Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1170: 1 Cut for efficiency

"So big as the sky? I said Lao Lin, are you scared stupid by your wife?"

Zhuang Jianye didn't take it seriously. For so many years of various leaders and chiefs, Zhuang Jianye had never seen a hundred, and he had seen eighty. Isn't that a big leader? Even if the head of the headquarters is in person, it doesn't matter. They are all old acquaintances. Who doesn't know who?

What's more, it's not good to say that, given your current position in the aviation and aerospace industry, you can be considered a leader if you are not too big or small. Why should others come to inspect? I also said that he had nothing to look for, which would delay the normal operation of the enterprise.

It's no wonder that Zhuang Jianye thinks this way. In recent years, the research and inspections conducted by leaders at all levels have gradually changed their tastes and appearances compared with the practical style of the 1980s.

Often a large group of people yelled and hugged, media reporters circled around, police cars cleared the way, luxury cars were suppressed, and crashed into the enterprise, for fear that others would not know that there is a leader passing by, and it is really hard to type the words idlers avoid.

Such people come over, often tossing people half to death.

On one occasion, a local leader insisted on visiting the aseptic workshop, so just enter. As a result, the leader had to show his outstanding image and did not wear protective clothing.

Zhuang Jianye was not used to him either, so he was not allowed to enter without wearing them. As a result, the leader who had been transferred from other provinces made a big shot on the spot, saying that the Ascendas group is not good, Zhuang Jianye is too domineering and others dare not touch him. Touch it.


The official career was ruined.

So far, Zhuang Jianye simply ignored such meaningless inspections and investigations. Whoever loves it, wants to see it, no problem, but don't think about what to entertain; won't you come? Better, so as not to trouble yourself.

Of course, as a company, only Zhuang Jianye can do this. There is no way, anyone can be so hard.

Because of this, Zhuang Jianye was instinctively irritable when he heard that the big leader came. As a result, when Zhuang Jianye changed his tricks to complain about the so-called big leader, Lin Guanghua suddenly lowered his voice and said a name on the phone, just talking about it. Zhuang Jianye was like a little chicken caught in his throat, he didn't even have the strength to flap his wings.

Because they were all astonished and drifted along the Qiqiao to the clouds.

Then he was stunned for two or three minutes before he said, "It is indeed bigger than the sky, Lao Lin, wait, I will go back!"

After speaking, he hung up the phone and looked up at Ning Xiaodong: "Hurry up and arrange a plane for me, hurry up!"

Ning Xiaodong was also stunned when he heard the words, and then looked at Zhuang Jianye like a fool.

"Why do I want to talk to you? A plane~~I'm going back to Xingzhou now." Zhuang Jianye was a little anxious.

"No, Lao Zhuang~~" Ning Xiaodong still looked at Zhuang Jianye blankly: "Do you know where this is?"

The words awakened the dreamer, and Zhuang Jianye realized that he was in J City, on the front line of flood fighting and rescue. All airports here are under control. Except for disaster relief supplies, it is impossible to take off and land ordinary civil airliners.

"What about the car? Can I get to Xingzhou in four hours?" Zhuang Jianye asked again.

"A distance of one thousand six hundred kilometers, four hours of driving, don't tell me that your car can drive so fast..." Ning Xiaodong saw Zhuang Jianye, who had been so indifferent to see through everything just now, and suddenly changed his personality. I don't even know common sense, so I can't help but frown and ask: "What's wrong with you Lao Zhuang? Isn't it just a leader's inspection? As for this?"

"As for!" Zhuang Jianye replied without hesitation: "Because he is..."

As Zhuang Jianye said a name in a low voice, Ning Xiaodong listened, his small mung bean eyes widened suddenly, and his expression became more exciting and exciting. He immediately slapped his thigh: "Damn, I have to go back. This must go back……"


J City and Xingzhou are separated by 1,600 kilometers. It is an indisputable fact that Zhuang Jianye and Ning Xiaodong clamored to go back quickly, but it is an indisputable fact that the leaders have come to Ascendas Group accompanied by the leaders of the military.

When Zhuang Jianye’s head is absent, Lin Guanghua, the second head, naturally has to stand up.

Even if he is now pale, two battles, and cold sweats are not enough behind him, he still has the spirit of twelve points, standing in front of the leaders and the leaders of the army.

"This is where you designed the airplane?"

On the 6th floor of the Xingzhou Headquarters, on the third floor of the Aircraft Design Center, the leader looked at the office space full of computer workstations and asked Lin Guanghua next to him.

Lin Guanghua hurriedly replied: "This is the basic design room. In a place like this, there are six in the Sin Chew headquarters, all of which have realized computer-aided design."

"Basic design?" The big leader frowned.

"Ah~~ It is mainly to carry out in-depth design and optimization of basic things such as aerodynamics and structure of aircraft. After all, the aircraft we produce are not the most perfect, so we have been continuously optimizing and improving our products. This is what they do."

"Oh~~" The leader nodded when he heard the words, and was about to continue to ask about other things. Suddenly, he saw several staff members on the opposite side pushing carts that were several times larger than the service carts on the plane. In the office space of the full aviation designer ~www.ltnovel.com~, I saw these staff members just like serving passengers on an airplane, asking the employees at each station what they needed, and then putting the coffee already installed , Tea, cakes, snacks and even paper towels are placed on the workstation.

"Do your employees deliver meals to your door?" The leader was a little curious when he saw this scene, and asked.

"Yes, this is mainly to improve the efficiency of designers." Lin Guanghua did not hide it, replied truthfully.

Hearing that, without waiting for the big leaders to speak, the military leaders on the side wrinkled and asked: "Improve efficiency? Does increasing the number of catering personnel increase labor costs? There is also an additional department in management, shouldn't it reduce efficiency? I see abroad The company that engages in this kind of snack is to let the employees take it themselves, so as to reduce costs and increase efficiency to the greatest extent."

"Before, we also followed the management methods of foreign companies, but through actual operations, we found that the efficiency of employees taking snacks on their own has dropped significantly.

Because the employees will remind themselves before the snacks, the snacks are coming, they must be ready to eat, then get up, walk over, choose, and communicate with colleagues by the way, and then return to their workstations. The design idea is likely to be interrupted.

So thinking about the previous thinking, when everything is on the right track, the time to get off work is up, one person is like this, it is this person, one hundred or one thousand people are like this, the loss in efficiency is amazing.

Therefore, we refer to the aviation service and send the extra meals directly to the workstations, so that the time for designers to be interrupted by their ideas is reduced to a minimum, which actually improves our work efficiency. "

Lin Guanghua quickly explained: "So we finally determined this method as a system and promoted it throughout the group. In the words of our chairman, Comrade Zhuang Jianye, everything is for efficiency."

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