Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1202: If you’re not from a big country in the East, just go

This woman really almost drew it over. The reason is simple. Where did she get her ID card and Hong Kong and Macau pass?

Except for a face that is very similar to East Asians, how can someone from the inside to the soul be from a certain big country in the East to get on the plane?

The reason why I brought a group of people here was because I felt that a big country in the East should be like Australia, fraternity to the Virgin, and hope that a big country in the East can help them out of so-called humanitarianism.

Of course, the premise is that the Australian plane can’t fly, and it will simply collapse. Otherwise, she can go to Australia. How could she choose a big country in the East?

After all, Australia is a developed country, and a large eastern country is only a developing country!

As a result, I didn't expect that the other party would not take this set at all, and his wishful thinking was lost, and he would be left in the refugee camp. Is that place for people? Who doesn't this woman smoke?

Chen Fang rescued people and returned them, but he still knew the extent of the rescue. After all, as the leader of the engineering team, he participated in the United Nations rescue project for East Timor.

The people who have the most contact in peacetime are either UN officials or officers and soldiers of UN peacekeeping forces.

Chen Fang usually doesn't talk about their attitude towards people of their own nationality and people of foreign nationality, and what their statutes are.

Humanism is to save people.

But it is not the same as saying that if you want to spread this kind of Notre Dame-level care to everyone in the world, even if you want to save people, this kind of rescue will have to be divided into three or six stages. People from other countries will complete their mission if they lose them in the refugee camps opened by the United Nations.

But the people in the country should do their best to take them back to the country to receive better help.

And this kind of higher-level assistance requires proof of legal documents such as passports and ID cards.

The woman in front of him escaped from the Indonesian nationalists. Chen Fang found out that he had fulfilled his duty of rescue, but if he wanted to return to the country with him further, he needed further legal documents.

No, sorry, we don’t accept illegal refugees.

Therefore, what Chen Fang said was reasonable, well-founded, and well-defined.

As a result, none of the other UN officials or officers and soldiers of the UN peacekeeping force raised objections.

In any case, these people are not Colonel Curt from Australia. If they want to use this kind of Virgin to win international status, they are all normal countries. They say yes, but this is not the case.

However, just when Chen Fang finished speaking, he ignored the woman in front of him and was about to leave.

Suddenly an old man in the crowd raised his hand and shouted in fluent Cantonese: "Mr. Chen, I know that there is a place where people from two major eastern countries are besieged. They are all from Macau. They have Hong Kong and Macau special passes. Thirty kilometers, if you can, please rescue them!"

With that said, the old man took out the Hong Kong and Macau Pass from the inner pocket of his clothes and sent it to Chen Fang. Chen Fang picked it up and saw that the old man was indeed from Macau, a proper compatriot.

But the next moment Chen Fang became embarrassed again. Thirty kilometers away from the field airport is equivalent to saying that the two trapped Macao compatriots were in Indonesia.

This is not a difficult problem, but a matter of not knowing what to do.

You must know that the border between Indonesia and East Timor has been blocked by Indonesian nationalists. They want to pass unless they are armed to the teeth and open the passage in combat vehicles.

This is also the reason why Australia was so glamorous before, because they sent several armed teams in the name of peacekeeping forces to open up several channels.

The problem is that there are Australians, but Chen Fang does not have them. He has more than 20 engineers, let alone troops, not even paramilitary organizations. How did you get there? Go and drive a bulldozer?

Of course, you can also ask the peacekeeping forces of other countries to help. The question is whether they are willing to save your life for you.

You must know that those Indonesian nationalists are now, with integrity and excitement, even the camp of the UN peacekeeping force. Dare to give it a try, what can't they do?

Because of this, let Chen Fang and their sense of pride burst out regardless of the civilian cargo plane dispatched from China.

But in the face of this temporary rescue of compatriots, it was still a bit at a loss.

However, before Chen Fang could respond, Colonel Curt, the commander of the Australian peacekeeping force, with a blackened face, hurried over to shout at Chen Fang and other UN officials and the commanders of UN peacekeeping forces. Asked: "Is there a helicopter here? I need a helicopter... We just found a survivor during the search, and we urgently need a helicopter to transport him to the nearest field hospital for treatment!"

Hearing these words, including Chen Zainei, were shocked. He didn't expect that there were survivors on the C-130 transport plane on the ground.

This also shows from another aspect that the C-130 transport aircraft is very destructive.

But in addition to these emotions, what is left is helpless looking at each other.

They don’t even say what kind of helicopter it is, they don’t even have a helicopter model.

But while the crowd was waiting for silence, the Portuguese officer next to him who was in charge of airdrop communication suddenly heard from the radio of a certain large civil aviation cargo plane in the east with the call sign NB233: "Ground control, now You inform that a new aircraft call sign, ZB555, is a helicopter owned by our Qiongzhou Airlines. If necessary, we will immediately put it into use."

The Portuguese officer couldn't help being shocked. Helicopter? Where is the helicopter?

But before he could inquire further, Colonel Curt next to him desperately snatched the radio talker from the Portuguese officer's hand, and immediately shouted in an extremely overbearing and indisputable loud voice: "Helicopter? Great! Me! It is needed right now. There is an injured Australian pilot here. I now order you to drive the helicopter over immediately. All airspace is open to you, that's it! Immediately!"

As soon as this remark came out ~www.ltnovel.com~, there was silence at the scene, but Curt was so overbearing.

However, compared to the scene, the silence of the radio is even more confusing.

"Answer quickly! If you didn't hear my order, answer quickly!" Colonel Curt was a little annoyed at not getting an answer for a long time.

"Look clearly at the national flag and logo on the plane, and read it with me, a big country in the East! Are you from a big country in the East?"

The radio rang again, but another voice came. Colonel Curt was taken aback, and replied blankly: "I am not!"

"Don't just go away!" The voice on the radio suddenly went wild, and directly slapped Colonel Curt.

At this time, Chen Fang walked over and picked up the intercom to tell the story about two Macau compatriots trapped in a place 30 kilometers away from the old man just now. After listening, the radio immediately replied: "Okay, don't worry, we will arrange rescue operations."

Before the words fell, I saw that the tail of the civil aviation cargo plane parked on the tarmac slowly opened, and immediately revealed a helicopter with good posture!

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