Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1193: Rising Horn

When he said these words, Maleshevsky could not see any emotions or anger on his expression, but the unspeakable firmness was revealed in his dim but firm eyes.

As an old Bolshevik in the Soviet era, Maleshevsky has his own beliefs and has always believed in the ideas and ideas of the founders of the Soviet Union that surpassed the process of human history. He has devoted his life to realize these ideas. And philosophy.

In the end, the ideal was shattered by the cruel reality, but Maleshevsky was not discouraged because. Throughout the history of Russia, there are too many similar big changes.

For example, Napoleon, who swept Europe, directly occupied Moscow and almost destroyed Russia. However, the resolute Russians drove Napoleon out of Russia and defeated him in the final Battle of Waterloo. The emperor of France aloft.

There was also the Crimean War, which almost interrupted the backbone of the Romanian Empire, but later the unyielding Russians still re-emerged and once again stood firm in the power of the world.

There were also the subsequent Russo-Japanese War, World War I, and World War II. Almost every crisis pushed Russia to the brink of subjugation and extinction. In the end, the Russians still used their own pair of iron fists and unyielding spirit to defeat one opponent after another. The ultimate achievement is one of the world's two poles, the world's only superpower!

Because of this, even if the Soviet Union disintegrated, Maleshevsky at the time did not think Russia would sink like this. Rather, I think this may be another cycle of history. Maybe Russia will temporarily get sick, catch a cold, and feel weak, but as long as Russia's unyielding spirit is still there, one day Russia will return to the top of the world.

Therefore, even if the Russian navy is reduced, it does not mean that it will not continue to expand the navy in the future and rebuild the intimidating aircraft carrier. As the exclusive aviation design unit of the navy in the Soviet era, the Yakovlev Design Bureau is always ready for Russia to rise again. Which day.

However, what disappointed Maleshevsky was that while the external enemies were sternly watching, there were actually some of his own people from inside Russia who spared no effort to hand over the knives to those external enemies.

He even personally made a fatal blow to the Yakovlev Design Bureau from behind. If it weren't for such an American company, how could it be an aerospace design unit in Russia?

After all, most of the products of the Yakovlev Design Bureau are sold in the CIS countries, not to mention the United States, even the products of Yakovlev in Eastern Europe are difficult to enter.

No matter how long Lockheed Martin's arms are, how can it rise to Russia's sphere of influence? Can be biased. This kind of paradox happened.

Financial institutions in Europe and the United States would not provide them with the Yakovlev Design Bureau, but the financial institutions and oligarchs in Russia jointly strangled their Mayakovlev Design Bureau, which made it difficult for Maleshevsky to accept. , Is even more distressed and chilling.

As a result, the chief designer of the Yakovlev Design Bureau often wondered at the dead of night, what is the purpose of the country that he has devoted most of his life to?

Is it useful to stick to the ideal for nearly a lifetime? My children are unemployed at home, and my wife and children are frail and sick and have no money to treat. Under such circumstances, is it really worthwhile for me to persist?

For this reason, Maleshevsky was once prepared to commit suicide, because he really could not solve the paradox arising from his series of actions.

At this time Lockheed Martin transferred their debts to China's Ascendas Group. Others in the Ascendas Group may not know much about it, but Maleshevsky, who once confronted the Ascendas Group in the Thai trainer aircraft bidding. But it is very clear that this rising star of China's aviation industry is by no means as mediocre as the international aviation industry imagined.

After all, as one of the members of the China-aided expert group, Maleshevsky still has considerable contacts in China, and he has been invited by Chinese friends more than once, hoping that he can move his family to China to continue his passion for aircraft technology. design.

At that time, Maleshevsky still had illusions about the disintegration of Russia, so he refused the invitations of Chinese friends one by one, but in the process, he had some impression of the current situation of China's aviation industry. , So when he learned that the Yakovlev Design Bureau was finally acquired by China's Ascendas Group, he was shocked, and he couldn't help but feel lucky.

Regardless of the history of the entanglement between Russia and China, at least the path that China is taking now is that of Maleshevsky.

The ideal that he still believes so far, even to a certain extent ~www.ltnovel.com~ has exceeded the scope of his ideals, reaching the heights proposed by the founders of the Soviet Union that even the Soviet Union can't reach.

In this case, serving the Tengfei Group is equivalent to serving his own ideals, and his own unexplainable paradox naturally makes sense.

Not only that, but Maleshevsky, who belongs to Ascendas Group, has another idea in his mind, that is, why not take this opportunity to learn from China's successful experience?

We must know that the Russians do not lack technology. What they lack is the ability to quickly adapt to the complex world changes and super flexible ideas.

Obviously, the Chinese are very good at this aspect, but because of the short period of modernization and lack of experience, there are obvious technical shortcomings.

This is something that Maleshevsky and his leadership of the Yakovlev Design Bureau have. Since they were able to help China lay the industrial foundation for the common ideal in the 1950s, why not at this time, for the common ideal, Helping China take off?

Even if you cannot learn the experience of governing the country from China, it can attract the attention of the West in the process of China's rise, so that the injured polar bear in Russia can be well hidden and lick the wound silently. Buy some time.

Based on all of these, Maleshevsky can be said to be sincere.

Whether Zhuang Jianye is sincere about Maleshevsky or not, it doesn’t matter if he tells the truth, as long as Yakovlev has all the technology of carrier-based aircraft, it doesn’t matter if you are for your ideals, ideas, or whatever A mess of thoughts.

Zhuang Jianye doesn't care, because at this stage Ascendas Group wants transformation; China wants development; the entire China Land wants the horn of rise!

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