Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1160: Where did the aerial tanker come from?

The Zhi-8plus heavy helicopter above his head was hovering, and the blowing wind slapped Jiang Liang's face, making him suddenly sober.

At this moment, he has commanded his Zhi-8plus heavy helicopter to fight here for more than 2 hours, and the Zhi-8plus heavy helicopter numbered LH54789 hovering over his head is the most deployed four Zhi-8plus helicopters in the disaster area. Among the heavy helicopters, the only model equipped with complete rescue and communication support equipment has performed more than 3 hours of rescue missions.

The 86 villagers from the four villages around the flood discharge area were safely transported to this temporary gathering point, and then transported by the local garrison to the disaster settlement point 60 kilometers away.

I thought that this mission could be over and returned to the resident for some repairs, but I didn't expect all this to be broken by the man in front of me.

It turned out that this man was a villager in a certain natural village upstream. In order to ensure the safety of the second dam, the flood control headquarters had to delineate a certain range of flood discharge areas, and immediately organized the transfer of people in this part of the area.

As a result, the local government was lazy and paralyzed, and even let a certain natural village upstream be forgotten without notifying it at all, so that the villagers did not even know that their village was in the flood discharge area.

Seeing that the sixth flood peak has come, the water level in the spillway area has started to rise rapidly. The villagers in a natural village upstream found that it was not right, but it was too late. They had to look for a temporary shelter, but in the face of the monstrous flood, it was temporarily Avoidance will not help at all.

If it is more than ten years later, just a single person can take out the phone, either WeChat or Weibo will be able to report the dangerous situation in a certain natural village upstream.

The problem is that it’s not 1998. Let alone mobile phones, even telephones are still a rarity among ordinary urban residents, let alone this remote location, which can be regarded as the poorest natural village under J City.

It is true that traffic basically depends on walking, and communication basically depends on roaring.

Called every day and the ground is not working well, watching the water level rise uncontrollably, in desperation, the village chief asked his son, who is also recognized as the best waterman in the village, to hold a log. Swim out of the village to ask for help.

Jiang Liang and the others were about to end their mission. During the final inspection, they found that there were people floating on the water. They lowered the rescue cable, rescued the man and sent it to the temporary assembly point.

As a result, the man assisted in landing and knelt down to ask for help in front of Jiang Liang who was commanding there.

After hearing the causes and consequences, Jiang Liang was immediately furious, and wanted to tear up the local officials in charge of disaster relief.

A few local officials who assisted in the disaster relief of the troops were frightened to hide away. For fear that Jiang Liang would not be good, they rushed to throw them all into the Yangtze River to block the levee.

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However, when Jiang Liang decided to go to the rescue, the pilot told him an extremely bad news that the helicopter's fuel was running out.

If a natural village upstream is close to this temporary gathering point, you can send a few assault boats there. The problem is that the two places are 16 kilometers apart. The land is still upstream. The swift floods make the assault boats such small horsepower ships. Not much faster than a snail.

The problem is that this is not the most important thing. The key is the rising speed of the flood. Due to the arrival of the No. 6 peak, the water level has risen exceptionally. After all, the response of the assault boat is much slower. In addition, the search range is limited. It is hard to imagine how effective the situation can be.

Therefore, helicopters are the most suitable and efficient rescue platform at the moment, but...

"My fellow, don't worry, we are the soldiers of the people, and we will never abandon the people." Facing the current problems, Jiang Liang can only comfort the fellow in front of him.

The problem is that Jiang Liang’s communicator did not conceal it just now, and it is something that big guys can understand. Of course, the man struggling to swim out of the village knows clearly. When Jiang Liang said this, he ignored his almost unstrengthened and wet body. Kneel down again: "Chief, I really beg you, my wife and children, as well as the whole village, the young and old will not be able to hold it..."

Before the words were over, the man burst into tears. At this moment, a few "media guys" with backpacks took a few pictures of the crying villagers with cameras, and then did not wait for the police to maintain order. Stop it, turn around and flee immediately.

Several policemen immediately chased them with their legs out, and quickly pressed several sneaky "media people" to the ground and seized the cameras.

At the same time, the director’s voice came from the headset of a reporter from China Central TV who was broadcasting: “You’ll pause this way.”

The reporter who was still encouraging this scene was taken aback. Before he could respond, the director switched the signal from this route to the scene of flood prevention at the pontoon bridge brigade officers and soldiers on the second embankment.

Although the "media personnel" were seized and the signals on the scene were switched, the scene of the temporary gathering place where Jiang Liang was located was still reported.

the Internet.

A thing that was quite unfamiliar in the 1990s has quietly become a new force that will shake the future.

Just like Li Zhe, a sophomore from Beijing University, who is enjoying his summer vacation. He is young and ignorant, but he is still sharp and sharp. At this moment, he just put down the phone call from his cousin from the flood fighting line and heard from a natural village. Because of the inaction of the local government, the villagers missed the opportunity to evacuate and caused the situation to be critical. They immediately became angry. They sat directly in front of their computers, opened the school’s BBS and wrote a headline:

"A tragedy appeared on the front line of the flood fighting"

Immediately, he wrote the news he heard from his cousin, and finally expressed his anger at the inaction of the local officials.

This is a catharsis that expresses the injustice of the heart, so that there are many idioms and typos in the article. To be honest, Li Zhe himself didn't take it seriously, but he did not expect that this temporary article would immediately arouse the forum as soon as it was posted. Hot discussion within.

Immediately, the posts followed one after another, and the floor instantly broke through one hundred.

"real or fake?"

"I dare to use a human head to guarantee that it is true. The current situation is that the troops’ helicopters ran out of fuel. The assault boat was too rushed to get through because of the flood. A villager~~ It’s over. Don’t ask me how I knew it. Son~~~"

"Damn, how did it happen locally? Isn't Kuosuga killed?"

"Don't worry about the local situation, the key is to save people."


Just when a group of netizens were concerned about the affected villagers~www.ltnovel.com~ a person named Anonymous Irrigation suddenly said: "How to save it? I thought it was in the United States? There are helicopters wherever you call them. , It’s more convenient than going to the streets to take a taxi here. Looking at the country, I took out all the energy for feeding and got a few broken helicopters. As a result, there was no fuel at the critical moment, and the chain was off. There is also a central TV. The one who reported good news is called Huan. Whenever something is wrong, pinch it and don’t broadcast it. I think the urinary **** is worse than the life."

Not long after the anonymous irrigation reply was over, another conscientious well-known person immediately posted: "I agree with the one upstairs. Don't take the next job without the diamond drill. What is the 8plus heavy helicopter? What is the transport—18NB transport aircraft. Let me see that they are all face-saving projects that hurt the people and money, and they can be used at critical moments. The result? The villagers are in front of them but cannot use them.

So I think that in the future, don't engage in these things that hurt the people and money. With this money, pay more attention to the people's livelihood. No matter how high you fly, what is the use of your people waiting to be fed? Slowly wait for your people, my dear motherland, support you! "

With the guidance of two posts anonymously and conscientiously known, the rhythm of the follow-up posts was immediately distorted, and all kinds of tops, all kinds of approvals and even all kinds of verbal abuse immediately flooded the replies. Li Zhe saw it. Dumbfounded, and even more at a loss, the original intention of his posting was not for such a big theme as the country and the system. How did it suddenly change the taste? What's wrong?

Just as Li Zhe was in doubt, a person named "Understanding King Niubi" posted a post with one sentence: "The latest news is that the Chinese Air Force dispatched aerial tankers to support flood relief."

This post followed up with an anonymous irrigation, "Where did the aerial tanker come from? Is it yours?"

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