Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1146: Turboshaft Supreme

I didn't need to look at it. Just hearing what the head of the headquarters said, the crotch of those "friends" was shaking.

No way, the turboshaft engines they produce, regardless of the power, have only two biggest features, one is that the maintainability is particularly poor, and the other is that the fuel consumption is particularly high.

Therefore, when they heard from the head of the headquarters that the fuel consumption of the WD-63ZB high-power turboshaft engine was extraordinary, they just couldn't calm down if they wanted to calm down.

Some people even prepared to go home altogether.

No way, a turboshaft engine test run process and a turboshaft engine maintainability standard have made some people feel timid.

If this goes on, who can produce turboshaft engines? If this is the case, it is better to go back earlier, walk around other relationships, or have a good chat with the backer behind you, as you can't let the standards of Ascendas Group really fall.

Then not to kill a large number of people?

The problem is that even if some people want to leave, the head of the headquarters will not let them go.

After so many years, the head of the headquarters has been exhausted in terms of turboshaft engines!

However, there is no way to find the trouble of these turboshaft engine manufacturers. I usually have to persuade them to pay and raise them.

There is no way. There are only a few companies across the country, except for the projects aided by the Soviet Union in the early days of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, which were the third-line projects that the state invested heavily in construction in the 1960s.

It's really big to fail.

Otherwise, let's not talk about the reemployment of tens of thousands of employees. What about the turboshaft engines attached to military helicopters? These manufacturers can also repair turboshaft engines in wartime. The effect is obvious.

But the problem is that these manufacturers are very clear about their own obviousness, and then...and then...using this obvious advantage to reach out to the headquarters for money, food, and women!

Yes, there was a certain factory who asked the headquarters for a woman in the mid-1980s. The reason was even more assertive. That was to solve the spouse problem of the new generation of young male workers in the factory.

Therefore, we are planning to build a textile factory with mainly young female employees outside the main factory area. The 20 million RMB construction funds required need help from the headquarters.

Even if TM finds a target, the headquarters will have to pay 20 million yuan. Is there any reason for this NM?

But in the end the headquarters still pinched the nose and recognized it. There is no other reason. It is because this factory is not only an old qualification, but also the technology is among the best in the country. The turboshaft engine produced by the company has a low failure rate, which is one of the few that the military helicopter unit can rely on at the critical moment. The reliable large-scale scroll production plant.

Because of this, whether it is to stabilize people's hearts or solve worries, the 20 million is still allocated to the account of the manufacturer.

Not to mention asking women to be so blatant, asking for money and food, it's too much to explode.

Reform is the first priority for this head of the headquarters. Therefore, these turboshaft engine manufacturers who are sucking blood on the headquarters are particularly disregarded, and they can't wait to tear them off the body in the next second and trample to death.

As a result, you came and went, and after tossing for several times, the head of the headquarters was helpless in the end.

No way, you toss them, and they toss you in turn.

It’s not that the equipment is no longer available today, and the turboshaft engines sent to the factory for maintenance cannot be delivered on time, and the army helicopters continue to lie down; it is because tomorrow, due to industrial adjustments, workers who are transferred to work will cause disturbances and the workshop will be shut down.

As a result, the head of the headquarters had no choice but to compromise and focus the reform on other places. After the reforms in other areas were straightened out, he went back to clean up the hard bones of the turboshaft manufacturer.

So these years, the head of the headquarters and those turboshaft engine production plants have been like Bai Yueguang's beautiful girl helplessly follow the scum man to live together, all kinds of complaints and ask for nothing, have to work hard to make money to support this family.

After all, there are old people at the top and young people at the bottom. And the smallest Ascendas Group is so cute and inviting. The head of the headquarters will talk about how to pull the children up.

Fortunately, the head of the headquarters has not been in vain for so many years of hard work. The children have grown up under his nurture, especially the youngest youngest, the Ascendas Group, which has been a mess.

Not only is the rapid progress in UAVs and fixed-wing aircrafts, but also continuous efforts in the fields of aero engines and industrial gas turbines, especially in the field of various types of turboshaft engines that are regarded as prohibitive by many turboshaft engine manufacturers. After more than ten years of continuous hard work, I finally used my own hands to forcibly create a broad road in this highly closed business field.

After the WD-63ZB high-power turboshaft engine was finalized, the head of the headquarters, the forbearing Bai Yueguang, made up his mind without hesitation to break up with the scum team composed of turboshaft engine manufacturers.

This organized the so-called "activity" of the so-called "friend businessmen" visiting the National Gas Power Laboratory. The meaning is obvious. It is to let the scumbags take a good look. NB, I am even more supportive of my mother. You scumbags still want to squeeze oil and water from my mother? I bah~~ no way!

Some people think that the situation is not right, and they want to plead guilty when they put on their pants? Yes, I won't give you an order for a screw next year.

Don’t believe it. The head of the headquarters, Bai Yueguang, may have taken care of it when he was at its peak, but now Fanghua faded~www.ltnovel.com~ Bai Yueguang has become a black-bellied old lady, and the head of the headquarters is really even hairy. Not afraid.

The proper turboshaft supreme ascendas group, WD-63ZB high-power turboshaft engine can't compete with each other, and it's definitely one to meet and destroy.

The person in charge of the "friends" who can summon the head of the headquarters is not a fool, and it is not clear that the head of the headquarters is going to order the vortex world, who dares not to follow.

Therefore, even if they are worried, turboshaft engine manufacturers who are ready to leave as soon as possible have to follow behind the head of the headquarters and reluctantly visit the so-called fuel consumption performance of the WD-63ZB high-power turboshaft engine.

"Let's just see, it's already like this, what else can I do?" In front of him, a person in charge of a "friend business" simply broke the jar.

"Yes, fuel consumption is extraordinary, even if it is extraordinary, where can it go? We have studied for more than 20 years, and the average maximum take-off fuel consumption rate is only about 0.42. Ascendas WD-63ZB high-power vortex No matter how high the shaft engine is, where can it go?” Another person in charge was also angrily.

"It's a miracle to have 0.35!"

"It's still 0.35. I think it's pretty good if we can achieve 0.38." Several other persons in charge also said the same.


"Everyone, it just so happens that the WD-63ZB high-power turboshaft engine is doing a take-off fuel consumption test. This is the value just obtained." While others were discussing, the head of the headquarters has led them to the fuel consumption test. Room, pointed at one of the monitors and said.

The important task being discussed immediately stopped and looked at the display's stroboscopic value.

The result is not bad, and at first glance, the heads of the "friends and businessmen" are regarded as one by one, all brains are down, and they stand on the spot!

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