Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1197: Peacekeeping dilemma

In East Timor’s UN peacekeeping camp near the Indonesian border, the Chinese peacekeeper commander Chen Fang has not closed his eyes for two days and nights.

As a peacekeeping mission assigned by the United Nations, China’s situation in East Timor and its first attempt in international peacekeeping did not send a purely military peacekeeping force.

Instead, a paramilitary peacekeeping team composed of 20 people was stationed in the name of the peacekeeping police. Although the number is small, each is an elite selected from various units. This is from Chen Fang, who is led by the maritime department. It can be seen that the commander of this team appointed by superiors.

The level of this peacekeeping team is quite high.

From this we can also see the degree of domestic importance attached to this peacekeeping mission.

Because of this, it is self-evident that this is the main responsibility of the peacekeeping team. In addition to undertaking the peacekeeping tasks assigned by the United Nations, the main thing is to learn and train their own peacekeeping talents through this peacekeeping practice.

After all, this kind of peacekeeping operation is considered to be the first time for the country. As similar tasks increase in the future, it is necessary to have a special talent pool. After all, as the world's top five gangsters...Bah! Being one of the five permanent members, peacekeeping is an unavoidable responsibility.

Because of this, Chen Fang's group of people is mainly studying, following behind other countries' peacekeeping forces, watching and listening.

Over time, it has indeed benefited a lot. The reason for this is mainly because East Timor, which is different from Africa and the Middle East, is still peaceful on the whole, and has determined its own direction. In theory, there is no


I thought that after maintaining this situation for half a year, this peacekeeping operation would be successfully concluded. After that, the peacekeeping experience learned from Australia, New Zealand, Portugal and other countries would be summarized and then promoted in China.

However, I did not expect that an Asian financial crisis would directly hit Southeast Asian countries, especially Indonesia, which is adjacent to East Timor, directly and disrupted the backbone.

With the cliff-like decline of the economy, the current regime is in danger. In order to pass on the domestic contradictions and preserve the current regime, the current leader of Indonesia, regardless of subsequent influences, incited domestic nationalism, which led to the continued increase in violence against foreigners, not to mention it. The situation in East Timor continues to deteriorate, even threatening the security of the UN peacekeeping force.

In the face of this situation, the UN peacekeeping force actively assists refugees from various countries who have fled from Indonesia to East Timor and have been persecuted by Indonesian nationalists; on the other hand, they require the station to strengthen guard to deal with possible unexpected events.

At the same time, the peacekeeping forces of various countries began to report the local situation to the country in order to seek support so that the people of the country could be rescued as soon as possible. At the same time, the presence of the peacekeeping force forces the leader of the current Indonesian regime to restrain the nationalists, thereby Reduce the country’s losses in Indonesia.

Among them, the fastest response was Australia near East Timor. As soon as the local situation deteriorated, they sent warships and aircraft to cruise the sea off East Timor. At the same time, they consisted of six C-130 Hercules military transport aircraft. The team landed at a field airport temporarily opened by the United Nations in East Timor. Australians who fled from Indonesia can take these aircraft to return to Australia as soon as possible.

Not only that, the Australian soldiers armed to their teeth have opened several safe passages along the border between East Timor and Indonesia, enabling subsequent Australians to safely enter East Timor through these passages and then leave safely by military aircraft.

New Zealand also responded quickly, but because of its weak capabilities, it was unable to organize a sufficient number of ships and aircraft, but because they belong to an alliance system with Australia, the people of New Zealand can take Australian aircraft to Australia first, and then through civil aviation. Return to New Zealand.

Compared with these two countries, Portugal is a bit worse. After all, Portugal is far away in Europe and is not a power in its own right. However, as a colonial sovereign of East Timor and part of Indonesia, Portugal's local influence cannot be underestimated.

Therefore, through diplomatic means to discord and communicate with all parties in Indonesia, the Portuguese people are affected by the least force among several countries.

The only country that has neither local influence nor external support is the country. Because of this, the country is the most adversely affected among the four countries undertaking the peacekeeping mission in East Timor.

Because, from the beginning of the turmoil, there have not been many East Asians who have been impacted into East Timor. After all, no matter how bad the country is, it is one of the top five in the world. Many people feel that there is a big country in the East, which can cover them. .

Therefore, many people of East Asian descent come here admiringly.

At the beginning, Chen Fang's twenty-odd people were still busy coming over, but as time went by, more and more people fled, and Chen Fang was overwhelmed with twenty people.

That's all, when Indonesian nationalists discovered that the domestic peacekeepers in East Timor were not real armed forces, they became more and more unscrupulous.

They even began to humiliate and torture unarmed refugees on the border. Chen Fang and others were furious, but they had nothing to do. Because of their nature, they were not even equipped with weapons.

What do they do with this? What about counterattacking?

Therefore, Chen Fang could only report to the country. I hope that the country can send assistance forces to solve or even quell the difficulties encountered here.

However, he has made three official reports to the country and requested support, but none of them have received a formal reply.

Regarding this, Chen Fang had no choice but to feel more and more important to the country’s strength. Your ships and warships cannot go out to sea, and your planes can’t fly, so your extension of strength will not reach this place. How to use your fist to speak to those nationalists who can only bully and fear hardship, UU Read www.uukanshu.com will naturally not be able to protect those people who come here especially.

But these are not available in the country at this moment, so in the past few days, Chen Fang could not do anything besides running around in the camp and using his enthusiasm and concern to appease the people who rushed over. Tiredness doesn't help at all.

Therefore, at this moment, Chen Fang, who is holding the satellite phone, also hesitated, not knowing whether to call or not, however. Just as Chen let go of the satellite phone and hesitated, a peacekeeper rushed in and shouted in grief, "Command Chen, come out and have a look. Something happened on the other side."

Upon hearing this, Chen Fang quickly put down the satellite phone, followed the peacekeeper and ran out, then entered the observation post, picked up the binoculars and took a look, his eyes were suddenly cracked.

I saw that a few Indonesian nationalists on the opposite border stripped some East Asian female refugees naked, and then drove them here and into the territory of East Timor like a dog.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fang immediately threw the telescope in his hand, then grabbed a few pieces of clothing, and rushed out. The other peacekeepers, the same thing, followed Chen Fangfei and rushed to the women's body and put the clothes on. Put it on the women.

Immediately covering them, they withdrew to the observation post.

The Indonesian nationalists behind them laughed, and some even shouted in pure English: "We will give you some more tomorrow."

Chen Fang replied: "Animal!" Then he ignored it.

However, when we returned to the observation post, a woman suddenly knelt and begged, "Our ancestors came from China, please, sir, can you let us return to our hometown?"

When Chen Fang heard these words, his expression was sad, he really didn't know how to answer...

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