Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1218: This technology is absolutely world-leading

"Electron beam furnishing?" Suharto was slightly startled when he heard Gu Jingyou's words. He murmured and repeated a sentence, and then shook his head unconcernedly: "This is the first time I have heard of this technology, electron beam fur. Isn’t aerospace products generally requiring surface finish of components? It should be burr removal. Why do you take off the opposite way in the Ascendas Group..."

"Well, Suharto, if you don't understand aviation technology, don't be embarrassed here."

Suharto is still talking nonchalantly here, preparing to use the electron beam texturing described by Gu Jingyou, which has never been heard before, to complete the process, taking this as an opportunity to prepare for the upcoming formal negotiations. Add more weight to your side.

As a result, he just started firing a cannon here, thinking about his old partner Wahid and pulling back again, and then a red face and a white face; one cheered and the other teased directly confused Gu Jingyou and talked about it.

But what makes Suharto unbelievable is that the old partner who cooperated with him not only didn't pick him up this time, but instead came up to tear him down, so that Suharto slapped him on the face, and was directly slapped. I'm confused.

But before Suharto hadn’t even figured out why Wahid stabbed the knife in the back like this, a scene that made him even more shocked appeared in front of him. The hard squeeze of the fat face is not so much a kind, it is more of a flattering smile, and like a pug, he waggles his tail to Gu Jingyou and said: "Mr. Gu, do you know whether your group's electron beam hairening process is transferred? Willing to spend $1 billion to buy this technology..."

When Suharto heard the number of US$1 billion, his head buzzed. He almost didn't have a cerebral infarction. US$1 billion. The Indonesian National Aviation Industry Corporation NM is about to go bankrupt. Then the US$1 billion is coming? What's wrong with Wahid? Are you crazy or don't want to live anymore?

However, without waiting for Suharto to recover from the figure of 1 billion U.S. dollars, seeing that Gu Jingyou had no words, Wahid even gritted his teeth and added: "1.5 billion U.S. dollars...no, 2.5 billion U.S. dollars... it can't be more. Yes, Mr. Gu, we can only spend so much money in Indonesia at present, but you can rest assured that we will use the world’s largest and fourth largest nickel mine on Java Island and 6.5% of the Indonesian National Aviation Industry Group. The shares are used as additional compensation. Of course, we can talk about the specific situation again. As long as your group can transfer this technology to us, Indonesia will always open the door to Ascendas Group."

Now Suharto is not about to have a brain inflict, but he really almost flicked, and went directly to the Yin Cao Heifu to play through, is Wahid, NM speaking still human? It’s just a matter of measuring Indonesia’s material resources and gaining enthusiasm. Let’s not talk about what electron beam texturing is about. Even if it’s really valuable and necessary for such a technology, why not exchange so many good things at the bottom of the box?

Let’s not talk about the shares of Indonesia’s National Aviation Industry Corporation or the US$2.5 billion in cash, just talk about the two nickel mines on the island of Java. You must know that nickel is a vital material in aerospace, fuel cells, and superalloys. Many developed countries have coveted the two nickel mines on Java Island, but Indonesia has never meant to transfer. Even after the Asian financial crisis, Indonesia’s finances are in trouble, and they have not considered selling the two nickel mines to pay back. Life.

As a result, just for such a technology that I have never heard of, Wahid just so self-proclaimed that two nickel mines considered by Indonesia as the lifeblood of the nickel mines were given to Tengfei Group? It seems that Wahid is not crazy, but really doesn't want to live anymore.

The problem is that you don’t want to live, don’t pull him Suharto, okay?

However, before Suharto's defamation was finished, Gu Jingyou's words made Suharto's heart come to his throat and finally heaved a sigh of relief: "Mr. Wahid, I'm really sorry, electron beam texturing The craftsmanship is not on the list of this transfer..."

"Don't worry, Mr. Gu, we are sincere. As long as the technology can be traded, we can discuss it. As long as the conditions of Ascendas Group are not excessive, we can talk."

"Damn~~ You Wahid still shamelessly, just give up your Indonesian country and change it to China!" Suharto was directly cursed after hearing that Wahid was no different from pleading. It was turned on, but at this moment, Gu Jingyou's next sentence caused Wahto, who had almost labeled Wahid an Indonesian traitor, to directly crash his brain.

"You should know Mr. Wahid. The electron beam texturing technology is not the most basic application of the surface coating of a part. Its most important function is to integrate the metal parts and composite parts of the aircraft. The combination of the two, and the structural strength of the joint is no less than that of metal materials or composite materials, so as to completely solve the problem of large-scale use of composite materials on the aircraft, and make the new generation of fighters or a new generation of passenger aircraft officially put into production. Sweep down obstacles..."

When Suharto heard the phrase "metal parts and composite parts are organically combined, and the structural strength of the joint is no less than that of metal or composite materials", his head is already a piece. It's blank.

No matter how he said, he is also the senior negotiator of the Indonesian National Aviation Industry Corporation, and he is a professional background in aeronautical engineering. He knows the weight of this sentence very well.

Since the birth of composite materials, the aviation industry has determined this material as the most suitable material for future aircraft. However, from the 1960s to the end of the 1990s, more than 30 years have passed, whether it is a fighter jet or a civil airliner, composite materials The utilization rate rarely exceeds 25%.

Is it because the aviation giants feel that the technical level of composite materials is not good enough and do not want to apply it on a large scale?

Of course not. The specific strength and specific modulus of composite materials have already reached aviation safety standards. There are no theoretical obstacles to large-scale applications. But why, apart from the US military’s F-22 fighter jets, few aircraft can use composite materials. Achieve more than 20%?

The reason is very simple, that is the delay in the process of connecting composite materials and metal materials ~www.ltnovel.com~ The two materials are either glued with expensive super-level resin materials or can only be simply and roughly riveted.

However, whether it is glued or riveted, the structural strength of the joint cannot reach either of the two materials, so that the fragility of the joint causes a significant reduction in the life of the entire body.

Because of this, even if composite materials have visible benefits for the weight reduction of aircraft, major aviation giants still dare not use too much. After all, metal materials cannot be excluded in the body. Since they cannot be discharged, composite materials cannot be avoided. The connection of materials and metal materials, so that the entire process forms a closed-loop paradox relationship.

As a result, a lot of talented engineers can only rack their brains to find a balance between the amount of composite materials used and the disadvantages of the connection of the two materials as much as possible.

However, the electron beam texturing technology of Ascendas Group perfectly solves this problem and completely releases the restrictions on the use of composite materials.

What does this show?

Just one sentence: This technology is absolutely world-leading!

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