Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1174: Marine Corps 1

Quiet, the scene is surprisingly quiet.

Although it is not up to the point where the needle drop is audible, it is really strange under the summer breeze.

No way, Lin Guanghua's big truth really thundered the leaders and others.

Why can't the workshop in front show its strength?

Dare you Tengfei Group still give them a hand for these big leaders who came to inspect?

Go to other companies, hoping to bring out the best and the best, so that these leaders can see what they have achieved over the years, so that they can ask for money in the future or take the opportunity to ask for preferential policies.

Ascendas Group is not good, keep the best, let the big leaders look at the general, what do you mean? The "group" behind the Ascendas Group still wants to keep it, and don't want to add "China"?

Lin Guanghua also knew that he was agitated for a while, and his lips were slapped, and he beeped the truth without going through his brain, wishing to slap himself on the spot.

But even if my face was swollen, I didn't regret taking the medicine.

In fact, this can't be blamed on Lin Guanghua. Anyone who encounters the sudden presence of the two big leaders is panicked. It is good to be able to barely receive it. As for the arrangement of the inspection process, there is no extra thought.

So the sentence: "Follow the previous procedure." The matter was exposed.

The problem is that the procedures of Ascendas Group are not the same as those of other enterprises. Even if they don’t produce the best ones, they are still very good.

At most, Ascendas Group puts out some mid-range products to deal with and cope with it, because Ascendas Group does not expect those so-called leaders who will arrange inspections and research to brush up their sense of existence when nothing happens, so they can simplify and simplify.

As a result, when I heard that the big leader wanted to form China Ascendas on the basis of the Ascendas Group, Lin Guanghua suddenly remembered in his excitement that the current inspection route is very low. How can it reflect the foundation of China Ascendas? So when I am happy...

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Then...then...then I was confused and didn't know what to do.

But when Lin Guanghua was at a loss, he suddenly realized that there was something wrong with the surrounding atmosphere. No one seemed to care about his mistakes. Instead, they looked at the sky in a certain direction with weird looks. Where are the two together whispering.

"You Mao Xuan is a good reader, and it's so easy to use around the spot to fight aid. It seems that you usually use it elsewhere, right?"

At this time, the military leader suddenly spoke, and his tone was not harsh, but his prestige over the years still made this sentence quite powerful.

Lin Guanghua's head is no longer dumbfounded, but buzzing. I can understand these words alone, so how can they be combined as if they were listening to the heavenly scriptures?

Seeing Lin Guanghua's ignorant appearance, the military leader sneered: "Okay, at this time your time-delaying blocking tactics will not be performed, Zhuang Jianye is back!"

"Zhuang Jianye is back." Lin Guanghua reacted immediately. Didn't expect Lao Zhuang to come back so quickly after a thousand kilometers away?

But thinking about it, I really should come back as soon as possible. The leader of this inspection is not at the general headquarters level, but the big leader at the upper level. He is really a policy-oriented person, especially the thing that China takes off. He is a nerd. If you can't handle it, let's leave it to Lao Zhuang who talks to people and talks to others.

"Huh~~ Why don't you worry, is it possible that everything can be solved if Zhuang Jianye is here?" At this time, the leader suddenly looked at Lin Guanghua, who looked obviously relaxed, and couldn't help asking curiously.

Lin Guanghua didn't have anything to fear at this time, so he told the truth: "The mainstay is back. I believe he has a way."

"Oh~~~" The leader was a little surprised, but more curious: "Then I would like to see, what kind of character is this young marshal who stirs trouble in the fields of aviation and aerospace."

He turned his head and asked the confidential secretary beside him: "Zhuang Jianye came here by helicopter?"

"Yes!" The confidential secretary nodded: "I was blocked by air traffic control in the airspace 8 kilometers away."

"If there is no problem, let him in!" the big leader ordered.

"Yes!" The confidential secretary responded, and then turned around to convey it. After a while, there was a roar of propellers in the sky. The sound was not too loud, but it was not so quiet that the surrounding things could not be felt. That kind of just right range.

The other people were fine. The military leaders had spent their entire lives working on equipment. Just listening to this voice, his complexion became a little strange. He noticed something was wrong with the old colleague next to him, and the leader asked, "Is there anything wrong?"

The military leader shook his head: "The situation is normal, but...that is...that is, the noise control of this helicopter is too good."

He couldn’t help but smiled: “Aside from the tactical nature of such noise, the comfort in the cockpit is absolutely guaranteed. At least it’s not like other helicopters. It’s not much better without noise reduction earmuffs. ."

"So ~www.ltnovel.com~ this helicopter should be a new model?" The leader keenly grasped the key words in the military leader's words and frowned and asked.

The leader of the army was taken aback, and just wanted to say something. With a sudden wind, a water chestnut was distinct, and its size was far beyond the straight-12, and even bigger than the straight 15 that got off the horse. The helicopter descended slowly from high altitude.

But even if you look at the size is not small, but it does not feel like straight-the 8plus heavy helicopter gives people a clumsy feeling, but looks lighter, more dexterous and very cute~~

From the actual flight situation, it is indeed the case. From appearing in front of everyone, to rapidly descending altitude, to landing smoothly, the process is quick and neat.

Unless you have seen it with your own eyes, it is hard to imagine that this is an action made by a large helicopter between medium and heavy helicopters.

However, the leaders of the military who saw this scene were stunned when they saw the helicopter that fell to the ground. Fortunately, the wind and noise from the propellers made the surrounding people not hear the exclaims of the leaders of the military, otherwise they would suddenly The eardrum burst into a sentence: "Straight-8MAX... come out so soon?"

However, just as the military leader stared at the straight-8MAX helicopter that was painted with marine white in a daze, on the helicopter, the integrated door near the cockpit suddenly lowered, walked inside and quickly ran to the next one wearing a suit. The young man with disheveled hair, ignoring the strong wind from the propeller, ran all the way to the big leader, and shouted with a flattering expression: "Oh, big leader, you can come to our Tengfei Group really let us all The whole group is very happy, in order to show our respect, nothing else can be done, a Marine Corps One, please help us to correct it~~~"

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