Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1091: Global satellite navigation system

It's no wonder that the leaders will behave like this.

The joint off-area strike weapon is a low-cost, high-efficiency precision guided weapon proposed by the United States in 1994 after summing up the experience of the Gulf War.

It is based on conventional aerial bombs, a control rudder surface equipped with inertial guidance and gps global positioning system components, combined with a folded wide aspect ratio wing, to create a high-precision long-range throwing ammunition.

The basic type has a range of 63 kilometers; the improved type equipped with a rocket assist system has a range of 200 kilometers.

As for the principle of the application of this type of ammunition, it is nothing more than the application of the mechanism of a high-altitude unpowered glider to make a blockbuster with folded wings float towards the target.

However, it is not used for unpowered gliders. It uses manpower to control the steering surface and wing steering. The joint off-zone strike weapon is based on the established parameters of inertial navigation and the coordinate position of the global satellite positioning system to control the rudder surface in real time to revise the heading.

Because of this, the most valuable part of the entire set of joint off-area strike weapons is the inertial satellite guidance system integrated in the tail.

As for the bomb itself, even the rocket boost is not worth a lot of money, especially the rocket boost device, which looks tall, but in fact it is just a few fireworks-like grains on the body.

The more particular ones will control the activation time as needed. For example, if the flying height of the bomb is low, tap it and climb a bit, so that it can slide farther, but it is not permanently effective. It can only be activated three times at best.

Simple and rude. After throwing, it turns on the booster, releases it in one breath, and then spreads its wings to glide farther with the powerful inertia.

However, whether it is a one-time full stud or a staged release, this kind of technology can be said to be very mature, but it is just a little more advanced than the second kick.

Even the inertial satellite guidance components that account for 60% of the cost are not as expensive as imagined. Not to mention that inertial guidance is also a very mature product. It has been equipped with a large number of equipment, even the global satellite positioning system. It is also a bargain for Americans. After all, their GPS has already recovered the cost in the civilian field.

A large number of software, positioning devices, and transceiver components developed based on GPS have long formed a complete and mature industry chain. With a little integration, the US military can form a very effective guidance and positioning architecture.

Because of this, the combined external strike weapon is simply not too cheap for the US military. A common 500 kg combined external strike weapon costs only US$15,000.

Compared with cruise missiles that cost 1 million US dollars each, and tactical ballistic missiles that cost 3 million US dollars each, joint off-zone strike weapons are so cheap that they explode.

The problem is that this type of weapon can't help being cheap, and the accuracy is also excellent, or take the 500kg joint defense zone strike weapon as an example, the integrated circular probability accuracy does not exceed 12 meters.

It is necessary to know that the radiation radius of a 500 kg aerial bomb must be at least 20 meters or more. The accuracy of 12 meters means that as long as the 500 kg combined defense zone strike weapon comes over, the target's chance of survival is zero.

Because of this, the US military has a special liking for strike weapons outside the joint defense zone. Not only has it made great efforts to develop such conventional weapons, it is also actively developing special equipment.

For example, ground-penetrating bombs designed to strike strong hangars, bunkers and underground command bunkers.

In addition, the U.S. military has spared no effort to transfer this type of technology to its nuclear arsenal, and use the mature technology and accumulated experience of joint off-area strike weapons to upgrade the U.S. military’s large number of airborne B61 tactical nuclear weapons. The hit accuracy of type nuclear weapons has increased from 300 meters to an astonishing 10 meters.

This is why the Americans continue to pressure Russia and the other four constants in the new round of nuclear disarmament negotiations to jointly reduce the charge equivalent of tactical nuclear weapons.

The accuracy of the Americans' tactical nuclear weapons has improved, even if the charge equivalent is reduced by 50%, it will not affect the combat effectiveness, but will be more flexible.

Where can Russia and other countries have the perverted-level hit accuracy of the Americans, they can only maintain the charge equivalent and use their power to make up for the lack of accuracy.

The result was that the United States easily occupied the moral commanding heights, accusing Russia and other countries of disregarding world peace, selfishness, retaking the old path of the Soviet Union’s demise, and extinction from the people of the world.

No way, this is the military, political and even diplomatic manifestation of technological hegemony.

I really want to say a full-screen mouth, and other people have to refute. I'm sorry, do you have the technology for joint strike weapons outside the zone?

Yes, no, not in a country.

Regardless of the low cost of strike weapons outside the joint defense zone, all technologies are mature, but there is a prerequisite, that is, an independent global satellite navigation system must be available.

Based on this, he can arrogantly announce that his tactical nuclear weapons equivalent has been cut in half, and then blatantly point at others for military violence, regardless of world peace.

However, apart from the fact that the GPS in the United States is fully practical, there is one in other countries, which is all blank in this regard.

Of course, Russia has its own satellite navigation system. The problem is that Russia’s economic situation is really terrible. Reluctantly maintaining the navigation system left over from the Soviet era has allowed Russia to use its milky strength and enable its own strategic rocket. It is a miracle that the military maintains basic accuracy. How can there be energy to consider other things?

Because of this, all countries in the world know that the joint defense zone strike weapon is a good thing, but only the United States can really get it.

Since it is an exclusive business, it is a de facto monopoly. Since it is a monopoly, the price cannot be estimated.

The US military uses 15,000 U.S. dollars each, and the sales to foreign countries have to be increased by 10 times. Not long ago, the French Air Force ordered a batch of 500 kilograms of joint defense strike weapons at a unit price of 200,000 U.S. dollars.

There is a discount for the son of Israel, but it is also sold for 140,000 US dollars.

But even so, there are still many countries rushing for this type of weapon, including domestic ones. The question is how much money is spent in the country, and the Americans will not sell you.

I thought that this thing would not be seen in China for ten years, but I didn’t expect to see it in the hangar of the new second branch of Ascendas Group~www.ltnovel.com~ on the pylon of the improved fbc-1a fighter-bomber. Arrived the domestically produced 500 kg combined strike weapon outside the zone.

How are the leaders who have been greedy for similar weapons in the United States not excited?

But precisely because of this, the doubts in their hearts are even more intense, because the core of this type of weapon is the satellite positioning system. There is still a blank in this regard in China. How did the Ascendas Group solve it?

"We use the Russian GLONASS satellite positioning system. The theoretical accuracy can reach 3 meters, but after our actual tests, it can only be maintained at about 15 meters, and it is unstable. Fortunately, our inertial navigation system is excellent enough. In order to control the accuracy of the gsn-500max precision guided bomb at 22 meters."

Without waiting for the heads to ask questions, Zhuang Jianye had already revealed the satellite positioning, and immediately looked at the head of the headquarters, and said a request that shocked everyone present: "The head, I personally think we should develop our own global satellite. For navigation systems, people know that if you want to get rich, you need to build roads. Roads are infrastructure. Global satellite navigation systems are also the infrastructure of outer space. Roads can make people rich. Global satellite navigation systems can also make our country rich and strong. , The chief ~~~~"

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