Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1207: Lead you to look at that thing, is it the UFO mentioned in the book?

However, although the army, navy and air force have shown great interest in the Z-13MAX tiltrotor, they have special expectations for the subsequent ZB-225 tiltrotor.

However, as the saying goes, the future is bright and the road is tortuous. The tilt-rotor is a problem worldwide, and no one can guarantee that this kind of cross-generation model will really develop smoothly.

The general cycle of 8 to 15 years is nothing more than gritted teeth, but what if the tiltrotor is dragged for two to three years, or even four to five years? Do you still want to hold this thing?

So after some research at the headquarters, it felt that the risk of hanging on a tree like a tiltrotor is too high, and there must be a backup. Once the tiltrotor fails, there can be other high-speed helicopter projects instead. The rapid reaction force lags behind the world's mainstream in core equipment.

So he was ready to start a high-speed helicopter backup project.

It stands to reason that the backup project should find another helicopter manufacturer to be the main unit. The headquarters does have this idea. One is that eggs cannot be placed in a basket; the other is also a backup project in case. Really developed, it can't compete with Ascendas' tiltrotor aircraft, maybe it can promote the development of domestic helicopter technology.

Based on this, the headquarters handed over the backup development project to the Binjiang Helicopter Factory, which was in difficulty at the time, and planned to use this project with the localization of Zhi9 to force a wave of blood to the Binjiang Helicopter Factory.

The Binjiang Plant was very concerned about this project at first. After all, it was funded by the state and supported by the headquarters. No matter how to build the Binjiang Plant, it was not at a loss, so it was making rapid progress at the beginning.

However, the initial rapid progress has stalled. The reason is simple. The Binjiang Plant lacks the core technology of helicopters. In order to localize Zhi9, it has imported a complete set of production equipment from France. It's okay to produce straight 9s, but if that set of things does something else, the French are the first to be unhappy.

Zhi9 hasn't figured out the localization yet, your Binjiang plant is thinking about starting a new model, what's the matter? The wings are stiff!

As a result, the French representative to China personally sits at the Binjiang plant, and does not allow the use of French equipment and technology for all experiments involving helicopters.

This is tantamount to blocking the Binjiang Factory from its roots.

But this did not make the Binjiang Plant yield, on the contrary, it also aroused the fighting spirit of the Binjiang Plant. Even if the French did not allow them to use their equipment and technology, wouldn't the Binjiang Plant not work?

The result... proved that the Binjiang Plant really didn't work.

In addition to the constraints of the French, the most important thing is that the Binjiang Plant, the two major items of materials and engines, cannot be solved. Even if it can be solved, the Binjiang Plant does not have the so-called high-end production equipment and processing technology.

To put it bluntly, Binjiang Factory does not have its own core technology at all. It is purely an outsourced assembly plant for the French "Dolphin" helicopter. What do you ask him to do?

Of course, if Ascendas Group can support one or two, it can be encouraged, but the question is, why should Ascendas Group help its competitors?毊灪suyingwang.net毊灪

You must know that Binjiang Factory had a lot of troubles behind the back when Zhi-12, so far, the sales of Zhi-12 are not rushed-one-third of 9; as for Zhi-15, it was even carried by Binjiang factory. A group of friends and merchants spit out alive.

At this time, I want Ascendas Group to help, even if the Binjiang Factory is open to this, Ascendas Group really doesn't care about it.

The fact is indeed the case. The Binjiang Plant has no face to directly approach the Ascendas Group, but through the internal relationship of the aviation industry, you have scratched and asked if you can get some high-end aviation materials and turboshafts for helicopters from Ascendas Group. Engines and some special aviation equipment for processing high-end parts.

At that time, Zhuang Jianye’s reply was very polite: “We have these things, but recently there have been a lot of domestic and foreign orders. It may not be placed in the order for a while. Otherwise, I will help you take care of this in three years. The price is not too much, I will give you a 15% discount, 1.2 billion yuan, one-stop installation, training, and commissioning, guarantee the package education package!"

The leader of the Binjiang factory who got the reply directly patted the table in his office and cursed that Zhuang Jianye is not a thing.

Three years, three years later, the day lilies are cold!

That's all. After waiting for the last three years, you still have to pay 1.2 billion yuan to Ascendas Group, which dare to say that it is 15% off.

However, the leaders of the Binjiang Factory dared to go to the Ascendas Group to find Zhuang Jianye. There was no way. The conflict between the two parties was too deep. If it weren't for the higher-level units to transfer from the middle, the two people would have already beaten their heads. So this The project can only be dragged first.

The problem is that the Binjiang Plant can afford it, but the headquarters cannot afford it. Your Binjiang Plant needs funds for funds and policies for policies. In the end, you don’t even have a haircut, what? What about the silly boy?

Therefore, the headquarters was also angry and asked the Binjiang plant to come up with a practical design plan within one year, and the theoretical prototype should be officially off-line within three years.

The Binjiang factory without core technology, even if it is squeezed out, there is no way to make a theoretical prototype in such a short time. You must know that not all aerospace manufacturing companies in China are called Tengfei and have a change. Level of efficiency.

Therefore, the leaders of the Binjiang factory can only enter Beijing urgently, prepare to find the old leaders, settle the old relationship, and go to the higher-level departments and the headquarters to shake a few tears. It is not easy for them to be the eldest son of the Republic these years.

Prepare to use this set of combo punches and drag the time.嬯寷bⅹшⅹ●С〇寷

After all, this experimental verification research project does not seem to be big, but the state's funding is very good~www.ltnovel.com~ This is tantamount to a stable and reliable source of financial resources for the Binjiang factory, which has a problem with food. May give up?

So let alone let the leaders of the Binjiang plant shed a few tears, it is not a problem to run three laps in the capital after getting naked in the middle of the night.

What's more, he doesn't have to work so hard. Usually, the superior department and the headquarters compromise before they shed tears. After all, the domestic manufacturers that can produce helicopters have less than five fingers together. No one will watch them live and hungry. Die, so to a certain extent, the Binjiang Factory can be regarded as an alternative to take the emperor to make the princes.

However, just as the leader of the Binjiang factory entered Beijing with confidence and was ready to repeat the old tricks and drag him for eight, nine or ten years, the leader suddenly discovered that he was prepared to entrust the old leader of the relationship to build friendships. The heads of the various departments were absent, and I found out after inquiring that they had all gone to the Beijing Suburb Aviation Proving Ground.

The leaders of the Binjiang plant didn’t care either. Instead, they felt that they could talk better when they were together. So he quickly asked the driver to drive to the suburbs of Beijing. As a result, the leaders of the Binjiang plant were in the car thinking about how to sell a good meal in front of all the leaders. At that time, the car that was approaching the Beijing Suburb Aviation Proving Ground suddenly stopped, and the head of the leader of the Binjiang Plant, who was not wearing a seat belt, directly came into close contact with the front seat.

The leader of the Binjiang plant was immediately furious and asked the driver: "How do you drive?"

However, the driver did not reply. Instead, he pointed his finger forward blankly and motioned to his leader with a dull face: "Leader, look at that thing? Is it the UFO mentioned in the book?"

The leaders of the Binjiang factory looked at the situation, and their angry face was stunned when they saw something in the sky again!

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