Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1124: Sprayed 1 face

   "Airport? Chief, do we really want to make a plane? Is the plane the same as a car? Sit up and not shake..."

  As soon as the words of the officer holding the car fell off, before Cao Bo could say anything, the little soldier Wang Li got excited, and kept chatting, not only Wang Li, but other soldiers in the car also looked excited.

No way. Airplanes are still a luxury these days. The cost of a plane ticket is more than ten times that of a train ticket. Ordinary people simply can’t afford to sit. Even if the troops are “complete” with all kinds of equipment, they cannot be done by ordinary people. of.

Not to mention ordinary people, even if they are at the commander level of troops, it is easy to fly by plane. Not to mention anything else, the head of the headquarters who rushed to the front line of the flood fight was only a transport 12 light transport plane, needless to say. What is the treatment of other chiefs? It would be nice to have a special train box.

It is precisely this reality. When Wang Li and others heard that they were going to fly by plane, they were naturally like the bridegroom who entered the bridal house for the first time. They blushed with excitement. After all, it was the first time in their lives. Over.

   It’s just that they have forgotten one important thing. It was the first time these soldiers made a breakthrough. The officer who escorted the car was also the first time the girl got on the sedan chair.

   As a result, I met Wang Li, who was stunned and asked about his riding experience. How did he know this? Don't tell me, you lose face; if you say it, I will really get on the plane to show my timidity and lose face.

So the **** officer didn’t hesitate to take out Cao Bo’s previous method, and glared at Wang Li: "Why are you a recruit who talks so much? You will be done after you obey the order. Why do you ask so much? Don’t want to fly, just give it now. I'm **** off."

   You can kill by plane without rolling, so Wang Li quickly put away his smile, and solemnly straightened his waist: "Report to the chief, I want to fly by plane."

   "If you want to fly, just stay honestly."


Dismissed Wang Li, who was stunned. The officer holding the car raised his hand and looked at his watch. Then he turned his head and said to Cao Bo: "We will arrive at the designated location in 5 minutes. You board the first batch in order. Now you can prepare. "

   "5 minutes? So fast?"

   Cao Bo was a little surprised when he heard this. You have to know how their engineering unit is three hours away from the nearest military airport, but now they will be at the airport in less than 20 minutes?

   To be honest, Cao Bo is a little confused. How can he say that he is also a veteran who has served in the engineering unit for more than three years. Haven't he heard of building an airport around the station recently?

"Didn't I just say that we went to the field airport." Seeing Cao Bo's confusion, the officer escorting the car explained: "The headquarters requires us to arrive at the front line of flood fighting within 24 hours. The soldiers are very fast. In order to get closer, shorten the time. The head of the engineering unit leveled the adjacent training grounds and vegetable plots, covered them with steel plates, and temporarily opened a field airstrip. From here, we can board the plane at least 2 hours before arriving at the flood-fighting line. It is said that the situation is not acceptable. Optimistic, if we support one minute earlier, we can reduce the loss of the people."

   There is no exaggeration in the words of the officer holding the car.

We must know that there are only three main orders from the head of the headquarters when going to the front line of the flood fight. First, mobilize troops near the breach of the levee to support at any cost; second, order the B-army engineering unit to quickly assemble southward to seal the breach of the levee; third; Order the Air Force Support Force to fully support the Pontoon Bridge Brigade of the Engineers of the B Army's rapid southward movement.

   The three orders were swift and fierce, and they were transmitted to the hands of the troops as soon as possible, and they began to unfold quickly.

A certain artillery regiment located near the breach of the levee drove into the breach of the levee as soon as it received the order. First, it took a car. The chief officer of the unit took the lead to run forward. He just used a pair of iron feet to reach the closest to the breach. In City J, Xuan even worked with the local people to rescue the trapped people, doing everything possible to slow down the drool, and try to buy time for the extravagant rescue.

  Even in a critical moment, the unit used military trucks filled with rocks to block the breach. Unfortunately, the Yangtze River was under too much water and the trucks were swept away by the turbulent currents as soon as they entered.

   There is no way that the unit can only deploy two lines of defense in the depths of the higher terrain, but it can barely prevent the collapse of the flood peak. If there is no strong professional support, the thousands of plains behind the unit will become a piece of land.

The Pontoon Bridge Brigade of the Engineers of the B Army received support orders under such circumstances. As the only fully-constructed Pontoon Bridge unit in the entire army, they are the most professional in the construction of bridges and embankments in the entire army and even in the country. However, the straight-line distance between the station of the Pontoon Bridge Brigade of the Engineers of the B Army and the breach of the Yangtze River is more than 1,500 kilometers.

If you use traditional road motorization and railway maneuvering, it will take less than two days to reach the front line of flood resistance. Although this speed is not slow, the problem is that the speed of the flood peak is faster, because the sixth flood peak upstream has already been carried. The monstrous momentum swept over, and it is expected that it will take less than 48 hours to reach the bank of J City.

   If there is no strong disposal by then, not only will the second line of defense collapse, the entire J City may not be able to keep it.

  Because of this original situation, the head of the headquarters ordered the air force and navy aviation units to use all available air transportation forces, and at any cost, transport the pontoon bridge brigade of the B army engineering unit to the front line within 24 hours.

   And this is also the reason why the head of the engineering unit reluctantly flattened the vegetable field for many years and built a field airport.

   Everything is for the people, everything is for victory!

   "This plane~~~ is really exciting!"

When the vehicle drove into the original training ground and vegetable field of the engineering troop, there were already two Yun-17s on standby on the temporarily opened runway. Looking at the clouds, the five-star red flag was drawn on the tall vertical tail, and the front of the fuselage was depicted. With the words "Chinese Air Force" on the 17th, the little warrior Wang Li is like a little fan of an idol. His eyes are full of little stars. Although there are a thousand words in his chest, he only suffocated such a sentence for a long time.

   "Okay, don't be hypocritical, there is motion sickness medicine here, please hurry up and take some."

   Originally, Wang Li wanted to sigh with emotion, but in the end he didn't know how to say it. The officer holding the car threw two bags of "Rendan" through the rear window.

   "Chief, we are on an airplane, this motion sickness medicine..."

"Let you eat it, just eat it, nothing!" Before Wang Li was finished questioning, Cao Bo once again forcibly suppressed Wang Li's curiosity, then unscrewed the lid, poured a few pills, and took a bite without hesitation. Swallow it, then stuffed it into Wang Li's hand: "Hurry up and board the plane!"

   After speaking, he jumped out of the car first.


   "Do you really think that the troops actually used planes to transport the troops?"

About two hours later, UU read www.uukanshu.com at the nearest military airport to J City. Even if Jiao Hepeng, a reporter from Nanfang XX Newspaper, had hurried to the airport, he was still a little unbelievable, but he hadn’t waited for him to express his doubts completely. , The deputy editor-in-chief who led the team impatiently pointed to the black spots in the sky: "Stop the ink, the plane is coming, remember what I told you, you have to ask the officers and soldiers about their feelings as soon as possible, understand?"

   "Don't worry, editor-in-chief, we understand!" Another reporter replied quickly, and the others nodded likewise.

Soon carrying the first batch of B Army engineering troops pontoon bridge brigade officers and soldiers to support the front line of flood fighting, the 17 transport aircraft landed and stopped, and then the bridge door at the rear of the fuselage was slowly lowered, and the B Army engineering troops already lined up in the cabin. The officers and soldiers of the Pontoon Brigade unfurled their army flags and walked out of the cabin neatly under the leadership of the leading officers.

   Jiao Hepeng's eyes rolled, he immediately found a loophole, quickly broke through the cordon, and rushed to a young soldier who looked immature: "Hello, comrade, I am a reporter from Nanfang XX Newspaper..."


Wang Li, who had been on the plane for 2 hours, never thought that someone would rush over at this time. As a result, he couldn't help it when he heard the Nanfang XX Newspaper. They sprayed Jiao Hepeng's face together.



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