Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1099: Great Wall Project

This leader from the engineering unit was really shocked. You must know that he was one of the builders of this underground ammunition depot.

It is clear about the situation of this abandoned underground ammunition warehouse.

At that time, it was the honeymoon period between China and the Soviet Union, so when preparing for the construction of this ammunition depot, the Soviet Union gave a lot of help. The steel, cement, and technical details of the construction all came from the Soviet Union. The construction process also received the entire process of Soviet engineering experts. guide.

Because of this, the protection level of this underground ammunition depot was extremely high. According to Soviet experts at the time, if it were not directly hit by a 100,000-ton nuclear bomb, no weapon could break such a strong defense.

Therefore, the ammunition depot has been completed and has become an important logistic node for the inland support of the garrison troops and construction corps in the border region, and even once served as an important supply base for the domestic two bombs and one satellite project.

However, with the deterioration of Sino-Soviet relations in the late 1960s, and even at one point at a time, this underground ammunition depot, which was built by the Soviet Union throughout the process, was completely controlled by the Soviet Union from the inside out. It naturally became insecure. In addition, the Soviets were constantly waving The nuclear stick, yelling at the so-called surgical nuclear strike, what if you really throw you a 100,000-ton nuclear bomb?

Based on this factor, even if it was persevering, the headquarters at the time abandoned this underground ammunition warehouse and rebuilt another secretly located in another more secretive place.

But even so, the defensive capacity of the new ammunition depot is not much higher than this abandoned one. There is no way to say that what the Soviet Union took out at the time was really nothing.

Cement is all special cement that can withstand blockbuster bombs, and the steel used is also armor steel that can withstand armor-piercing bullets.

Coupled with the ingenious design made by the Soviet Union's defense experience in World War II, the defense is really just now, even today, the defense capability alone is not outdated at all.

If it weren't for the Sino-Soviet exchanges in the 1960s, the Soviets would have a clear understanding of the exact location, engineering structure, various exits, and weaknesses of this underground ammunition depot. To be honest, the troops would never give up such a good thing.

However, it was such a strong fortress that made a leader of the engineering troop obsessed with it and was still outdated in terms of defense. It was so easily penetrated by a dz-1500 air-launched cruise missile that fell from the sky and was directly destroyed?

That is a top-level fortification that can withstand a small nuclear bomb attack of less than 100,000 tons. How can it be destroyed by a conventional air-launched cruise missile without leaving any residue?

Yes, there is really no scum left.

Because the moment the gunpowder dissipated, the lens of the picture moved forward quickly, and soon came to the center of the explosion. Soon everyone at the scene saw a scene that was unforgettable for them, seeing the ground as if it had suffered a magnitude 10 earthquake. Generally, the whole collapsed, leaving only a large hole about 50 meters in diameter on the ground.

Seeing this scene, let alone the leader of the engineering unit, the head of the headquarters was stunned, but the next moment he turned to look at a leader of the Second Artillery Corps, pointed to the collapsed underground ammunition storehouse on the screen and asked. : "Can your fixed silos be blocked?"

"This one……"

The leader of the Second Artillery opened his mouth when he heard the words, but he did not say a word for a long time. The reason was simple, because he was not sure whether the fixed silo could be held.

It should be understood that the silo underneath does not have to be directly pierced in from the manhole cover, it is the same if it protrudes into the ground from the side.

It’s just that before the emergence of the ground penetrating bomb, the defense of the underground part is still sufficient. If you really encounter a nuclear attack, there is no way. Who makes the nuclear bomb a big killer that destroys the sky and the earth? It's time to fight to the death and throw the nuclear bomb on the opponent's head. Everyone is done with gg. There is no war damage ratio to calculate. Anyway, it is to destroy the earth, who is afraid of whom.

But special ammunition such as the dz-1500 air-launched cruise missile that specializes in striking underground solid targets is different.

They are conventional weapons in any way. They do not have the shackles of nuclear weapons that only beep and do not use hands. They really use whatever posture they want, and they will never beep when they can do it.

More importantly, conventional weapon strikes control the intensity of the war in conventional warfare. Even if you hit your underground silo, fixing the nuclear bomb depot is a routine operation.

If you can’t afford to use nuclear weapons, I’m sorry, you are naturally shorter in moral and legal terms. If you add the promise of “not to use nuclear weapons first,” it’s tantamount to putting yourself in complete passivity. .

And this is why, after the United States deployed the gu-28 ground penetrating bomb in Europe, the Russians abandoned the so-called principle of no first use of nuclear weapons and began to advocate the so-called preemptive nuclear weapons strategy.

On the face of it, it is aimed at the so-called extremism, but in fact it is because its conventional power cannot bear the powerful advantages of the Americans, and it has to make asymmetrical strains of last resort.

Otherwise, all Americans use stealth fighters and electronic warfare aircraft to secretly send a few ground penetration rounds to your missile silos, knocking out several long-range missile positions like hamsters.

You said it was a nuclear strike?

All Americans use conventional weapons.

You said it was a conventional war, but it was your strategic missiles.

If you want to use nuclear weapons, you are not bound by the first use of nuclear weapons; if you want to use conventional weapons, but there is nothing as good as the Americans, what can you do? I can only shake my old face, how shameless I came.

The problem is that Russia can be shameless, but it can’t do it at home. After all, the country’s primary task is to develop its economy~www.ltnovel.com~ to strengthen its overall national strength. To put it bluntly, it is to do business with the world to make small money, so a moderate nuclear Policies are beneficial to the country's long-term development.

However, a moderate policy does not mean that you have to accept it when implemented. If a conventional weapon can threaten the cornerstone-like underground fixed silos, even if the policy does not change, the corresponding equipment configuration, supporting facilities, and defense system must be made accordingly. If you change, you can’t put your muzzle on your head and pretend to be nonchalant, so that it’s either stupid or bad.

"Chief, I admit that we underestimate the power of new types of ammunition such as ground penetrating rounds." After a long silence, the leader of the Second Artillery Corps finally summoned the courage to say in a low voice: "But we are also confident to guarantee the Great Wall project. Defense capabilities."

"It's useless to guarantee!" The head of the headquarters didn't talk nonsense: "It's a mule or a horse that always has to run around."

After that, I looked at Zhuang Jianye: "Your missiles are 10 million, right?"

"Yes!" Zhuang Jianye nodded quickly.

"Give me four first to try the quality!" As soon as Zhuang Jianye's voice fell, the head of the headquarters took a word, turned and left. When Zhuang Jianye realized that the leaders of the other troops had already gone, Zhuang Jianye hurriedly stopped. The head of the headquarters at the back confidentially asked the secretary: "Did you say I had a big deal?"

The confidential secretary nodded sincerely: "It's definitely a big deal. I advise you to tell your home quickly. You may not be able to go back in the next month."


"Don't ah~~, sign this confidentiality agreement quickly, and follow me directly after signing." The confidential secretary was also resolute and took a document directly to Zhuang Jianye. Zhuang Jianye felt a little dizzy when he saw it. , The words "Great Wall Project" on the document really made him dizzy~~~~

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