Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1205: High-speed helicopter

"Z-13 shouldn't let those people down!"

Just when the Z-13 rescue helicopter was officially unveiled at the East Timor field airport opened by the United Nations peacekeeping force, Nei Zhuang Jianye, a luxury company located at the headquarters of Qiongzhou Airlines and dedicated to Ning Xiaodong, looked out of the floor-to-ceiling window with expressionless expression, and the waves were surging. The beautiful seascape of the city has no reason to say so.

Ning Xiaodong, who was making tea, was stunned for a moment, and immediately smiled and said: "When you were about to install the machine, you asked the technical team to check so many times. What can't you worry about? What's more? The modified rescue helicopters are just for people to see, and they are not really sold. This time, as long as they can fly five or six sorties back and forth in the place where the bird does not **** in East Timor..."

As he said, Ning Xiaodong poured the brewed Kung Fu tea from the tea cup into the small tea cup, then picked it up and handed it to Zhuang Jianye: "Furthermore, the officer of the Pakistan peacekeeping force in East Timor who had been fed a long time ago Can't you help me? With a few layers of insurance, what else do you have to worry about, Lao Zhuang?"

As Ning Xiaodong said, there is really nothing to worry about. Even if the Z-13 rescue helicopter is just a temporary modification of a technical verification aircraft of the Ascendas Group, there is no need to worry so much.

Yes, the Z-13 helicopter is not a truly definite model, but a technically verified model developed by Ascendas Group based on the next generation of helicopters.

The maximum take-off weight is 6.5 tons, between Zhi-12 and Zhi-15. It is a typical medium-sized helicopter. It is equipped with two WD-44Z turboshaft engines with a single power of 1456 kilowatts and a streamlined fuselage. With retractable landing gear, the maximum flying speed of the Z-13 helicopter can reach 318 kilometers per hour.

Even with a maximum load of 2.5 tons, the maximum cruising speed of the Z-13 helicopter can still be maintained at 297 kilometers per hour.

If only this kind of speed is slightly higher than that of ordinary helicopters, other performance indicators are almost mediocre Z-13 helicopters, Zhuang Jianye is really not worried, after all, Ascendas Group is not good in the helicopter field to ensure the safety of a high-performance ordinary helicopter. Still no problem.

However, I don't know since when, as long as Zhuang Jianye heard the code name Z-13, the heart in his chest would be as if it had been stimulated by high-voltage electricity, and it would be straight out of nowhere.

There is no other reason, just because the Z-13 model is the one with the highest accident rate among all models of Ascendas Group so far.

Starting from the first-generation Z-13 test flight in 1993, in less than 5 years, Ascendas Group crashed a total of 4 aircraft; due to various failures, a total of 6 aircraft were scrapped; even two test pilots were sacrificed; as for minor repairs. Complements are not counted.

As a result, the entire Z-13 project has become the largest sales gold cave and bottomless pit of Ascendas Group since entering the 1990s.

Therefore, there is no reason why Zhuang Jianye is crying for poverty every day. He just keeps dropping planes and playing scraps, that is, Zhuang Jianye manages properly, has first-class financial skills, and changes to someone else. Zhuang Jianye has long been tossed into bankruptcy.

However, it is such a bottomless project that both Zhuang Jianye himself and the headquarters have attached great importance to it. Instead of giving up because of the huge investment and heavy losses, they have increased their investment and support, not to mention the Z-13 project. It has been upgraded to one of the three most mysterious top research projects of Ascendas Group, and has been continuously included in the Eighth and Ninth Five-Year Plan, and has won strong support and endorsement from the country.

The reason for this is very simple. The Z-13 project is of extraordinary significance.

Because the full name of the Z-13 project is the Z-13 high-speed helicopter technology verification project, it aims to develop a high-speed helicopter general platform with a speed exceeding 400 kilometers per hour for the future domestic land, sea and air forces and civil aviation systems.

As we all know, due to the unique aerodynamic shape of the helicopter, the speed cannot be compared with the fixed-wing aircraft. The usual flying speed is generally 240 kilometers per hour, even the latest fourth-generation helicopters can hardly exceed 320 kilometers per hour. \\\\hour.

Although this speed is faster than that of ground combat vehicles, it is still not enough for the emphasis on faster aviation assault power, especially the future forces emphasize lean, efficient, and rapid, which requires the first wave of assault forces not only to act. Quickly, but also came to its surprise, and the battlefield adaptability is extremely strong.

As the saying goes, the world of martial arts is fast and unbreakable. It is also applicable to aviation assault platforms. If there is an air assault platform that can reach a speed of 420-450 kilometers per hour and can flexibly take off and land vertically, it will be suitable for air assault troops. In other words, the same long-distance attack can save half of the time compared to today, and by then, both the tactical flexibility, the suddenness of the battle or the strategic deterrence will be doubled.

Based on this, countries around the world summed up the Cold War period after the Cold War, especially the Soviet military's combat experience in Afghanistan and the actual combat model of the US military's air assault division in the Gulf War, and they have put forward their development plans for helicopters.

The aim is to be able to equip one or several high-speed helicopters with the pre-2010s, so that the air assault force that countries focus on will be faster and harder!

In this regard, the United States and Europe can be said to be unique, leading the world; Russia followed closely, and also launched a variety of programs, the country naturally does not want to miss this major change that may subvert the helicopter technology landscape, but at that time the country was going on. State-owned enterprise reforms and industrial structure adjustments have caused all helicopter production plants to be laid off. To solve the problem of being exhausted in employment, there is no intention to engage in technological research and development.

Since then, Zhuang Jianye did his part to take over this "unthankful" job in the industry, and became the main contractor of the Z-13 high-speed helicopter verification project, as well as doing unmanned aerial vehicle, aero engine and fixed station. Like a wing airplane ~www.ltnovel.com~ clenched my teeth and held on.

The reason for this is simple. Zhuang Jianye firmly believes that high-speed helicopters must be the future of the helicopter field. Ascendas Group wants to break the shackles and shackles of the domestic and even international helicopter fields. The old path of the past can only be to follow other people’s ass. Eat some leftovers in the back, and instead of doing so, it is better to give it a go and take another path to overtake in a big roundabout curve.

Don't those friends and businessmen cherish themselves with the existing helicopter technology, don't they think that outsiders who have experience in this kind of eating experience can't get in?

Then Ascendas Group will not enter, and it will go straight to the development of high-speed helicopters over two generations. Once it succeeds, Ascendas Group is a new generation of giants; if it fails, it is a big deal to let the university textbooks have one more failure case.

What's more, Zhuang Jianye does not believe that Ascendas Group will fail this bet. The reason is very simple. The XV-15 tiltrotor aircraft of Bell Company of the United States has been recognized by the US military, and the V-22 tiltrotor aircraft has been developed on this basis. .

With such jewels in front, how can the Z-13MAX tilt rotor plane that was held by the Ascendas Group crossing the river feeling the Americans rush to the street?

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