprehensive aviation development group from the competent authorities at every turn, suggesting that the Ascendas Group will be split...

All in all, it has caused panic, and it will inevitably affect the progress of the project. The biggest one is the WD-72SUV high-power military engine.

And this is the fundamental reason why the chief teacher will have such a big fire after this air love, so before Zhuang Jianye can finish speaking, the chief teacher categorically said: "You don't care about this, it's an offense. I'll come, if they are able to take me down together!"

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