Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1210: My god, where did the Chinese make airplanes?

Zhuang Jianye has said this, what Gu Jingyou can do is naturally desperately squeezing the Indonesians.

As for the result...

Of course it's what it looks like right now, it's just a little speculative.

So after Gu Jingyou leaned back in his chair and thought for a while, he suddenly got up and greeted the other negotiating members: "Go, we will meet Sinzhou!"

"Xingzhou?" A Tengfei Group executive was a little surprised: "But this negotiation..."

"Stop talking!" Before the executive could finish speaking, Gu Jingyou replied without hesitation, and immediately stepped away and walked out of the meeting room with his head raised...


"Gu Jingyou and they left the capital, don't talk about it?"

That night, Wahid was a little surprised when he learned that Gu Jingyou, the negotiator of Ascendas Group, had left, but soon he was like an okay person. He put a grape on the dining table and put it in his mouth with a slight smile and said: "Without Ascendas Group, There is also the aviation industry group. Even if the aviation industry group is not interested, can their CITIC Group reject Indonesia's huge mining interests?"

With that said, Wahid took the wine on the table and poured a glass of it to Suharto, the special representative of Indonesia’s National Aeronautics Industry Group who was next to him, and then filled it with himself. , Then picked up the wine glass and shook it in his hand. Then he said confidently: "After all, what we want is a national loan, not a corporate loan. The Chinese will not refuse it. After all, everything can be settled with money. Not a big deal!"

"You’re right, Mr. Wahid, Ascendas Group wants the Southeast Asian market in their hearts, but what they don’t know is that they need strength to open up the market, the blatant strength of the era of great voyages. The way of presentation is naturally undesirable, but the hidden hardships and guns are everywhere. In this regard, Ascendas Group is not only weak, but also naive!" Suharto took a sip of the wine in the glass and said a big truth with a smile. .

Upon hearing this, Wahid nodded in agreement: "This is also the main reason why I do not recommend having too much contact with super giants like Boeing and Airbus. If you really want to let them in, then the National Aviation Industry Corporation of Indonesia will be a real success. A piece of fat without bones, it can only be slaughtered..."

After speaking, he took a sip of his wine, moistened his throat, and continued: "On the contrary, China is different. Their economy is just starting, just like the nouveau riche. Suddenly they have money but they don’t know what to do. , It just happens that there is too much strength, which happens to be our best goal.

So I very much agree with the chaos caused by the domestic nationalists, who have been tossed so badly, can't let people vent their emotions? Then let all countries, especially China, take a closer look. If they want to keep their interests in Indonesia, they must either obediently pay to help Indonesia tide over the difficulties, or suffer unnecessary losses. "

Before he could finish his words, Wahid put the cup in his hand on the table again and continued: "There is an old Chinese saying that the two evils are the less powerful. I believe that there should be smart people among the Chinese, and in the end they should know that. How to choose!"

When he said this, Wahid was full of confidence. His round face with a poke mustache exuded the wise and proud look unique to the Indonesian elite. It seems that the entire universe can be played by him. Just like between applause, the whole soul is almost sublimated.

In fact, Wahid’s self-confidence is not without reason. Even Suharto, the special negotiator of the Indonesian National Aviation Industry Corporation, who has the same power, has to admit that Indonesia’s selection of Wahid to take the overall situation this time is not only correct. And extremely wise.

The reason is simple. Wahid is not only a senior expert in the aviation industry, an outstanding corporate manager, but also a well-known China expert.

If you take out one item alone, it doesn't matter, but if the three are combined, it's terrible.

You must know that in the past few years, Ascendas Group's pace and momentum to enter Southeast Asia has become more and more full, and even once the Taishan Mountain has been overwhelming, so that for a certain period of time, Indonesia's National Aviation Industry Group was panicking up and down.

Only Wahid didn’t care, and only said: “Tengfei Group has too few mature technologies and too many domestic constraints!” He formulated a stalking delaying tactic, really relying on Royal Thai Aviation Industry Corporation. , Several times, the Ascendas Group in Southeast Asia has made it difficult for its successors to make progress.

You must know that the momentum of the Ascendas Group was very fierce at that time, let alone attacking everywhere, it was blooming everywhere, so that even giants like Boeing and Airbus were a little jealous and prepared to jointly suppress it.

At this time, Wahid was able to see at a glance that Tengfei Group was nothing but a virtual fire, and in one fell swoop blocked Tengfei Group from the Southeast Asian market. Wan Ru pierced the emperor in costume, and immediately let the world see Tengfei Group. The foundation.

As a result, Boeing and Airbus no longer fear the Ascendas Group, but instead regard Ascendas Group as an excellent supporting supplier, vying to include it in their supply chain, and gradually assimilate it into the likes of Japan and South Korea. , Completely ignorant of the overall semi-skilled aviation production enterprise.

As a result, Ascendas Group’s orders were quickly filled with Boeing and Airbus’s foundry parts, resulting in a sharp decline in the output of a series of export models such as TM-9, so that the fixed wing that had a poor sense of existence. Aviation products are even more touching.

毊灪zhuiyo.com毊灪. But all this is what Wahid wants to see. Ascendas's OEM Boeing and Airbus parts products are indeed soft to make money, but Wahid doesn’t envy him because he knows this kind of OEM. Just like pulling a beautiful girl from a bar for the night, happiness is only a few days, and it won't last long~www.ltnovel.com~嬯寷bⅹшⅹ●С〇寷. Want to be long-term can only be honestly pondering the technology, polishing the craftsmanship, so as to be able to gain a foothold in future.

Therefore, when Wahid was leading the Indonesian National Aviation Industry Group, he also accepted outsourcing orders from Boeing and Airbus, but he did not use endlessly as his main business. Instead, he allocated a large amount of production capacity and research and development to invest in new models. Production, because he firmly believes that his own is the future, and that of others is always unreliable.

Since Wahid can see the essence of Ascendas Group and the industry so thoroughly, as a Chinacom, can he still not understand the current domestic weaknesses?

Because of this, before Wahid’s voice came to an end, he once again categorically added: “I’m still saying that, the troubles in Indonesia should continue, and the bigger the trouble, the better; and we are here to slowly talk to China’s domestic troubles. The parties have more contact and talk slowly, just like we did with the Tengfei Group before, they can't stand it if they drag on."

"Then let's do this, just as the Ascendas Group left, we are not in a hurry to find the next home. It is said that the scenery in Suzhou and Hangzhou is good. We might as well go there to relax first... Jingling Bell~~~~" Su Hato nodded when he heard the words, but before he finished talking about the relaxation plan, the satellite phone inside suddenly rang.

巗攮攮. Suharto could only stop the conversation, got up and went in to answer the phone. After hearing only one sentence, the whole person exclaimed: "How is this possible... They sent a large transport plane to East Timor? Impossible... absolutely impossible... ...They...what? You say it again? Not one, but four...My god, where did the Chinese make the plane from?"

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